BINDINGEFFECT. Forwarding this Agreement to the Allottee by the Promoter does not create a binding obligation on the part of the Promoter or the Allottee until, firstly, the Allottee signs and delivers this Agreement with all the schedules along with the payments due as stipulated in the Payment Plan within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt by the Allottee and secondly, appears for registration of the same before the concerned Sub- Registrar as and when intimated by the Promoter. If the Allottee(s) fails to execute and deliver to the Promoter this Agreement within 30 (thirty) days from the date of its receipt by the Allottee and/or appear before the Registrar/Sub-Registrar/ registrar of Assurance for its registration as and when intimated by the Promoter, then the Promoter shall serve a notice to the Allottee for rectifying the default, which if not rectified within 30(thirty) days from the date of its receipt by the Allottee, application of the Allottee shall be treated as cancelled and all sums deposited by the Allottee in connection therewith including the booking amount shall be returned to the Allottee without any interest or compensation whatsoever.
BINDINGEFFECT. Forwarding this Agreement to the Allottee by the Promoter does not create a binding obligation on the part of the promoter or the Allottee until, firstly, the Allottee sings and delivers this Agreement with all the schedules along with the payments due as stipulated in the Payment Plan within 30(thirty) days from the date of receipt by the Allottee and secondly, appears for registration of the same before the concerned Sub-Registrar (ADSR SODEPUR Sub- Registrar) as and when intimated by the Promoter. If the Allottee(s) fails to execute and deliver to the Promoter this Agreement within 30 (thirty) days from the date of its receipt by the Allottee and/or appear before the Sub-Registrar for its registration within 30 (thirty) days from the date of its receipt by the Allottee and/or appear before the Sub-Registrar for its registration as and when intimated by the Promoter, then the Promoter shall serve a notice to the Allottee for rectifying the default, which if not rectified within 30 (thirty) days from the date of its receipt by the Allottee, application of the Allottee shall be treated as cancelled and all sums deposited by the Allottee in connection therewith including the booking amount shall be returned to the Allottee without any interest or compensation whatsoever.
BINDINGEFFECT. Forwarding this Agreement to the Allottee by the Promoter/Developer does not create a binding obligation on the part of the Promoter/Developer or the Allottee until, firstly, the Allottee signs and delivers this Agreement with all the schedules along with the payments due as stipulated in the Payment Plan within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt by the Allottee and secondly, appears for registration of the same before the Sub-Registrar Sonarpur, South-24 Parganas, as and when intimated by the Promoter/Developer, then the Promoter/Developer shall serve a notice to the Allottee for rectifying the default, which if not rectified within 30 (thirty) days from the date of its receipt by the Allottee, application of the Allottee shall be treated as cancelled and all sums deposited by the Allottee in connection therewith including the booking amount shall be returned to the Allottee without any interest or compensation whatsoever.
BINDINGEFFECT. Forwarding this Agreement to the Allottee by the Promoter/Developer does not create a binding obligation on the part of the Promoter/Developer or the Allottee until, firstly, the Allottee signs and delivers this Agreement with all the schedules along with the payments due as stipulated in the Payment Plan within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt by the Allottee and secondly, appears for registration of the same before the Additional District Sub-Registrar Sonarpur or D.S.R. – IV at Alipore, South-24 Parganas, as and when intimated by the Promoter/Developer, then the Promoter/Developer shall serve a notice to the Allottee for rectifying the default, which if not rectified within 30 (thirty) days from the date of its receipt by the Allottee, application of the Allottee shall be treated as cancelled and all sums deposited by the Allottee in connection therewith excluding the Booking Amount amounting to Rs. ……………………../- (Rupees
BINDINGEFFECT. Forwarding of this Agreement to the Allottees by the Developers does not create a binding obligation on the part of the Developers or the Allottees until, firstly, the Allottees signs and delivers this Agreement with all the schedules along with the payments due as stipulated in the Payment Plan within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the same by the Allottees and secondly, appears for registration of the same before the concerned Sub-Registrar as and when intimated by the Developers. If the Allottees fails to execute and deliver to the Developers this Agreement within 30 (thirty) days from the date of its receipt by the Allottees and/or appear before the concerned Registrar for its registration as and when intimated by the Developers, then the Developers shall serve a notice to the Allottees for rectifying the default, which if not rectified within 30(thirty) days from the date of its receipt by the Allottees, the application of the Allottees shall be treated as cancelled and all sums deposited by the Allottees in connection therewith including the booking amount shall be returned to the Allottees without any interest or compensationwhatsoever.
BINDINGEFFECT. Forwarding this Agreement to the Allottee(s) by the Vendors/Promoter does not create a binding obligation on the part of the Vendors/Promoter or the Allottee(s) until, the Allottee(s) signs and delivers this Agreement with all the schedules along with the payments due as stipulated in the Payment Plan within 30(thirty) days from the date of receipt by the Allottee(s)
BINDINGEFFECT. Forwarding this Agreement to the Allottee by the Promoter does not create a binding obligation on thepartofthePromoterortheAllotteeuntil,firstly,theAllotteesignsanddeliversthisAgreementwithallthe schedules along with the payments due as stipulated in the Payment Plan within 30 (thirty) daysfrom the date of receipt by the Allottee and secondly, appears for registration of the same before theconcernedSub-Registrarasandwhenintimated bythe Promoter.IftheAllottee(s)failstoexecute anddelivertothePromoterthisAgreementwithin30(thirty)daysfromthedateofitsreceiptbytheAllottee and/orappearbeforetheRegistrar/Sub-Registrar/registrarofAssuranceforits registrationasandwhenintimated by the Promoter, then the Promoter shall serve a notice to the Allottee for rectifying thedefault, which if not rectified within 30(thirty) days from the date of its receipt by the Allottee,application of the Allottee shall be treated as cancelled and all sums deposited by the Allottee inconnectiontherewithincludingthebookingamountshallbereturnedtotheAllotteewithoutanyinterestorco mpensation whatsoever.
BINDINGEFFECT. The covenants and conditions contained in the Lease shall apply to and bind the heirs, legal representatives, and permitted assigns of the parties.
BINDINGEFFECT. Forwarding this Agreement to the Allottee/Purchaser by the Promoter does not create a binding obligation on the part of the Owner/Promoter or the Allottee/Purchaser until, firstly, the Allottee/Purchaser signs and delivers this Agreement with all the schedules along with the payments due as stipulated in the Payment Plan within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt by the Allottee/Purchaser and secondly, appears for registration of the same before the concerned Sub- Registrar as and when intimated by the Owner/Promoter. If the Allottee/Purchaser fails to execute and deliver to the Owner/Promoter this Agreement within 30 (thirty) days from the date of its receipt by the Allottee/Purchaser and/or appear before the Registrar/Sub-Registrar/ registrar of Assurance for its registration as and when intimated by the Owner/Promoter, then the Owner/Promoter shall serve a notice to the Allottee/Purchaser for rectifying the default, which if not rectified within 30(thirty) days from the date of its receipt by the Allottee/Purchaser, application of the Allottee/Purchaser shall be treated as cancelled and all sums deposited by the Allottee/Purchaser in connection therewith including the booking amount shall be returned to the Allottee/Purchaser without any interest or compensation whatsoever.
BINDINGEFFECT. 27.1 This Agreement shall be continuous and shall cover individually and collectively all and any of the Client's Trading Accounts at any time open or reopened with CLSAP NZ, irrespective of any change or changes at any time in CLSAP NZ’s personnel or constitution for any cause whatsoever and shall continue for CLSAP NZ’s benefit (including for the benefit of any company which may result from CLSAP NZ’s amalgamation or reconstruction) and similarly (without limiting CLSAP NZ’s rights at
27.2 Notwithstanding the fact that CLSAP NZ is not obliged to allow the Client to deal or transact before entering into the Agreement, it is intended that the Client’s rights and obligations in respect of any dealing or Transactions effected prior to the date of this Agreement shall be governed by the terms of this Agreement.
27.3 This Agreement shall be continuously effective notwithstanding any changes that may take place in the Client’s beneficial ownership structure, its directors or senior managers, or the transfer of CLSAP NZ’s rights or obligations under this Agreement to any third parties.