Central Umbria Sample Clauses

Central Umbria. This section describes the information available from the Central Umbria study area and in particular for the Collazzone area and the Assisi town. The data, both in vector and raster format, has been collected and organised in shape files. The available information is briefly described and for each thematic data, the web service is provided. Vector information accounts for 24 layers corresponding to the following maps: i) Collazzone area: multi-temporal landslide inventory maps, geo-lithological map, faults, structural domains, land use map, slope unit map, susceptibility map, hazard map; ii) Assisi town and surroundings: ground deformation map, and the geomorphologic landslide inventory map. Raster information contains a total of 24 files: regional topographic maps, ortho- photomaps and two DTMs at different resolution.
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