Changed Work. Changed Work (all added or deleted Work), as it pertains to the approved Detailed Scope of Work included in a specific Job Order, shall be either changes directed by the County or unforeseen site conditions, which were not evident during the Initial Joint Scope Meeting. This additional Work will be considered a subsequent Job Order, for that specific project, and will be ordered, approved and executed as per the procedures set forth in this Contract. A credit for Tasks that have been deleted from the Detailed Scope of Work will be given at 100% of the value at which they were included in the original Quote. Credits for Pre-Priced and Non Pre- Priced Tasks shall be calculated at the pre-set Unit Prices and multiplied by the appropriate Adjustment Factors. A Supplemental Job Order will be issued detailing the credit(s) due the County.
Changed Work. Changed Work (all added or deleted Work), as it pertains to the approved Detailed Scope of Work included in a specific JOC Task Order, shall be either changes directed by the County or unforeseen site conditions, which were not evident during the Initial Joint Scope Meeting. This additional Work will be considered a Supplemental JOC Task Order, for that specific project, and will be ordered, approved and executed as per the procedures set forth in this Contract. A credit for Tasks that have been deleted from the Detailed Scope of Work will be given at 100% of the value at which they were included in the original JOC Task Order Price Proposal. Credits for Pre-Priced and Non Pre-Priced Tasks shall be calculated at the pre-set Unit Prices and multiplied by the appropriate Adjustment Factors. A Supplemental JOC Task Order will be issued detailing the credit(s) due the County.
Changed Work. Changed Work (all added or deleted Work), as it pertains to the approved Detailed Scope of Work included in a specific Job Order, shall be either changes directed by the County or unforeseen site conditions, which were not evident during the Initial Joint Scope Meeting. This DocuSign Envelope ID: 093CE3A1-C1AC-48D3-881F-401D999DA288 additional Work will be considered a subsequent Job Order, for that specific project, and will be ordered, approved and executed as per the procedures set forth in this Contract. A credit for Tasks that have been deleted from the Detailed Scope of Work will be given at 100% of the value at which they were included in the original Quote. Credits for Pre-Priced and Non Pre-Priced Tasks shall be calculated at the pre-set Unit Prices and multiplied by the appropriate Adjustment Factors. A Supplemental Job Order will be issued detailing the credit(s) due the County.