Binding Arbitration of Individual Claim Issues. To expedite resolution of Claims pursuant to Public Contract Code section 9201, at the District’s sole option, the District may submit individual Claims to Arbitration prior to Retention Payment consistent with the requirements of Article 20.6.1.
Binding Arbitration of Individual Claim Issues. At the Owner’s sole option, the Owner may submit individual disputes, or claims, to binding arbitration and Design-Builder agrees to the resolution determined for each individual dispute by Arbitrator, including resolution of time and delays. If binding arbitration is utilized, such resolution is a full and final resolution of the particular claim or dispute. Under no circumstances may the Design-Builder stop work, rescind its contract or otherwise slow the progress of work during resolution of individual claims in binding Arbitration. This individual dispute arbitration process is not an arbitration clause and shall not be construed as an agreement to arbitrate. This individual disputes arbitration process is for the sole purpose of streamlining and resolving disputes or Claims during construction and shall be requested on specific individual items by the Owner prior to Completion of the Project.