Matching Contributions The Employer will make matching contributions in accordance with the formula(s) elected in Part II of this Adoption Agreement Section 3.01.
Catch-Up Contributions In the case of a Traditional IRA Owner who is age 50 or older by the close of the taxable year, the annual cash contribution limit is increased by $1,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2006 and years thereafter.
Annual Contributions □ Check enclosed in the amount of $ representing current contribution for tax year 20 .
Participant Contributions If Participant contributions are permitted, complete (a), (b), and (c). Otherwise complete (d).
Employer Contributions 16.01 Employer contributions shown in the tables in the attached appendices shall be made on all hours of work performed which are included in computing the eight (8) hours per day and forty (40) hours per week after which overtime is payable and shall be recorded on a standard remittance report provided by the Union and remitted on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the month following the month for which contributions are due and payable, to the Trust Funds. Hours of work performed are interpreted to mean daily travel time, daily working time, reporting time, and, if the employee is required to perform a welding test, testing time. Contributions for overtime hours will be calculated as straight time hours. The Employer shall provide each employee covered by this Agreement with a statement with each weekly paycheque stating the total number of hours reported for contributions to the Pension and Health & Welfare Funds on behalf of that employee for the period covered by the paycheque. 16.02 All such funds due and payable to the above funds shall be deemed and are considered to be Trust Funds. It is expressly understood that training funds are not wages or benefits due to an employee and industry promotion funds are deemed to be dues for services rendered by the Association. 16.03 The Board of Trustees of the respective Trust Funds shall have authority to promulgate such agreements, plans and/or rules as may be necessary or desirable for the efficient and successful operation and administration of the said Trust Fund, including provisions for an audit, security, surety and/or liquidated damages to the extent that such may be necessary for the protection of the beneficiaries of such Trust Funds. In the event that any Employer is delinquent in his contributions to the above funds for more than thirty (30) days, the Employer and the Association shall be notified of such delinquency. If after five (5) days from such notice such delinquency has not been paid, the Employer shall pay to the applicable funds as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the arrears for the month, or part thereof, in which the Employer is in default. Thereafter interest shall accumulate at the rate of two percent (2%) per month (24% per year compounded monthly) on any unpaid arrears, including liquidated damages. 16.04 Any and all agreements, plans or rules established by the Boards of Trustees of the respective Trust Funds shall be appended hereto and shall be deemed to be part of and expressly incorporated herein and the Employer and the Union shall be bound by the terms and provisions thereof. 16.05 The Employer shall not be required to make additional contributions or payments to any Industry Funds established by the Union or its Local Unions nor to any such funds established by Provincial or Territorial Government orders, regulations, or decrees for the purpose of providing similar benefits, it being understood and agreed that the contributions for herein, or any portions thereof shall be deemed to be in lieu of and/or shall be applied as payments to such funds. This provision shall not be applicable to any national funds or plans having general application and established by an Act of the Government of Canada. 16.06 In the Province of Ontario, the Trustees/Administrator of the employee benefit funds referred to in this Agreement shall promptly notify the Local Union of the failure by any Employer to pay any employee benefit contributions required to be made under this Agreement and which are owed under the said funds in order that the Program Administrator of the Ontario Employee Wage Protection Program may deem that there has been an assignment of compensation under the said Program in compliance with the Regulations to the Ontario Employment Standards Amendment Act, 1991, in relation to the Ontario Employee Wage Protection Program. 16.07 The parties hereto agree that contribution rates for the trust funds listed herein do not include any Provincial or Federal taxes.
Retirement Contributions On behalf of employees, the State will continue to “pick up” the six percent (6%) employee contribution, payable pursuant to law. The parties acknowledge that various challenges have been filed that contest the lawfulness, including the constitutionality, of various aspects of PERS reform legislation enacted by the 2003 Legislative Assembly, including Chapters 67 (HB 2003) and 68 (HB 2004) of Oregon Laws 2003 (“PERS Litigation”). Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any party’s rights, claims or defenses with respect to the PERS Litigation.
Pension Contributions While on leave pursuant to Section B. of this Article, an employee may make contributions to the appropriate State pension system and will receive service credit for the time the employee is on unpaid leave.
Company Contributions 33.1.1 The Company will make contributions on the Employee’s behalf to a complying superannuation fund which meets the Company’s statutory obligations under applicable superannuation legislation.
Initial Contributions The Members initially shall contribute to the Company capital as described in Schedule 2 attached to this Agreement.
Return of Contributions The General Partner shall not be personally liable for, and shall have no obligation to contribute or loan any monies or property to the Partnership to enable it to effectuate, the return of the Capital Contributions of the Limited Partners or Unitholders, or any portion thereof, it being expressly understood that any such return shall be made solely from Partnership assets.