Trailers You are insured against claims arising out of your ownership, use or operation of any trailer or its equipment, provided that such trailer is not being towed by, attached to or carried on a motorized vehicle.
Automobiles The Company shall provide Executive with an automobile allowance of $500 per month, consistent with the practices of the Company.
Car 7.1 You will be provided you with a car of suitable age, make, model and specification during the continuance of your employment in accordance with the policy laid down by the Company from time to time and the Company shall pay all standing and running costs relating to it (including the cost of fuel for private mileage) but not any taxable benefit arising. You shall comply with all rules laid down by the Company in relation to Company vehicles, notify the Company immediately of any accident involving your car and of any charge brought against you for a motoring offence and, unless otherwise agreed, shall return the car to your place of work forthwith on termination of your employment.
Vehicles If an employee is required to use their own automobile in the performance of their duties, the Employer shall ensure that the position posting or advertisement shall include this requirement.
Laundry Uniforms provided by the Employer to employees will be laundered by the Employer.
Accessories The following described related accessories, if any: window air conditioning units, stove, fireplace screens, curtains and rods, blinds, window shades, draperies and rods, door keys, mailbox keys, above ground pool, swimming pool equipment and maintenance accessories, artificial fireplace logs, and controls for: (i) garage doors, (ii) entry gates, and (iii) other improvements and accessories.
Equipment The Fund shall obtain and maintain at its own cost and expense all equipment and services, including but not limited to communications services, necessary for it to utilize the Software and obtain access to the System, and Custodian shall not be responsible for the reliability or availability of any such equipment or services.
Load Shedding The systematic reduction of system demand by temporarily decreasing Load in response to a transmission system or area Capacity shortage, system instability, or voltage control considerations under the ISO OATT. Local Furnishing Bonds. Tax-exempt bonds issued by a Transmission Owner under an agreement between the Transmission Owner and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (“NYSERDA”), or its successor, or by a Transmission Owner itself, and pursuant to Section 142(f) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. § 142(f). Locality. A single LBMP Load Zone or set of adjacent LBMP Load Zones within one Transmission District within which a minimum level of Installed Capacity must be maintained. Local Reliability Rule. A Reliability Rule established by a Transmission Owner, and adopted by the NYSRC to meet specific reliability concerns in limited areas of the NYCA, including without limitation, special conditions and requirements applicable to nuclear plants and special requirements applicable to the New York City metropolitan area. Locational Based Marginal Pricing (“LBMP”). A pricing methodology under which the price of Energy at each location in the NYS Transmission System is equivalent to the cost to supply the next increment of Load at that location (i.e., the short-run marginal cost). The short-run marginal cost takes generation Bid Prices and the physical aspects of the NYS Transmission System into account. The short-run marginal cost also considers the impact of Out-of-Merit Generation (as measured by its Bid Price) resulting from the Congestion and Marginal Losses occurring on the NYS Transmission System which are associated with supplying an increment of Load. The term LBMP also means the price of Energy bought or sold in the LBMP Markets at a specific location.
APPLIANCES The Landlord shall: (check one) ☐ - Provide the following appliances: [ENTER APPLIANCES] ☐ - Not provide any appliances.