Atomic Energy Sample Clauses

Atomic Energy. (1) No claim for pecuniary award of compensation under the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, shall be asserted with respect to any invention or discovery made or conceived in the course of or under this agreement. (2) Except as otherwise authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer, the Recipient will obtain patent agreements to effectuate the provisions of subparagraph (h) (1) of this clause from all persons who perform any part of the work under this agreement, except nontechnical personnel, such as clerical employees and manual laborers.
Atomic EnergyNo claim for pecuniary award or compensation under the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, shall be asserted by the Contractor or its employees with respect to any invention or discovery made or conceived in the course of or under this contract.
Atomic Energy. TIAS Number Agreement Title TIAS Number Agreement Title
Atomic EnergyAgreement for cooperation concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy, with annexes and agreed minute. Signed at Washington July 23, 1985; entered into force December 30, 1985. TIAS 12027. Agreement on cooperation concerning peaceful uses of nuclear technologies, with annex. Signed at Beijing June 29, 1998; entered into force June 29, 1998. TIAS Protocol on cooperation in nuclear safety mat- ters. Signed at Beijing April 23, 2004; entered into force April 23, 2004.
Atomic Energy. Sector: Atomic Energy Obligations concerned: National Treatment (Article 5) Description: Hong Kong investors shall not invest in the exploitation, smelting, purification, conversion or isotope separation of radioactive mineral resources or the production and processing of nuclear fuels.
Atomic EnergyThe total original cost of the 4 projects in the Atomic energy sector stood at ` 40,442 crore and the anticipated completion cost at ` 46,726 crore, indicating a cost overrun of 15.54%. The expenditure incurred on these projects till March, 2014 is ` 17,198 crore, which is 42.5% of the original cost. These projects belonged to the XXXXXXX Limited and Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, details of which are as under:- S. No. Project/Location Capacity Date of approval Date of commissioning – Original / (Anticipated) Cost (` in crore) Original / (Anticipated) Physical Progress (%) 1 Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor, MWe 9/2003 9/2010 3492.00 97.00 Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu 500 (03/2015) (5677.00)
Atomic Energy 

Related to Atomic Energy

  • Energy Cooperation shall focus on: (a) renewable energy; (b) promoting the saving of energy; (c) applied research relating to networks of databases linking the two Parties' economic and social operators; (d) backing efforts to modernise and develop energy networks and the interconnection of such networks with Community networks.

  • Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee The Employer and the Union recognize the role of the joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee in promoting a safe and healthful workplace. The parties agree that a Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee shall be established for each Employer covered by this Collective Agreement. The Committee shall govern itself in accordance with the provisions of the Industrial Health and Safety Regulations made pursuant to the Workers’ Compensation Act. The Committee shall be as between the Employer and the Union, with equal representation, and with each party appointing its own representatives. Representatives of the Union shall be chosen by the Union membership or appointed by the Union. All minutes of the meetings of the Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee will be recorded in a mutually agreeable format and will be sent to the Union. The Union further agrees to actively pursue with the other Health Care Unions a Joint Union Committee for the purposes of this Article. The Employer agrees to provide or cause to be provided to Employer members of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee adequate training and orientation to the duties and responsibilities of committee members to allow the incumbents to fulfil those duties competently. The Union agrees to provide or cause to be provided to Union members of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee adequate training and orientation to the duties and responsibilities of committee members to allow the incumbents to fulfil those duties competently. Such training and orientation shall take place within six (6) months of taking office.

  • Cultural Resources If a cultural resource is discovered, the Purchaser shall immediately suspend all operations in the vicinity of the cultural resource and notify the Forest Officer. Operations may only resume if authorized by the Forest Officer. Cultural resources identified and protected elsewhere in this contract are exempted from this clause. Cultural resources, once discovered or identified, are not to be disturbed by the Purchaser, or his, her or its employees and/or sub- contractors.

  • Pollution Control The Employer and the Union agree to limit all forms of environmental pollution.

  • California Independent System Operator Corporation a California nonprofit public benefit corporation having a principal executive office located at such place in the State of California as the ISO Governing Board may from time to time designate, initially 000 Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx 00000 (the “ISO”). The ISO Metered Entity and the ISO are hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”.

  • National Environmental Policy Act All subrecipients must comply with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq., and the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations (40 C.F.R. Parts 1500-1508) for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA, which requires Subrecipients to use all practicable means within their authority, and consistent with other essential considerations of national policy, to create and maintain conditions under which people and nature can exist in productive harmony and fulfill the social, economic, and other needs of present and future generations of Americans.

  • Occupational Health and Safety Committee ‌ (a) The parties agree that a joint occupational health and safety committee will be established. The Committee shall govern itself in accordance with the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations made pursuant to the Workers Compensation Act. The Committee shall be between the Employer and the Union, with equal representation, and with each party appointing its own representatives. The Union agrees to actively pursue with the other Health Care unions, where more than one union is certified with the Employer, a joint union/employer committee for the purposes of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. (b) Employees who are members of the Committee shall be granted leave without loss of pay or receive straight-time regular wages while attending meetings of the Joint Committee. Employees who are members of the Committee shall be granted leave without loss of pay or receive straight-time regular wages to participate in joint workplace inspections and joint accident investigations at the request of the Committee pursuant to the WCB Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. Committee meetings, workplace inspections and accident investigations shall be scheduled during normal working hours whenever practicable. (c) The Occupational Health and Safety Committee shall have as part of its mandate the jurisdiction to receive complaints or concerns regarding workload problems which are safety-related, the right to investigate such complaints, the right to define the problem and the right to make recommendations for a solution. Where the Committee determines that a safety-related workload problem exists, it shall inform the Employer. Within 21 days thereafter, the Employer shall advise the Committee what steps it has taken or proposes to take to rectify the safety-related workload problem identified by the Committee. If the Union is not satisfied with the Employer's response, it may refer the matter to the Industry Trouble shooter for a written recommendation. (d) No employee shall be disciplined for refusal to work when excused by the provisions of the

  • Waste Management o Participate in recycling using the Harvard Recycles receptacles provided. Recyclable materials include paper, cardboard, glass bottles, cans, plastics 1-7, as well as fluorescent light bulbs, batteries, chemicals, cartridges and electronics. o Designate a space for employees to leave surplus or shared office supplies to reduce redundant purchases. o Arrange for surplus furniture and other large office items to be delivered to Harvard’s Recycling and Surplus Center for reuse. Occupant Education and Engagement o Install or enable software that powers down computers when not in use, and ensure that all computer monitors have a “sleep mode” enabled. o Ensure that every employee has a power strip and turns the strip with an “off” switch for electronic devices. o Encourage staff to use task lighting that accommodates fluorescent bulbs, rather than halogen lamps. o Provide mugs or encourage staff to bring their own reusable mugs, plates, and utensils for the kitchen area. Keep the kitchen area stocked with dish cleaning supplies if a dishwasher is not available. o Start a physical or electronic bulletin board for “green tips”, news, and ideas. o Ask the Property Manager for training to properly operate controls, including shades, lights, thermostats, etc. o Advise employees to dress appropriately for the weather as building temperatures will be set at the lowest or highest end of the ASHRAE standard range depending on the outside temperature.

  • Reactive Power and Primary Frequency Response 9.6.1 Power Factor Design Criteria

  • Health and Safety Committee Where required a committee will be formed and will meet where required by the Employer’s safety policies and by statute.