Changes to Approved Exterior Construction Drawings Sample Clauses

Changes to Approved Exterior Construction Drawings. If the Exterior Construction Drawings approved by the Mayor are substantially and materially modified after the Mayor’s approval, any such modification shall be resubmitted to the Mayor for review and approval, provided that such Exterior Construction Drawings shall first be submitted to Urban Design Committee in accordance with the submittal requirements in Section 4.36.040 of the Lincoln Municipal Code for its review and submittal of its recommendations to the Mayor.
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Related to Changes to Approved Exterior Construction Drawings

  • Construction Drawings After approving the Additional Programming Information, Landlord shall cause the Architect and the Engineers to prepare and deliver to Tenant Construction Drawings that conform to the approved Space Plan and the approved Additional Programming Information. Such preparation and delivery shall occur within 15 business days after the later of Landlord’s approval of the Additional Programming Information or the mutual execution and delivery of this Agreement. Tenant shall approve or disapprove the Construction Drawings by notice to Landlord. If Tenant disapproves the Construction Drawings, Tenant’s notice of disapproval shall specify any revisions Tenant desires in the Construction Drawings. After receiving such notice of disapproval, Landlord shall cause the Architect and/or the Engineers to revise the Construction Drawings, taking into account the reasons for Tenant’s disapproval (provided, however, that Landlord shall not be required to cause the Architect or the Engineers to make any revision to the Construction Drawings that is inconsistent with the Landlord Requirements or that Landlord otherwise reasonably disapproves), and resubmit the Construction Drawings to Tenant for its approval. Such revision and resubmission shall occur within five (5) business days after the later of Landlord’s receipt of Tenant’s notice of disapproval or the mutual execution and delivery of this Agreement if such revision is not material, and within such longer period of time as may be reasonably necessary (but not more than 15 business days after the later of such receipt or such mutual execution and delivery) if such revision is material. Such procedure shall be repeated as necessary until Tenant has approved the Construction Drawings. The Construction Drawings approved by Landlord and Tenant are referred to in this Work Letter as the “Approved Construction Drawings”.

  • Project Construction Budget The project construction cost allowance specifically stated in writing as the ‘revised’ or ‘current’ ‘Project Construction Budget’ by the Trustees at each applicable phase of plan development.

  • Drawings and Specifications at the Project Site The Contractor shall keep at the Site at least one copy of the Contract Documents and Change Orders, all in good order and available to the Design Professional and to his representatives.

  • Construction Schedule The progress schedule of construction of the Project as provided by Developer and approved by District.

  • Ownership of Drawings and Specifications All Drawings, Specifications and copies thereof furnished by the A/E are to remain A/E’s property. These documents are not to be used on any other project, and with the exception of one contract set for each party to the Contract, are to be returned to the A/E, upon request, following completion of the Work.

  • BUILDER’S RISK FOR CONSTRUCTION RENOVATION PROJECTS If the project is CONSTRUCTION RENOVATION of an existing structure, and the State has already determined that Contractor will not be obligated to obtain and maintain Builder’s Risk insurance, then the following provisions apply:

  • ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTIONS The Promoter undertakes that it has no right to make additions or to put up additional structure(s) anywhere in the Project after the building plan has been approved by the competent authority(ies) except for as provided in the Act.

  • ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION The Promoter undertakes that it has no right to make additions or to put up additional structure(s) anywhere in the Project after the building plan has been approved by the competent authority (ies) except for as provided in the Act.

  • Construction Progress Schedule A schedule indicating proposed activity sequences and durations, milestone dates for receipt and approval of pertinent information, preparation, submittal, and processing of Shop Drawings and Samples, delivery of materials or equipment requiring long-lead time procurement, and proposed date(s) of Material Completion and Occupancy and Final Completion. The schedule will be developed to represent the sixteen or seventeen CSI Specification Divisions. It shall have a minimum number of activities as required to adequately represent to Owner the complete scope of work and define the Project’s critical path and associated activities. If the Project is to be phased, then each individual Phase should be identified from start through completion of the overall Project and should be individually scheduled and described, including any Owner’s occupancy requirements and showing portions of the Project having occupancy priority. The format of the schedule will have dependencies indicated on a monthly grid identifying milestone dates such as construction start, phase construction, structural top out, dry-in, rough-in completion, metal stud and drywall completion, equipment installation, systems operational, Material Completion and Occupancy Date, final inspection dates, Punchlist, and Final Completion date.

  • Construction Methods No four course of brick-work, with three joints, shall exceed in height, when built, one inch more than the same bricks piles upon one another without mortar. The bricks are to be well soaked in water before use on works, in proper through so as to be thoroughly wet when layed. The Cessation of the bubbles through the water is an irldication of saturation being complete. For ensuring thorough soaking of the bricks every one or two bricklayers or more as necessary, shall be provided with tubs for use The wall of structures shall be carried up regularly in all cases 1` when the nature of the work will admit of it not leaving any part 915mm (3 feet) lower than another. Horizontal courses shalI be straight, level and even and faces of walls smooth and plumb. A straight edge and a plumb- xxx shall be used for constant checking during progress of the work. No brick-bats shall be permitted to be used except when necessary for obtaining the dimension of the different course or for obtaining the specified bond. All unfinished work must be raked back in course unless otherwise directed arid when new work is to be jointed to it the surface of unfinished work must be cleaned and wetted. The bricks shall be laid by placing sufficient mortar on the wall and forcing every brick into it in such a manner as to completely fill every joint with moratar whether at the bottom, side or end of the brick. The mortar to be used shall be that specified for the relevant schedule items and shall comply with the specification for the mortar specified. The bound used shall be English and shall be carried throughout the work. At all angles forming the junction of any two walls, the bricks shall, at each alternate course be carried into each of the respective walls, so as to thoroughly unite the work. V'Jhen the faces are to be plastered, the joints shall be well raked out before any plaster is laid on should the plaster from want of proper joint ranking detach and 7 fall off from the brick work, the contractor shall strip off the plaster bodily to the extent ordered by Superintending Engineer and shall re-do the work properly at his own expense. All requisite scaffolding shall be provided at the contractor's expense and shall be double i.e., must it have two sets of upright supports Care must be taken to ensure the safety of the work people and the contractor must comply with such instructions as the Superintending Engineer may issue to ensure such safety. The contractor will be entirely responsible for any damage or injuries to person or property resulting from ill-erected scaffolding, defective ladders, or otherwise arising out of his default in this respect. The brick work for the retaining wall shall proceed side by side with the depositing and compacting of earth between the retaining walls. At no time shall the brick-work be constructed more than 405mm (1'-4") above Y the compacted earth. In the retaining wall weep-holes shall be provided at suitable intervals as instructed during execution, with the inner surface of the weep-holed plastered 20mm (3/4") thick in cement mortar 1:4 crouched rock of grades in different layer shall be provided at the inner end of the weep-holes to prevent the choking of the weep-holes to have full drainage. No extra payment will be made for this and no deductions will be made for this in the brick-work.

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