– BENEFITS FROM ANOTHER SOURCE. 8.01 Reimbursement under this Plan shall be made only in the event, and to the extent, that reimbursement for amounts expended, or payment, for medical care is not provided for under any insurance policy or under any other plan of the District or another employer or under any federal or state law. If there is such a policy, plan or law in effect providing for such reimbursement or payment in whole or in part, then, to the extent of the coverage under such policy, plan or law, the District shall be relieved of any and all liability hereunder.
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– BENEFITS FROM ANOTHER SOURCE. In the event that the retired employee is able to procure comparable benefits from another source at a cost less than is being paid by the District and the retired employee, the District shall have the right to opt to purchase the less expensive insurance coverage. The programs shall cover the recipient and their dependents.


  • IN EMPLOYMENT, SERVICES, BENEFITS AND FACILITIES Contractor and any subcontractors shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local Anti-discrimination laws, regulations, and ordinances and shall not unlawfully discriminate, deny family care leave, harass, or allow harassment against any employee, applicant for employment, employee or agent of County, or recipient of services contemplated to be provided or provided under this Agreement, because of race, ancestry, marital status, color, religious creed, political belief, national origin, ethnic group identification, sex, sexual orientation, age (over 40), medical condition (including HIV and AIDS), or physical or mental disability. Contractor shall ensure that the evaluation and treatment of its employees and applicants for employment, the treatment of County employees and agents, and recipients of services are free from such discrimination and harassment. Contractor represents that it is in compliance with and agrees that it will continue to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.), the Fair Employment and Housing Act (Government Code §§ 12900 et seq.), and ensure a workplace free of sexual harassment pursuant to Government Code 12950 and regulations and guidelines issued pursuant thereto. Contractor agrees to compile data, maintain records and submit reports to permit effective enforcement of all applicable antidiscrimination laws and this provision. Contractor shall include this nondiscrimination provision in all subcontracts related to this Agreement and when applicable give notice of these obligations to labor organizations with which they have Agreements.

  • Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan Pension Program Members For purposes of this Section 2, “employee” means an employee who is employed by the State on or after August 29, 2003 and who is not eligible to receive benefits under ORS Chapter 238 for service with the State pursuant to Section 2 of Chapter 733, Oregon Laws 2003.

  • Agreement with Respect to Continuation of Group Health Plan Coverage for Former Employees of the Failed Bank (a) The Assuming Institution agrees to assist the Receiver, as provided in this Section 4.12, in offering individuals who were employees or former employees of the Failed Bank, or any of its Subsidiaries, and who, immediately prior to Bank Closing, were receiving, or were eligible to receive, health insurance coverage or health insurance continuation coverage from the Failed Bank ("Eligible Individuals"), the opportunity to obtain health insurance coverage in the Corporation's FIA Continuation Coverage Plan which provides for health insurance continuation coverage to such Eligible Individuals who are qualified beneficiaries of the Failed Bank as defined in Section 607 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (respectively, "qualified beneficiaries" and "ERISA"). The Assuming Institution shall consult with the Receiver and not later than five (5) Business Days after Bank Closing shall provide written notice to the Receiver of the number (if available), identity (if available) and addresses (if available) of the Eligible Individuals who are qualified beneficiaries of the Failed Bank and for whom a "qualifying event" (as defined in Section 603 of ERISA) has occurred and with respect to whom the Failed Bank's obligations under Part 6 of Subtitle B of Title I of ERISA have not been satisfied in full, and such other information as the Receiver may reasonably require. The Receiver shall cooperate with the Assuming Institution in order to permit it to prepare such notice and shall provide to the Assuming Institution such data in its possession as may be reasonably required for purposes of preparing such notice.

  • Replacement of Key Personnel The Engineer must notify the State in writing as soon as possible, but no later than three business days after a project manager or other key personnel is removed from association with this contract, giving the reason for removal.

  • Displaced Employees In the event of a reduction in the work force, regular employees shall be laid-off in reverse order of seniority, provided that there are available employees with greater seniority who are qualified and willing to do the work of the employees laid-off. An employee who is qualified and yet unwilling to do the work shall be laid-off.

  • Workplace Safety Insurance Benefits (WSIB) Top Up Benefits If the employee is in a class of employees that, on August 31, 2012, was entitled to use unused sick leave credits for the purpose of topping up benefits received under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997;

  • Canceling Dependent Coverage During Open Enrollment In addition to the above situations, dependent health or dependent dental coverage may also be cancelled for any reason during the open enrollment period that applies to each type of plan (as long as allowed under the applicable provisions, regulations and rules of the federal and state law in effect at the beginning of the plan year).

  • Leave of Absence for Employees Who Serve as Local Coordinators for the Ontario Nurses' Association An employee who serves as Local Coordinator for the Ontario Nurses' Association shall be granted leave of absence without pay up to a total of thirty-five (35) days annually. Leave of absence for Local Coordinators for the Ontario Nurses' Association will be separate from the Union leave provided in (a) above.

  • Same Sex Benefit Coverage An employee who co-habits with a person of the same sex, and who promotes such person as a "spouse" (partner), and who has done so for a period of not less than twelve (12) months, will be eligible to have the person covered as a spouse for purposes of Medical, Extended Health, and Dental benefits.

  • Public Employees Retirement System “PERS”) Members. For purposes of this Section 1, “employee” means an employee who is employed by the State on August 28, 2003 and who is eligible to receive benefits under ORS Chapter 238 for service with the State pursuant to Section 2 of Chapter 733, Oregon Laws 2003.

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