Examples of Annual Contributions in a sentence
The PHA enters into an Annual Contributions Contract with HUD to administer the program requirements on behalf of HUD.
Under each program, enter the number of Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) Public Housing (PH) and Section 8 units (HCV).
The PHA enters into an Annual Contributions Contract with HUD to administer the public housing program.
All funds must be used in accordance with the Annual Contributions Contract and associated laws and regulations.
Annual Contributions Contract (ACC): The written contract between HUD and a housing authority under which HUD agrees to provide funding for a program under the 1937 Act, and the housing authority agrees to comply with HUD requirements for the program.
To the extent the work required under this contract is related to development, Contractor shall further comply with the applicable Annual Contributions Contract (“ACC”) related to such development.
If a Development has a Housing Assistance Payment and/or an Annual Contributions Contract with HUD, the Tenant Selection Plan must be sent to the Corporation for preliminary approval before sending to HUD.
An Annual Contributions Contract as defined in the applicable Section 8 reg- ulations.
The program is administered under an Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) with HUD.
The Authority may require the Contractor to increase the number of Vouchers to which the Contractor is assigned; Assignment of additional Vouchers for Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) properties, Project-Based Voucher (PBV) developments, absorption of other PHA’s Vouchers, and any other Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) increases will be awarded based on a schedule determined by the Authority.