Uniform Customs and Practice The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits as published by the International Chamber of Commerce most recently at the time of issuance of any Letter of Credit shall (unless otherwise expressly provided in the Letters of Credit) apply to the Letters of Credit.
Uniform Customs and Practices The Issuing Lender may have the Letters of Credit be subject to The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, as published as of the date of issue by the International Chamber of Commerce (the "UCP"), in which case the UCP may be incorporated therein and deemed in all respects to be a part thereof.
Customs Valuation The Parties shall determine the customs value of goods traded between them in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of GATT 1994 and the Customs Valuation Agreement.
Rules of Order Unless State law or Board-adopted rules apply, the Board President, as the presiding officer, will use the most recent edition of Xxxxxx’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, as a guide when a question arises concerning procedure.
Rules of Arbitration The arbitration procedures initiated under this Contract shall operate under the arbitration rules in effect for ICSID or the Additional Facility of the Centre, as the case may be, at the time of the filing of the request for arbitration, which rules are deemed to be incorporated herein by reference in this Clause 25.
Customs Clearance 1. The Parties shall apply their respective customsprocedures in a predictable, consistent, and transparentmanner. 2. For prompt customs clearance of goods traded between theParties, each Party shall: (a) endeavor to make use of information and communications technology; (b) simplify its customs procedures; (c) harmonize its customs procedures, as far as possible,with relevant international standards and recommended practices such as those made under the auspices of theCustoms Co-operation Council; and (d) promote cooperation, wherever appropriate, betweenits customs authority and: (i) other national authorities of the Party; (ii) the trading communities of the Party; and (iii) the customs authorities of non- Parties. 3. Each Party shall provide affected parties with easilyaccessible processes of administrative and judicial review ofits administrative actions relating to customs matters.
International Standards In determining whether an international standard, guide, or recommendation within the meaning of Articles 2 and 5 and Annex 3 of the TBT Agreement exists, each Party shall apply the principles set out in Decisions and Recommendations adopted by the Committee since 1 January 1995, G/TBT/1/Rev.8, 23 May 2002, Section IX (Decision of the Committee on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations with relation to Articles 2, 5 and Annex 3 of the Agreement), issued by the WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade.
Rules of Origin For the purposes of covered procurement, a Party shall not apply rules of origin to goods or services imported from or supplied from the other Party that are different from the rules of origin the Party applies at the same time in the normal course of trade to imports or supplies of the same goods or services from the same Party.
Rules of Procedure By referring any specific grievance to be dealt with in the expedited arbitration procedure it is understood and agreed that the matter is to be dealt with in accordance with the Rules of Procedure attached to this Agreement as Appendix 1.
Model Rules of Procedure The procedure before the Panel shall be conducted in accordance with the Model Rules of Procedure set out in Annex 12 (Model Rules of Procedure). Exceptionally, the disputing Parties may agree on different rules to be applied by the Panel. 2. The Model Rules of Procedure are necessary for the good development of all the steps in this Chapter. In addition, these rules shall regulate the development of the procedure, pursuant to the following principles: (a) the procedures shall ensure the right to at least one hearing before the Panel, as well as the opportunity for each disputing Party to provide initial and rebuttal written submissions, and allow the use of any technological means to ensure its authenticity; and (b) the hearings before the Panel, the deliberations, as well as all the submissions and communications submitted during the hearings, shall be confidential.