Balıkesir Sample Clauses

Balıkesir. This part focuses on the People’s House of the town of Balıkesir. The first principal objective is to study the constituency of the House in the local society, or, more specifically, to determine the House’s manpower, its members and executive. A second corollary aim is to place this constituency into the local society. The rationale behind this positioning of the Halkevi men and women into the locality is to appreciate the environment, or context, within which the Halkevi was operating. This act of contextualization entails at first the study of the local population, based on the population census of 1935. The primary organization in charge of the Halkevi, the local Party, its members, staff and leadership forms the second focus of this chapter. Next to the Party, other local institutions and their personnel will be examined, to the extent our sources allow for such an investigation. Thirdly, the Halkevi’s membership statistics available and the managing team of the House are to be examined in terms of their gender, educational background, occupation and their relations to the local society.231 All the above date then is collectively examined in an attempt to uncover the position of the House’s personnel in the society and populace of Balıkesir; the segments of the local society the Halkevi draws its manpower from; the control and influence of the local Party structures upon the Halkevi; in short, the position the House occupied in the local society. Finally, the conclusions of this part are compared to the findings of the part about the Halkevi of Kayseri. The similarities and differences between the comparable data for both cities (their population, Party and other social and political structures and People’s Houses) are examined. An attempt is made to account for the similarities and differences between the two cases and offer some primary suggestions about the factors that can be constitutive of them and, thus, might have general interpretative value for People’s Houses elsewhere and for the dynamics of the social change they were meant to initiate and advance. Balıkesir society: population, Party, Associations Population According to the 1935 general census232 the city of Balıkesir had a population of 26.699. Once again, as in the case of Kayseri, the majority of the female population (91.8%) is registered as “without profession, profession unknown or uncertain”. A rather large part of the male population (41.4%) as well falls into the same category....
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  • Millwright Xxxxx be to assist and work under the direction and instructions I or A. He will work alone at times performing assignments in keeping with his training. During the course of his year, training must become proficient in good practices in the areas of fitting, aligning, lubricating and the operation of all shop tools and machines. In addition to the foregoing, he will be exposed to and the process of learning techniques required in trouble shooting key production machinery, pipe fitting, basic welding and machining but not be expected to display a high degree of proficiency in these areas at this point. Millwright Must be capable of performing the tasks of fittings, aligning, lubricating an able to operate all shop tools and machines. Must under direction become proficient in basic welding and pipe fitting as well as dismantling and reassembly of plant equipment. Under direction,will continueto develop skills in trouble shooting all plant equipment and improve his skills at machining part and be exposed to basic principles of hydraulics and pneumatic. He may work alone frequently, but occasionally will require direction and instructions form Millwright I or A. Millwright 11: be capable, without direction of fitting, aligning and lubrication and taking apart and reassembling plant equipment. In addition, is expected to be able to weld, operate shop tools and do pipe fitting as required. Must under direction, become proficient at effective methods of trouble shooting and repairing hydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical faults in plant machinery. I: Must be capable without direction of performing all practices under Xxxxxxxxxx Must under directionbecomeproficient at reading and understanding blueprints, all phases of installing new equipment, laying out hydraulic and mechanical drives and meet speed and power requirements correctly. Xxxxxxxxxx "A": Must he capable without direction, of performing all under Xxxxxxxxxx X, and Must take full responsibility for work done by himself or his assistant. Must he in possession of a Millwright Certificate or a Machinist Certificate or Welder Certificate. Millwrightspresently employed in this classification will not be required to have a Certificate.

  • Kesimpulan Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA) merupakan bentuk kerjasama ekonomi bilateral antara Indonesia xxx Jepang yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kegiatan impor, ekspor xxx investasi di kedua negara. Kerangka perjanjian ini meliputi liberalisasi perdagangan, investasi, perlindungan hak kekayaan intelektual, transparansi, anti-persaingan, memperdalam kerja xxxx, xxx menetapkan prosedur untuk menegakkan perjanjian. Perjanjian ini terjalin dilandasi oleh kepentingan nasional masing-masing negara. Adapun kepentingan nasional Indonesia dalam perjanjian ini xxxxxx xxxx mengoptimalkan kerjasama antara Indonesia-Jepang, mendapat kepastian akses pasar di Jepang yang lebih luas berkat penurunan tarif, meningkatkan arus barang xxx xxxx, mendapatkan transfer teknologi, sebagai sektor penggerak, program kesejahteraan, xxx juga menjadi pusat pengembangan manufaktur. General Review semestinya diadakan lima tahun setelah dilaksanakannya perjanjian. namun Jepang menunda pelaksanaan kegiatan ini sampai diubahnya Peraturan Menteri Keuangan yang diklaim tidak sesuai dengan IJEPA. Padahal sebelumnya Indonesia sudah menawarkan Jepang agar memberi usulan terkait peraturan ini sebelum diterbitkan. Indonesia masih mengejar kepentingannya untuk memenuhi perundingan ulang terkait tarif bea masuk xxx tarif impor yang belum terlaksana secara efektif. Selain berkenaan tentang kepentingan nasional, Indonesia sebenarnya juga tidak menetapkan tujuan yang jelas yang akan dicapai dalam kerjasama ekonomi ini. Diplomasi ekonomi yang diupayakan indonesia dalam kerjasama ekonomi bilateral ini didasari oleh beberapa faktor seperti latar belakang sejarah, hubungan perdagangan xxxx xxxxxx menguntungkan, xxx juga kemajuan perekonomian Jepang. Indonesia juga bergantung kepada situasi ekonomi Jepang karena kegiatan impor,ekspor, xxx investasi yang berlangsung memberi dampak terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia dilihat dari nilai perdagangan yang terus mengalami tren kenaikan. Meskipun menguntungkan,Indonesia harus terus bersikap tegas dalam melaksanakan perjanjian ini xxxxxx xxxxx banyak kepentingan nasional dari kerjasama bilateral ini yang belum sepenuhnya tercapai. Melalui analisis komprehensif terhadap kendala yang tidak kondusif bagi Indonesia dalam tinjauan umum IJEPA. Indonesia akan melanjutkan upayanya untuk mewujudkan kepentingan nasionalnya melalui kerja sama ini. Kerja sama ini diharapkan dapat terus meningkatkan hubungan baik perekonomian antara Indonesia-Jepang. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Anggraeni, N. A. (2020). DIPLOMASI EKONOMI JEPANG DALAM UPAYA PERPINDAHAN LIMBAH B3 MELALUI INDONESIA-JAPAN ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT (IJEPA). Jurnal PIR: Power in International Relations, 3(2), 156-172. Ardiyanti, S. T. (2015). Dampak Perjanjian Perdagangan Indonesia - Jepang (Ijepa) Terhadap Kinerja Perdagangan Bilateral. Buletin Ilmiah Litbang Perdagangan, 9(2), 129–151. xxxxx:// 5 Arifin Rivai, A. N. (2017). Posisi Indonesia di Tengah Fenomena Korporasi Global (Studi Kasus: Relasi Dagang Indonesia – Toyota Pasca Kesepakatan IJEPA). Indonesian Perspective, 2(2), 105. xxxxx:// 474 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx. (2019). Faktor Penghambat Peningkatan Investasi Jepang di Indonesia dalam Kerangka Kerja IJEPA 208-2018. Universitas Katolik Parahyangan. Gocklas C.S, L., & Sulasmiyati, S. (2017). Analisis Pengaruh Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA) Terhadap Nilai Perdagangan Indonesia-Jepang (Studi Pada Badan Pusat Statistik 2000-2016). Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB)|Vol, 50(5), 191–200. xxxxx:// lications/188892-ID-analisis- pengaruh-indonesia-japan- econom.pdf Hadi, S. (2014). Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement: an Indonesian Perspective. East Asian Policy, 06(03), 114–128. xxxxx:// 14000312 Harahap, I. K., & Xxxxxx, A. M. (2015). DAMPAK PENERAPAN INDONESIA-JAPAN ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT TERHADAP EKSPOR INDONESIA KE JEPANG. Media Ekonomi, 23(1), 27. xxxxx:// 0000 Xxxxxx, X. S. (2016). KEGAGALAN INDONESIA DALAM IMPLEMENTASI INDONESIAN JAPAN ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT (IJEPA). Jurnal Lyceum, 4(1), 430–439. Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia. (2015). Analisis Review Indonesia Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA) dalam Perdagangan Barang. xxxxx://

  • Vynálezy Stávající vynálezy a technologie Zadavatele nebo Zdravotnického zařízení zakládají jejich samostatné vlastnictví a Smlouva na ně nemá žádný vliv. Kompletní práva, nároky a podíly ohledně veškerých vynálezů, know-how, autorských práv nebo jiných práv duševního vlastnictví, které vzniknou, budou vyvinuty nebo použity v praxi (včetně veškerých zlepšení nebo úprav), které i) používají, využívají nebo zahrnují Hodnocené léky; ii) jsou zahrnuty nebo předvídány v Protokolu; nebo iii) používají, využívají nebo zahrnují Důvěrné informace, zakládají výlučné vlastnictví Zadavatele (společně xxxx xxx „Vynálezy Zadavatele“). Zdravotnické zařízení je povinno bezodkladně písemně informovat PRA a/nebo Zadavatele o každém takovém Vynálezu Zadavatele, a tímto převádí (a zajistí, aby všichni členové studijního týmu převedli) na Zadavatele veškerá práva, nároky a podíly týkající se každého jednotlivého Vynálezu Zadavatele. Zdravotnické zařízení se zavazuje poskytnout Zadavateli na jeho náklady přiměřenou pomoc, xxx xxxx Zadavatel smluvně zajistit a vykonávat svá práva na takové Vynálezy Zadavatele. Zdravotnické zařízení má výlučný vlastnický titul ke všem vynálezům nebo objevům, které vzniknou nebo budou použity v praxi výhradně zásluhou Zdravotnického zařízení, a které nenáleží Zadavateli. 9.

  • Berlin The Registrant further undertakes not to register domain names, which create the erroneous impression that these are domain names, content or services by public bodies or their affiliated organizations, so-­‐called plagiarizing authority domain names. The registrant agrees not to register domain names that violate ethical or criminal law principles (illegal, violent, racist, ethnically offensive, harmful to minors, indecent, offensive or domain names that violate morality and public order) or may hurt the reputation of the City of BERLIN. In addition, domain names are not permitted that use the words or parts of words that could generally perceived as offensive. These include insulting, abusive or agitational words or words or word elements, which could violate the ethical, religious or moral sensibilities of Internet users. Content and Use To meet the requirements of ICANN to a community-­‐based designation of the application, the registrant must satisfy the following criteria for the content and the use of .BERLIN domain names:

  • Sincerely, s/ Xxxx Xxxxx ---------------------------------------- Xxxx Xxxxx Senior Vice President ING Investors Trust ING Mutual Funds ING Variable Insurance Trust ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO: The Bank of New York By: /s/ Xxxxxx X. XxXxxx --------------------------------- Name: Xxxxxx X. XxXxxx Title: Managing Director, Duly Authorized 0000 X. Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xx. Tel: 000-000-0000 ING Investors Trust Scottsdale, AZ 00000-0000 Fax: 000-000-0000 ING Mutual Funds ING Variable Insurance Trust AMENDED EXHIBIT A FUND EFFECTIVE DATE ---- ------------------ ING CORPORATE LEADERS TRUST FUND ING Corporate Leaders Trust - Series A May 17, 2004 ING Corporate Leaders Trust - Series B May 17, 2004 ING EQUITY TRUST ING Convertible Fund June 9, 2003 ING Disciplined LargeCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING Financial Services Fund June 9, 2003 ING Fundamental Research Fund December 28, 2005 ING LargeCap Growth Fund June 9, 2003 ING LargeCap Value Fund February 1, 2004 ING MidCap Opportunities Fund June 9, 2003 ING MidCap Value Choice Fund February 1, 2005 ING MidCap Value Fund June 9, 2003 ING Opportunistic LargeCap Fund December 28, 2005 ING Principal Protection Fund June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund II June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund III June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund IV June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund V June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund VI June 2, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund VII May 1, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund VIII October 1, 2003 ING Principal Protection Fund IX February 2, 2004 ING Principal Protection Fund X May 3, 2004 ING Principal Protection Fund XI August 16, 2004 ING Principal Protection Fund XII November 15, 2004 ING Principal Protection Fund XIII TBD ING Principal Protection Fund XIV TBD ING Real Estate Fund June 9, 2003 ING SmallCap Opportunities Fund June 9, 2003 ING SmallCap Value Choice Fund February 1, 2005 ING SmallCap Value Fund June 9, 2003 ING FUNDS TRUST ING Classic Money Market Fund April 7, 2003 ING GNMA Income Fund April 7, 2003 ING High Yield Bond Fund April 7, 2003 ING Institutional Prime Money Market Fund July 29, 2005 ING Intermediate Bond Fund April 7, 2003 ING National Tax-Exempt Bond Fund April 7, 2003 ING GET FUND ING GET Fund - Series N July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series P July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series Q July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series R July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series S July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series T July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series U July 14, 2003 ING GET Fund - Series V March 13, 2003 ING GLOBAL EQUITY DIVIDEND AND PREMIUM OPPORTUNITY FUND March 28, 2005 ING GLOBAL ADVANTAGE AND PREMIUM OPPORTUNITY FUND October 27, 2005 ING INVESTMENT FUNDS, INC. ING MagnaCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING INVESTORS TRUST ING AllianceBernstein Mid Cap Growth Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING American Funds Growth Portfolio September 2, 2003 ING American Funds Growth-Income Portfolio September 2, 2003 ING American Funds International Portfolio September 2, 2003 ING Capital Guardian Small/Mid Cap Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Capital Guardian U.S. Equities Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Disciplined Small Cap Value Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Eagle Asset Capital Appreciation Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING EquitiesPlus Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Evergreen Health Sciences Portfolio May 3, 2004 ING Evergreen Omega Portfolio May 3, 2004 ING FMR(SM) Diversified Mid Cap Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING FMR(SM) Earnings Growth Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING FMR(SM) Equity Income Portfolio July 17, 2006 ING Franklin Income Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Global Real Estate Portfolio January 3, 2006 ING Global Resources Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Tollkeeper(SM) Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING International Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Janus Contrarian Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING JPMorgan Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING JPMorgan Small Cap Equity Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING JPMorgan Value Opportunities Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Xxxxxx Xxxx Foreign Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxxx Xxxxx Partners All Cap Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Xxxx Xxxxx Value Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING LifeStyle Aggressive Growth Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING LifeStyle Growth Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING LifeStyle Moderate Growth Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING LifeStyle Moderate Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING Limited Maturity Bond Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Liquid Assets Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Lord Xxxxxx Affiliated Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING MarketPro Portfolio August 1, 2005 ING MarketStyle Growth Portfolio August 1, 2005 ING MarketStyle Moderate Growth Portfolio August 1, 2005 ING MarketStyle Moderate Portfolio August 1, 2005 ING Xxxxxxx Growth Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxxxxxx International Opportunities Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Mercury Large Cap Growth Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Mercury Large Cap Value Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING MFS Mid Cap Growth Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING MFS Total Return Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING MFS Utilities Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxxxx Main Street Portfolio(R) January 13, 2003 ING PIMCO Core Bond Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING PIMCO High Yield Portfolio November 5, 2003 ING Pioneer Equity Income Portfolio July 17, 2006 ING Pioneer Fund Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Pioneer Mid Cap Value Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Stock Index Portfolio November 5, 2003 ING X. Xxxx Price Capital Appreciation Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING X. Xxxx Price Equity Income Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxxxxxxxx Global Growth Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING UBS U.S. Allocation Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Equity Growth Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Global Franchise Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Growth and Income Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Real Estate Portfolio January 13, 2003 ING VP Index Plus International Equity Portfolio July 29, 2005 ING Xxxxx Fargo Mid Cap Disciplined Portfolio January 6, 2003 ING Xxxxx Fargo Small Cap Disciplined Portfolio November 30, 2005 ING MAYFLOWER TRUST ING International Value Fund November 3, 2003 ING MUTUAL FUNDS ING Diversified International Fund December 7, 2005 ING Emerging Countries Fund November 3, 2003 ING Emerging Markets Fixed Income Fund December 7, 2005 ING Foreign Fund July 1, 2003 ING Global Bond Fund June 19, 2006 ING Global Equity Dividend Fund September 2, 2003 ING Global Real Estate Fund November 3, 2003 ING Global Value Choice Fund November 3, 2003 ING Greater China Fund December 7, 2005 ING Index Plus International Equity Fund December 7, 2005 ING International Capital Appreciation Fund December 7, 2005 ING International Fund November 3, 2003 ING International Real Estate Fund February 28, 2006 ING International SmallCap Fund November 3, 2003 ING International Value Choice Fund February 1, 2005 ING Precious Metals Fund November 3, 2003 ING Russia Fund November 3, 2003 ING PARTNERS, INC. ING American Century Large Company Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING American Century Select Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING American Century Small-Mid Cap Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Baron Asset Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING Baron Small Cap Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Columbia Small Cap Value II Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Xxxxx Venture Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Fidelity(R) VIP Contrafund(R) Portfolio November 15, 2004 ING Fidelity(R) VIP Equity-Income Portfolio November 15, 2004 ING Fidelity(R) VIP Growth Portfolio November 15, 2004 ING Fidelity(R) VIP Mid Cap Portfolio November 15, 2004 ING Fundamental Research Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxx Xxxxx(R) Capital Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxx Xxxxx(R) Structured Equity Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING JPMorgan International Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING JPMorgan Mid Cap Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxx Xxxxx Partners Aggressive Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxx Xxxxx Partners Large Cap Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Lord Xxxxxx U.S. Government Securities Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING MFS Capital Opportunities Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Partners Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Regency Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING OpCap Balanced Value Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxxxx Global Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxxxx Strategic Income Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING PIMCO Total Return Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Pioneer High Yield Portfolio December 7, 2005 ING Solution 2015 Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Solution 2025 Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Solution 2035 Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Solution 2045 Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING Solution Income Portfolio April 29, 2005 ING X. Xxxx Price Diversified Mid Cap Growth Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING X. Xxxx Price Growth Equity Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxxxxxxxx Foreign Equity Portfolio November 30, 2005 ING UBS U.S. Large Cap Equity Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING UBS U.S. Small Cap Growth Portfolio April 28, 2006 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING Xxx Xxxxxx Equity and Income Portfolio January 10, 2005 ING SERIES FUND, INC. Brokerage Cash Reserves June 2, 2003 ING 130/30 Fundamental Research Fund April 28, 2006 ING Aeltus Money Market Fund June 2, 2003 ING Balanced Fund June 2, 2003 ING Equity Income Fund June 9, 2003 ING Global Science and Technology Fund June 2, 2003 ING Growth Fund June 9, 2003 ING Index Plus LargeCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING Index Plus MidCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING Index Plus SmallCap Fund June 9, 2003 ING International Growth Fund November 3, 2003 ING Small Company Fund June 9, 2003 ING Strategic Allocation Conservative Fund June 2, 2003 ING Strategic Allocation Growth Fund June 2, 2003 ING Strategic Allocation Moderate Fund June 2, 2003 ING STRATEGIC ALLOCATION PORTFOLIOS, INC. ING VP Strategic Allocation Conservative Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Strategic Allocation Growth Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Strategic Allocation Moderate Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VARIABLE FUNDS ING VP Growth and Income Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VARIABLE INSURANCE TRUST ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 1 June 13, 2003 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 2 September 12, 2003 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 3 December 12, 2003 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 4 March 12, 2004 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 5 June 11, 2004 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 6 September 10, 2004 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 7 December 10, 2004 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 8 March 9, 2005 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 9 June 8, 2005 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 10 September 7, 2005 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 11 December 6, 2005 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 12 March 2, 2006 ING GET U.S. Core Portfolio - Series 13 June 22, 2006 ING VP Global Equity Dividend Portfolio November 3, 2003 ING VARIABLE PORTFOLIOS, INC. ING VP Global Science and Technology Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Growth Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Index Plus LargeCap Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Index Plus MidCap Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Index Plus SmallCap Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP International Equity Portfolio November 3, 2003 ING VP Small Company Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VP Value Opportunity Portfolio July 7, 2003 ING VARIABLE PRODUCTS TRUST ING VP Financial Services Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING VP High Yield Bond Portfolio October 6, 2003 ING VP International Value Portfolio November 3, 2003 ING VP LargeCap Growth Portfolio October 6, 2003 ING XX XxxXxx Opportunities Portfolio October 6, 2003 ING VP Real Estate Portfolio May 1, 2004 ING VP SmallCap Opportunities Portfolio October 6, 2003 ING VP BALANCED PORTFOLIO, INC. July 7, 2003 ING VP INTERMEDIATE BOND PORTFOLIO July 7, 2003 ING VP MONEY MARKET PORTFOLIO July 7, 2003 ING VP NATURAL RESOURCES TRUST October 6, 2003

  • meminta nasihat daripada Pihak Xxxxxx dalam semua perkara berkenaan dengan jualan lelongan, termasuk Syarat-syarat Jualan (iii) membuat carian Hakmilik Xxxxx xxxxxx rasmi di Pejabat Tanah xxx/atau xxxx-xxxx Pihak-pihak Berkuasa yang berkenaan xxx (iv) membuat pertanyaan dengan Pihak Berkuasa yang berkenaan samada jualan ini terbuka kepada semua bangsa atau kaum Bumiputra Warganegara Malaysia sahaja atau melayu sahaja xxx juga mengenai persetujuan untuk jualan ini sebelum jualan lelong.Penawar yang berjaya (“Pembeli”) dikehendaki dengan segera memohon xxx mendapatkan kebenaran pindahmilik (jika ada) daripada Pihak Pemaju xxx/atau Pihak Tuanpunya xxx/atau Pihak Berkuasa Negeri atau badan-badan berkenaan (v) memeriksa xxx memastikan samada jualan ini dikenakan cukai. BUTIR-BUTIR HARTANAH : HAKMILIK : Hakmilik strata bagi hartanah ini masih belum dikeluarkan oleh pihak berkuasa. NO. HAKMILIK INDUK / NO. LOT : Geran 203771, Lot 106 Seksyen 3 PEKAN/DAERAH/NEGERI : Pekan Batu Tiga / Petaling / Selangor Darul Ehsan PEGANGAN : Selama-lamanya KELUASAN LANTAI : 93.65 meter persegi (1,008 kaki persegi) PEMAJU : Shanghai Realty (M) Sdn Bhd (350799-U) XXXXXXXX XXX : Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Bin Xxxxxx BEBANAN : Diserahhak kepada RHB Islamic Bank Berhad (200501003283/680329-V) LOKASI XXX PERIHAL HARTANAH Hartanah tersebut terletak di Pangsapuri Indahria, Xx. 0, Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxx-Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 00, 00000 Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx. Hartanah tersebut adalah sebuah unit pangsapuri dikenali sebagai Xxxxx Pemaju No. P5-2-11, Tingkat No. 2, Bangunan No. P5, berserta dengan Xxxxx Aksesori No. GRD-07, Pangsapuri Indahria xxx mempunyai alamat surat-menyurat di Unit No. P5-02-11, Pangsapuri Indahria, Xx. 0, Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxx-Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx 00, 00000 Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx. HARGA RIZAB: Harta ini dijual “keadaan seperti mana sediada” dengan harga rizab sebanyak RM 270,000.00 (RINGGIT MALAYSIA: DUA RATUS XXX TUJUH PULUH RIBU SAHAJA) xxx tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat Jualan xxx melalui penyerahan hakkan dari Pemegang Serahak, tertakluk kepada kelulusan di perolehi oleh pihak Pembeli daripada pihak berkuasa, jika ada, termasuk semua terma, syarat xxx perjanjian yang dikenakan xxx mungkin dikenakan oleh Pihak Berkuasa yang berkenaan. Pembeli bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya untuk memperolehi xxx mematuhi syarat- syarat berkenaan daripada Pihak Berkuasa yang berkenaan, jika ada xxx semua xxx xxx perbelanjaan ditanggung xxx dibayar oleh Xxxxx Xxxxxxx.Pembeli atas talian (online) juga tertakluk kepada terma-terma xxx syarat-syarat terkandung dalam Pembeli yang berminat adalah dikehendaki mendeposit kepada Pelelong 10% daripada harga rizab dalam bentuk Bank Draf atau Cashier’s Order di atas nama RHB Islamic Bank Berhad sebelum lelongan awam xxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxx bersama-sama dengan segala cukai jualan xxx perkhidmatan (SST) xxx/atau cukai yang menggantikan SST hendaklah dibayar dalam tempoh sembilan puluh (90) hari dari tarikh lelongan kepada RHB Islamic Bank Berhad melalui XXXXXX. Butir-butir pembayaran melalui XXXXXX, xxxx berhubung dengan Tetuan T. Rajagopalu & Co. Untuk maklumat lanjut, xxxx berhubung dengan TETUAN T. RAJAGOPALU & CO, Solicitors for Assignee herein whose address is at Xxxxx 0-0, Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx, 00000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx. Tel: 00-0000000 / Fax: 00-0000000 [Ruj: RG/RHB/0339/2023/SYAFIQAH(yusof)], peguamcara bagi pihak pemegang xxxxx xxx atau pelelong yang tersebut dibawah. RAJAN AUCTIONEERS SDN. BHD. X. XXXXX Xx.00X,Xxxxxxx Xxxx,Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx, ( Xxxxxxxx Berlesen ) 41000 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. H/P: 000-0000000 Tel: 00-00000000 / Fax : 00-00000000 H/P: 012-2738109 Ruj Kami: RA/RHBI/TRC/NS/4220-24(fz) CONDITIONS OF SALE

  • Sergeant Twenty percent (20%) over the top step hourly rate for Sergeant when acting as a supervisor (otherwise twenty percent (20%) over the top step hourly rate for Police Officer).

  • Xxxxx, Haldimand, Norfolk (a) An employee shall be granted five working days bereavement leave with pay upon the death of the employee’s spouse, child, stepchild, parent, stepparent, legal guardian, grandchild or step-grandchild.

  • Managing Director 1. The Managing Director shall be appointed by the Board of Governors from among candidates having the nationality of an ESM Member, relevant international experience and a high level of competence in economic and financial matters. Whilst holding office, the Managing Director may not be a Governor or Director or an alternate of either.

  • Legionella Legionella means any discharge release or escape of legionella or other airborne pathogens from water tanks, water systems, air-conditioning plants, cooling towers and the like.

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