Trailers Sample Clauses
Trailers. You are insured against claims arising out of your ownership, use or operation of any trailer or its equipment, provided that such trailer is not being towed by, attached to or carried on a motorized vehicle.
Trailers campers, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, commercial vehicles (commercial trucks or equipment or vehicles that carry or are mounted with equipment used in a profession or employment, including taxis), trucks (other than a standard size or smaller pick-up truck or van), inoperable vehicles of any kind, boats, or similar equipment or vehicles, cannot remain on any area of the Apartment Community except for the temporary purpose of loading or unloading of passengers or personal property. Vehicles violating this provision are subject to towing at the expense of the Owner of the vehicle.
Trailers. Trailers that are exhibited in the Theatres shall not include the exhibition or display of any trademark, service xxxx, logo or other branding of a party other than the film studio(s), distributor(s), production company(ies); provided, however, Trailers may include incidental images of products or services which appear in the motion picture (e.g., product placements).
Trailers. With the approval of the City Representative, the Contractor may park trailers or other structures for housing men, tools, machinery, and supplies, but they will be permitted only at approved places and their surroundings shall be maintained at all times in a sanitary and satisfactory manner by the Contractor. On or before the completion of the Project, all such trailers or structures shall be removed, unless the City authorizes their abandonment without removal, together with all rubbish and trash, at the expense of the Contractor.
Trailers. 3.1. The trailer's response times shall be measured without the power-driven vehicle. To replace the power-driven vehicle, it is necessary to provide a simulator to which the coupling heads of the supply line, the pneumatic control line and/or the connector of the electric control line are connected.
3.2. The pressure in the supply line shall be 650 kPa.
3.3. The simulator for pneumatic control lines shall have the following characteristics:
3.3.1. It shall have a reservoir with a capacity of 30 litres which shall be charged to a pressure of 650 kPa before each test and which shall not be recharged during each test. At the outlet of the braking control device, the simulator shall incorporate an orifice with a diameter of from 4.0 to 4.3
Trailers. We insure you against claims arising out of your ownership, use or operation of any trailer or its equipment, provided such trailer is not attached to, carried on or being towed by a motorized vehicle subject to motor vehicle registration. We insure you against claims arising out of:
Trailers. Contributions recorded under this agreement may be used for promotional and publicity purposes by the BBC, BBC Worldwide, its licensees and assigns in trailers and promotional material for programmes, campaigns and BBC interest channels or for promotion of BBC programmes on other channels (between programmes or within review programmes) in all media without further payment provided that such use does not constitute commercial exploitation. With the permission of the artist, recording may take place during engagements for trailer purposes without payment and may be made during a rehearsal or balance test or a previous public performance in the case of a relay of a public concert or opera. If a session is called to record for trailer purposes only, the artist will receive one short single session fee, which grants to the BBC all rights for trailer purposes.
Trailers. The indemnity granted under this Insurance extends to apply to one trailer whilst attached to or accidentally detached from the Insured Vehicle.
Trailers. 1.3.1. The energy storage devices (energy reservoirs) with which trailers are equipped shall be such that, after eight full-stroke actuations of the towing vehicle's service braking system, the energy level supplied to the operating members using the energy, does not fall below a level equivalent to one-half of the figure obtained at the first brake application and without actuating either the automatic or the parking braking system of the trailer.
1.3.2. Testing shall be performed in conformity with the following requirements: The pressure in the energy storage devices at the beginning of each test shall be 850 kPa; The supply line shall be stopped; in addition, any energy storage device(s) for auxiliary equipment shall be isolated; The energy storage devices shall not be replenished during the test; At each brake application, the pressure in the pneumatic control line shall be 750 kPa; At each brake application, the digital demand value in the electric control line shall be corresponding to a pressure of 750 kPa.
Trailers. The cover provided by this Policy as specified in the schedule shall be operative in respect of any
a) Specified Trailer: any Trailer of which details have been declared to and accepted by Us provided that the trailer always remains in Your care custody and control and I. where detached such trailer is kept in a secure and protected environment II. the trailer is not attached to any vehicle which is not covered under this Policy
b) Unspecified Trailer: any trailer which You own and for which You are legally responsible while such trailer is attached to the Insured Vehicle provided that:
I. no cover greater than that applying to the Insured Vehicle shall apply to any Trailer which is attached to it
II. no cover shall apply while the Trailer is attached to any vehicle which is not covered under this Policy III. no cover applies while the Trailer is detached from the Insured Vehicle Provided that in respect of both a) and b) above: • no greater number of trailers is drawn than is permitted by law • there is no other insurance in force covering the same loss or damage