Both the Chinese and English Sample Clauses

Both the Chinese and English languages shall be official languages used in the arbitral proceedings. All hearing materials, statements of claim or defense, awards and the reasons supporting them shall be written in both Chinese and English.

Related to Both the Chinese and English

  • Languages 20.1 The Proclamation of Sale, these conditions of sale and the Memorandum may have been translated and published in different forms and languages. In the event of any discrepancy, misstatement, omission or error appearing in the various forms or languages, this English version shall prevail.

  • Consistency with Federal Laws and Regulations This Agreement shall incorporate by reference Section 22.9 of the CAISO Tariff as if the references to the CAISO Tariff were referring to this Agreement.

  • English If you, or someone you’re helping, has questions about Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island, you have the right to get help and information in your language at no cost. To talk to an interpreter, call 0-000-000-0000. Spanish: Si usted, o alguien a quien usted está ayudando, tiene preguntas acerca de Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island, tiene derecho a obtener ayuda e información en su idioma sin costo alguno. Para hablar con un intérprete, llame al 0-000-000-0000.

  • Limited English Proficiency The Grantee must comply with the Department of Justice Guidance pertaining to title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d. Grantee must take reasonable steps to provide meaningful access to their program(s) and activities for persons with limited English proficiency (LEP). For information on the civil right responsibilities, see xxxx://

  • INTERNATIONAL BOYCOTT PROHIBITION In accordance with Section 220-f of the Labor Law and Section 139-h of the State Finance Law, if this contract exceeds $5,000, the Contractor agrees, as a material condition of the contract, that neither the Contractor nor any substantially owned or affiliated person, firm, partnership or corporation has participated, is participating, or shall participate in an international boycott in violation of the federal Export Administration Act of 1979 (50 USC App. Sections 2401 et seq.) or regulations thereunder. If such Contractor, or any of the aforesaid affiliates of Contractor, is convicted or is otherwise found to have violated said laws or regulations upon the final determination of the United States Commerce Department or any other appropriate agency of the United States subsequent to the contract's execution, such contract, amendment or modification thereto shall be rendered forfeit and void. The Contractor shall so notify the State Comptroller within five (5) business days of such conviction, determination or disposition of appeal (2NYCRR 105.4).

  • Exclusive English jurisdiction Subject to Clause 30.3, the courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes which may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement.

  • CFR PART 200 AND FEDERAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS EXPLANATION TIPS and TIPS Members will sometimes seek to make purchases with federal funds. In accordance with 2 C.F.R. Part 200 of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (sometimes referred to as “XXXXX”),Vendor's response to the following questions labeled "2 CFR Part 200 or Federal Provision" will indicate Vendor's willingness and ability to comply with certain requirements which may be applicable to TIPS purchases paid for with federal funds, if accepted by Vendor. Your responses to the following questions labeled "2 CFR Part 200 or Federal Provision" will dictate whether TIPS can list this awarded contract as viable to be considered for a federal fund purchase. Failure to certify all requirements labeled "2 CFR Part 200 or Federal Provision" will mean that your contract is listed as not viable for the receipt of federal funds. However, it will not prevent award. If you do enter into a TIPS Sale when you are accepting federal funds, the contract between you and the TIPS Member will likely require these same certifications.

  • English Language Controls Notwithstanding any translated version of this Agreement and/or specifications that may be provided to Registry Operator, the English language version of this Agreement and all referenced specifications are the official versions that bind the parties hereto. In the event of any conflict or discrepancy between any translated version of this Agreement and the English language version, the English language version controls. Notices, designations, determinations, and specifications made under this Agreement shall be in the English language.

  • Your Content Certain of our Services may a low you to upload, post, transmit or make available content and materials to or through them(“Your Content”). You agree that you are responsible for Your Content and we sha l not, except as otherwise set forth herein, be responsible for Your Content. You represent that you own a l Inte lectual Property Rights (as defined below) in Your Content.

  • CHINA The following provisions apply if you are subject to the exchange control regulations in China, as determined by the Company in its sole discretion: