Surgery Services This plan covers surgery services to treat a disease or injury when: • the operation is not experimental or investigational, or cosmetic in nature; • the operation is being performed at the appropriate place of service; and • the physician is licensed to perform the surgery. This plan covers reconstructive surgery and procedures when the services are performed to relieve pain, or to correct or improve bodily function that is impaired as a result of: • a birth defect; • an accidental injury; • a disease; or • a previous covered surgical procedure. Functional indications for surgical correction do not include psychological, psychiatric or emotional reasons. This plan covers the procedures listed below to treat functional impairments. • abdominal wall surgery including panniculectomy (other than an abdominoplasty); • blepharoplasty and ptosis repair; • gastric bypass or gastric banding; • nasal reconstruction and septorhinoplasty; • orthognathic surgery including mandibular and maxillary osteotomy; • reduction mammoplasty; • removal of breast implants; • removal or treatment of proliferative vascular lesions and hemangiomas; • treatment of varicose veins; or • gynecomastia.
Education services 1.1 Catholic education is intrinsic to the mission of the Church. It is one means by which the Church fulfils its role in assisting people to discover and embrace the fullness of life in Xxxxxx. Catholic schools offer a broad, comprehensive curriculum imbued with an authentic Catholic understanding of Xxxxxx and his teaching, as well as a lived appreciation of membership of the Catholic Church. Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS) governs the operation of MACS schools and owns, governs and operates the School. 1.2 Parents and guardians, as the first educators of their children, enter into a partnership with the Catholic school to promote and support their child’s education. Parents and guardians must assume a responsibility for maintaining this partnership by supporting the school in the provision of education to their children within the scope of School's registration and furthering the spiritual and academic life of their children.
Educational Services Any service or supply for education, training or retraining services or testing including: special education, remedial education; cognitive remediation; wilderness/outdoor treatment, therapy or adventure programs (whether or not the program is part of a Residential Treatment facility or otherwise licensed institution); job training or job hardening programs; educational services and schooling or any such related or similar program including therapeutic programs within a school setting.
Dining Services The Contract is for a space in a University Housing & Dining Services (“UHDS”) facility and not for a particular room or type of housing. By signing this Contract, you agree to accept your residence assignment, and understand this assignment may change. Once you receive a key to your assigned residence or move personal belongings into your room (whichever comes first) you are considered to have taken occupancy (“Occupancy”) and will incur charges. You also agree to familiarize yourself and comply with all University policies governing occupancy, including those set forth in this Contract and in the UHDS publication Student Policy and Information Guide, to be considerate of other residents and to respect the rights of others at all times. The Student Policy and Information Guide may be found at: xxxx://xxxx.xxxx/policy-guide, as well as in paper form when requested at the University Housing & Dining Services Administrative Offices.
Other Directory Services 73.10.1 Both parties acknowledge that CenturyLink’s directory publisher is not a party to this Agreement and that the provisions contained in this Agreement are not binding upon CenturyLink’s directory publisher. 73.10.2 CenturyLink agrees to include critical contact information pertaining to CLEC in the “Information Pages” of those of its White Pages directories containing information pages, if CLEC meets criteria established by its directory publisher. Critical contact information includes CLEC’s business office number, repair number, billing information number, and any other information required to comply with applicable regulations, but not advertising or purely promotional material. CLEC will not be charged for inclusion of its critical contact information. The format, content and appearance of CLEC’s critical contact information must conform to applicable directory publisher’s guidelines and will be consistent with the format, content and appearance of critical contact information pertaining to all CLECs in a directory. 73.10.3 The directory publisher shall maintain full authority as publisher over its publishing policies, standards and practices, including decisions regarding directory coverage area, directory issue period, compilation, headings, covers, design, content or format of directories, and directory advertising sales.
Hosting Services NCR Voyix shall furnish facilities, equipment, computer programs and services, as specified from time to time by NCR Voyix, that NCR Voyix deems necessary for operation and maintenance of the System (collectively, the “Hosting Services”).
Mastectomy Services Inpatient
Hospice Services Services are available for a Member whose Attending Physician has determined the Member's illness will result in a remaining life span of six months or less.
Pharmacy Services The Contractor shall establish a network of pharmacies. The Contractor or its PBM must provide at least two (2) pharmacy providers within thirty (30) miles or thirty (30) minutes from a member’s residence in each county, as well as at least two (2) durable medical equipment providers in each county or contiguous county.
Training Services Training Services may include pre-packaged training Products, and/or the development or customization of training programs as requested, including Live Training, Computer Based/Multi-Media Training which encompasses Internet-Delivered Training, and/or Video Based Training.