Bidder's Signature. Each Bid proposal form must be signed by the person or entity who is making the Bid or by the Bidder's duly authorized agent, using the full and usual signature of the person or entity wherever the Bidder's name is requested in the Bid Document. The following signature forms must be followed: Individuals: Wherever signatures are requested, the individual bidding shall sign in his or her full legal name.
Bidder's Signature. I have read and understood this document and all information provided as part of this tender by our/my company is a true representation. Signed: Date: Name: Position: 4 / Aus Liebe zum Leben We [company name] herewith declare that a) we do respect basic social rights and working conditions based on international labour standards and condemn the exploitation of child labour;
Bidder's Signature. I have read and understood this document, and all information provided as part of this tender by our/my company is a true representation.
Bidder's Signature. I have read and understood this document, and all information provided as part of this tender by our/my company is a true representation. Signed: Date: Name: Position: 4 / Aus Liebe zum Leben We [company name] herewith declare that
Bidder's Signature. The bidder hereby certifies that the information contained in these certifications and representations is accurate, complete, and current. (Signature and Date)
Bidder's Signature. This section is to be completed by Bidder. Bidder's Name: Bidder's Address: Signed by: Signed by: Witnessed by: Corporate Seal Date: Confirmed on behalf of CNA. Signature: Title: Witnessed by: Date:
Bidder's Signature. This section must be signed by a Principal or an individual with the authority to bind the bidder. By signing this form, as an authorized representative of the Bidder, you declare under penalty of perjury any other applicable state or federal laws that the statements made in this document are true and complete to the best of your knowledge. It is your responsibility to ensure that the selected DBEs are certified for the work to be performed and that the DBE actually perform the work. Name: Title: Signature: Date: DBE GOOD FAITH EFFORT DOCUMENTATION WORK TYPE DESCRIPTION OF WORK, SERVICE OR MATERIAL DBE FIRM NAME WORK TYPE DESCRIPTION OF WORK, SERVICE OR MATERIAL DBE FIRM NAME WORK TYPE DESCRIPTION OF WORK, SERVICE OR MATERIAL DBE FIRM NAME
Bidder's Signature. When the Bidder executes its agreement with the City, if the Bidder is a corporation, it should be signed by the President or two other corporate officers. It is also required that such execution be acknowledged before a Notary Public with Notary Seal affixed. If the aforementioned corporate officers nor the corporate seal are readily available, a letter of authorization can be submitted in lieu of these requirements. Such resolution must clearly state that the person signing the agreement is duly authorized to enter into such agreement on behalf of the corporation and must be signed by the appropriate corporate official. Failure to submit sufficient documentation to establish the signatory’s authority within two (2) weeks after notification of award may result in award to the next apparent low bidder. In the case of a Partnership, the agreement must be signed by a general or managing partner and notarized as outlined above. In the case of a sole proprietorship, the owner must sign the agreement and have such execution notarized. If you have any questions regarding the execution of the signature page, please feel free to contact the Office of Purchasing at 407/246-2291 for further clarification. Strict adherence to criteria outlined above is of the utmost importance in finalization of agreements awarded to successful bidders.