CHARTER CITY STATUS. Except as provided for in this Code or pursuant to agreement approved by the City Council, the City of Burbank, as a Charter City, is exempt from the provisions of the California Public Contract Code.
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CHARTER CITY STATUS. Except as provided for in this Improvement Agreement approved by the City Council, the City of Burbank, as a Charter City, is exempt from the provisions of the California Public Contract Code.


  • Seniority Status When an appointment to teach a course is made available under 13.2.6 and in accordance with, a Member who has seniority status in the course or substantially similar course, and who has maintained a satisfactory teaching performance, shall be offered the appointment. If more than one qualified Member has seniority status in the course, subject to

  • Pay Status An aggrieved employee and the Union Delegate shall be in a pay status during those working hours in which a grievance, a grievance mediation, or an arbitration hearing is held. Release time for additional employee representation shall be subject to approval by the Labor Relations Officer or designee when a group grievance is filed.

  • Travel Status Employees eligible for relocation expenses pursuant to Section 1 shall be considered to be in travel status up to a maximum of ninety (90) calendar days and shall be allowed standard travel expenses, by mutual agreement of the Appointing Authority and the employee, either to: 1) be lodged at their new work station and to return to their original work station once a week; or 2) travel between their original work station and their new work station on a daily basis. Standard travel expenses for the employee's spouse shall be borne by the Appointing Authority for a maximum of two (2) trips not to exceed a total of seven (7) calendar days during the ninety (90) calendar day period.

  • Regulatory Status The Local Manager is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (the “FSA”), the UK supervisory authority whose registered office is at 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Xxxxx, Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx X00 0XX.

  • Certification as Small Contractor or Minority Business Enterprise This paragraph was intentionally left blank.

  • Ownership, Use and Return of Offering Materials The Offering Materials shall continue to be the property of the Owner and HFF. The Offering Materials will be used by the Potential Investor solely for the purpose of evaluating the possible acquisition of the Property and not for any purpose unrelated to the possible acquisition of the Property. The Offering Materials may not be copied or duplicated without the Owner's and HFF’s prior written consent, and must be returned to HFF (or with HFF’s permission, destroyed by Potential Investor and any Related Party, and in such instance Potential Investor shall certify in writing to HFF and Owner that such information has been so destroyed) immediately upon request or when the Potential Investor declines to make an offer for the Property or terminates any discussions or negotiations with respect to the Property.

  • Action Item Task MSU Status Comments I.1 The University will employ and empower a Clery Act compliance professional (CCP). The CCP must report to a Vice President (VP) or equivalent. The CCP must not be employed in or under the sole authority of the Office of the General Counsel (OGC). Implemented The Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance (OARC) hired a qualified candidate who began work in February 2020.

  • Emeritus Status Emeritus designation shall be bestowed upon a retiring member of the full-time faculty upon recommendation of the department and approval by the President. Emeriti shall be afforded at least the following privileges: desk space if available, university computer account, library privileges, catalog listing, a printed certificate, professional use of the title, invitations to university functions, course privileges available pursuant to Article 13.13, faculty parking privileges and inclusion on the mailing lists for all university publications.

  • SUPPLIER’S STATUS At all times during the Contract Period the Supplier shall be an independent contractor and nothing in this Contract shall create a contract of employment, a relationship of agency or partnership or a joint venture between the Parties and, accordingly, neither Party shall be authorised to act in the name of, or on behalf of, or otherwise bind the other Party save as expressly permitted by the terms of this Contract.

  • Membership Eligibility To join the Credit Union, you must meet the membership requirements, including purchase and maintenance of the minimum required share(s) (“membership share”) as set forth in the Credit Union’s bylaws. You authorize us to check your account, credit and employment history, and obtain reports from third parties, including credit reporting agencies, to verify your eligibility for the accounts and services you request.

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