Common use of Check Cashing Clause in Contracts

Check Cashing. We may charge a fee for anyone that does not have an account with us who is cashing a check, draft or other instrument written on your account. We may also require reasonable identification to cash such a check, draft or other instrument. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances and such identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a thumbprint or fingerprint. INDORSEMENTS - We may accept for deposit any item payable to you or your order, even if they are not indorsed by you. We may give cash back to any one of you. We may supply any missing indorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all indorsements are genuine. To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delay, you must indorse it (sign it on the back) in a specific area. Your entire indorsement (whether a signature or a stamp) along with any other indorsement information (e.g. additional indorsements, ID information, driver’s license number, etc.) must fall within 1 1/2” of the “trailing edge” of a check. Indorsements must be made in blue or black ink, so that they are readable. As you look at the front of a check, the “trailing edge” is the left edge. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep all indorsement information within 1 1/2” of that edge. It is important that you confine the indorsement information to this area since the remaining blank space will be used by others in the processing of the check to place additional needed indorsements and information. You agree that you will indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless for any loss, liability, damage or expense that occurs because your indorsement, another indorsement or information you have printed on the back of the check obscures our indorsement. These indorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks. DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE - You agree to notify us promptly if any person with a right to withdraw funds from your account(s) dies or becomes legally incompetent. We may continue to honor your checks, items, and instructions until: (a) we are notified of your death or incompetence, and (b) we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that knowledge. You agree that we may pay or certify checks drawn on or before the date of death or legal incompetence for up to ten (10) days after your death or legal incompetence unless ordered to stop payment by someone claiming an interest in the account. FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS - Accounts may be opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is appointed to act on behalf of and for the benefit of another. This account may be opened and maintained by a person or persons named as a trustee under a written trust agreement, or as executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders. You understand that by merely opening such an account, we are not acting in the capacity of a trustee in connection with the trust nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor or enforce the terms of the trust or letters. CREDIT VERIFICATION - You agree that we may verify credit and employment history by any necessary means, including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agency. We will comply with all applicable laws in this regard. LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT - If we are served with a subpoena, restraining order, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment, search warrant, or similar order relating to your account (termed “legal action” in this section), we will comply with that legal action. Or, in our discretion, we may freeze the assets in the account and not allow any payments out of the account until a final court determination regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than all of you. In these cases, we will not have any liability to you if there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way restricted access to your funds in accordance with the legal action. Any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and our internal expenses) may be charged against your account. The list of fees applicable to your account(s) provided elsewhere may specify additional fees that we may charge for certain legal actions. SECURITY - It is your responsibility to protect the account numbers and electronic access devices (e.g., an ATM card) we provide you for your account(s). Do not discuss, compare, or share information about your account number(s) with anyone unless you are willing to give them full use of your money. An account number can be used by thieves to encode your number on a false demand draft which looks like and functions like an authorized check. If you furnish your access device and grant actual authority to make transfers to another person (a family member or coworker, for example) who then exceeds that authority, you are liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Your account number can also be used to electronically remove money from your account. If you provide your account number in response to a telephone solicitation for the purpose of making a transfer (to purchase a service or merchandise, for example),payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment. You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you believe your checks have been lost or stolen. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself or share the loss with us (we may have to share some of the loss if we failed to use ordinary care and if we substantially contributed to the loss). You agree that if we offer you services appropriate for your account to help identify and limit fraud or other unauthorized transactions against your account, such as positive pay or commercially reasonable security procedures, and you reject those services, you will be responsible for any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions which could have been prevented by the services we offered, unless we acted in bad faith or to the extent our negligence contributed to the loss. OTHER THAN IN WRITING INSTRUCTIONS - Unless required by law or we have agreed otherwise in writing, we are not required to act upon instructions you give us via facsimile transmission, leave by voice mail or on a telephone answering machine, or via e-mail. CLAIM OF LOSS - If you claim a credit or refund because of a forgery, alteration, or any other unauthorized withdrawal, you agree to cooperate with us in the investigation of the loss, including giving us an affidavit containing whatever reasonable information we require concerning your account, the transaction, and the circumstances surrounding the loss. You will notify law enforcement authorities of any criminal act related to the claim of lost, missing, or stolen checks or unauthorized withdrawals. We will have a reasonable period of time to investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding any claim of loss. Unless we have acted in bad faith, we will not be liable for special or consequential damages, including loss of profits or opportunity, or for attorneys’ fees incurred by you. You agree that you will not waive any rights you have to recover your loss against anyone who is obligated to repay, insure, or otherwise reimburse you for your loss. You will pursue your rights or, at our option, assign them to us so that we may pursue them. Our liability will be reduced by the amount you recover or are entitled to recover from these other sources. EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTIES (and involuntary withdrawals) - We may impose early withdrawal penalties on a withdrawal from a time account even if you don’t initiate the withdrawal. For instance, the early withdrawal penalty may be imposed if the withdrawal is caused by our setoff against funds in the account or as a result of an attachment or other legal process. We may close your account and impose the early withdrawal penalty on the entire account balance in the event of a partial early withdrawal. See your notice of penalty for early withdrawals for additional information. ADDRESS OR NAME CHANGES - You are responsible for notifying us of any change in your address or your name. Unless we agree otherwise, change of address or name must be made in writing by at least one of the account holders. Informing us of your address or name change on a check reorder form is not sufficient. We will attempt to communicate with you only by use of the most recent address you have provided to us. If provided elsewhere, we may impose a service fee if we attempt to locate you. RESOLVING ACCOUNT DISPUTES - We may place an administrative hold on the funds in your account (refuse payment or withdrawal of the funds) if it becomes subject to a claim adverse to (1) your own interest; (2) others claiming an interest as survivors or beneficiaries of your account; or (3) a claim arising by operation of law. The hold maybe placed for such period of time as we believe reasonably necessary to allow a legal proceeding to determine the merits of the claim or until we receive evidence satisfactory to us that the dispute has been resolved. We will not be liable for any items that are dishonored as a consequence of placing a hold on funds in your account for these reasons. WAIVER OF NOTICES - To the maximum extent permissible by law, you waive any notice of non-payment, dishonor or protest regarding any items credited to or charged against your account. For example, if you deposit a check and it is returned unpaid or we receive a notice of nonpayment, we do not have to notify you unless required by federal Regulation CC or other law. ACH AND WIRE TRANSFERS - This agreement is subject to Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code - Fund Transfers as adopted in the state in which you have your account with us. If you originate a fund transfer and you identify by name and number a beneficiary financial institution, an intermediary financial institution or a beneficiary, we and every receiving or beneficiary financial institution may rely on the identifying number to make payment. We may rely on the number even if it identifies a financial institution, person or account other than the one named. You agree to be bound by automated clearing house association rules. These rules provide, among other things, that payments made to you, or originated by you, are provisional until final settlement is made through a Federal Reserve Bank or payment is otherwise made as provided in Article 4A-403(a) of the Uniform Commercial Code. If we do not receive such payment, we are entitled to a refund from you in the amount credited to your account and the party originating such payment will not be considered to have paid the amount so credited. If we receive a payment order to credit an account you have with us by wire or ACH, we are not required to give you any notice of the payment order or credit. DIGITAL WALLETS - These include Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay (G Pay) and MasterPass. The aforementioned “Wallets” “or Digital Wallets” allow you to use your First Command Bank Card to enter into transactions with merchants at any location the Wallet is accepted. The Wallet may not be accepted at all places where your First Command Bank Card is accepted. CHECK PROCESSING POLICY - In the event that your check is returned unpaid for insufficient or uncollected funds, we may present your check electronically. FIRST COMMAND DEBIT CARD AGREEMENT AND DISCLOSURE.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Depository Agreement, Depository Agreement

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Check Cashing. We may charge a fee for anyone that does not have an account with us who is cashing a check, draft or other instrument written on your account. We may also require reasonable identification to cash such a check, draft or other instrument. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances and such identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a thumbprint or fingerprint. INDORSEMENTS - Check Processing‌ We may accept for deposit any item payable to you or your order, even if they are not indorsed process items mechanically by you. We may give cash back to any one of you. We may supply any missing indorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all indorsements are genuine. To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delay, you must indorse it (sign it relying on the back) in a specific area. Your entire indorsement (whether a signature or a stamp) information encoded along with any other indorsement information (e.g. additional indorsements, ID information, driver’s license number, etc.) must fall within 1 1/2” the bottom of the “trailing edge” of a checkitems. Indorsements must be made in blue or black ink, so This means that they are readable. As you look at the front of a check, the “trailing edge” is the left edge. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep we may not individually examine all indorsement information within 1 1/2” of that edge. It is important that you confine the indorsement information to this area since the remaining blank space will be used by others in the processing of the check to place additional needed indorsements and information. You agree that you will indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless for any loss, liability, damage or expense that occurs because your indorsement, another indorsement or information you have printed on the back of the check obscures our indorsement. These indorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks. DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE - You agree to notify us promptly if any person with a right to withdraw funds from your account(s) dies or becomes legally incompetent. We may continue to honor your checks, items, and instructions until: (a) we are notified of your death or incompetenceitems to determine if the item is properly completed, signed and (b) we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that knowledgeindorsed. You agree that we have not failed to exercise ordinary care solely because we use an automated system to process items and do not inspect all items processed in such a manner. We reserve the right not to inspect each item because using an automated process helps us keep costs down for you and all account holders. We may pay or certify checks drawn on or before determine the date amount of death or legal incompetence for up to ten (10) days after available funds in your death or legal incompetence unless ordered to stop payment by someone claiming an interest in the account. FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS - Accounts may be opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is appointed to act on behalf of and account for the benefit purpose of another. This account may be opened deciding whether to return an item for insufficient funds at any time between the time we receive the item and maintained by when we return the item or send a person or persons named as a trustee under a written trust agreement, or as executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders. You understand that by merely opening such an account, we are not acting notice in the capacity lieu of a trustee in connection with the trust nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor or enforce the terms of the trust or letters. CREDIT VERIFICATION - You agree that we may verify credit and employment history by any necessary means, including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agencyreturn. We need to only make one determination, but if we choose to make a subsequent determination, the account balance at the subsequent time will determine whether there are insufficient available funds. Compliance with Laws Customer shall comply with all laws, rules, and regulations applicable laws in this regard. LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT - If we are served with a subpoenato commercial and consumer Customer, restraining orderas applicable, writ of attachment or executioncommercial Customer's business and operations, levyand to the Services, garnishment, search warrant, or similar order relating to your account (termed “legal action” in this section), we will comply with that legal action. Or, in our discretion, we may freeze the assets in the account and not allow any payments out of the account until a final court determination regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than all of you. In these cases, we will not have any liability to you if there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way restricted access to your funds in accordance with the legal action. Any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and our internal expensesthe rules ("Rules") may be charged against your account. The list of fees applicable to your account(s) provided elsewhere may specify additional fees that we may charge for certain legal actions. SECURITY - It is your responsibility to protect the account numbers and electronic access devices (e.g., an ATM card) we provide you for your account(s). Do not discuss, compare, established or share information about your account number(s) with anyone unless you are willing to give them full use of your money. An account number can be used by thieves to encode your number on a false demand draft which looks like and functions like an authorized check. If you furnish your access device and grant actual authority to make transfers to another person (a family member or coworker, for example) who then exceeds that authority, you are liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Your account number can also be used to electronically remove money from your account. If you provide your account number in response to a telephone solicitation for the purpose of making a transfer (to purchase a service or merchandise, for example),payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment. You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you believe your checks have been lost or stolen. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself or share the loss with us (we may have to share some of the loss if we failed to use ordinary care and if we substantially contributed to the loss). You agree that if we offer you services appropriate for your account to help identify and limit fraud or other unauthorized transactions against your account, such as positive pay or commercially reasonable security procedures, and you reject those services, you will be responsible for any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions which could have been prevented reported by the services we offeredElectronic Payments Association/National Automated Clearing House Association ("NACHA"), unless we acted in bad faith or to the extent our negligence contributed to the loss. OTHER THAN IN WRITING INSTRUCTIONS - Unless required by law or we have agreed otherwise in writingRegulation CC, we are not required to act upon instructions you give us via facsimile transmission, leave by voice mail or on a telephone answering machine, or via e-mail. CLAIM OF LOSS - If you claim a credit or refund because of a forgery, alteration, or any other unauthorized withdrawal, you agree to cooperate with us in the investigation of the loss, including giving us an affidavit containing whatever reasonable information we require concerning your account, the transaction, and the circumstances surrounding the loss. You will notify law enforcement authorities of any criminal act related to the claim of lost, missing, or stolen checks or unauthorized withdrawals. We will have a reasonable period of time to investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding any claim of loss. Unless we have acted in bad faith, we will not be liable for special or consequential damages, including loss of profits or opportunity, or for attorneys’ fees incurred by you. You agree that you will not waive any rights you have to recover your loss against anyone who is obligated to repay, insure, or otherwise reimburse you for your loss. You will pursue your rights or, at our option, assign them to us so that we may pursue them. Our liability will be reduced by the amount you recover or are entitled to recover from these other sources. EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTIES (and involuntary withdrawals) - We may impose early withdrawal penalties on a withdrawal from a time account even if you don’t initiate the withdrawal. For instance, the early withdrawal penalty may be imposed if the withdrawal is caused by our setoff against funds in the account or as a result of an attachment or other legal process. We may close your account and impose the early withdrawal penalty on the entire account balance in the event of a partial early withdrawal. See your notice of penalty for early withdrawals for additional information. ADDRESS OR NAME CHANGES - You are responsible for notifying us of any change in your address or your name. Unless we agree otherwise, change of address or name must be made in writing by at least one of the account holders. Informing us of your address or name change on a check reorder form is not sufficient. We will attempt to communicate with you only by use of the most recent address you have provided to us. If provided elsewhere, we may impose a service fee if we attempt to locate you. RESOLVING ACCOUNT DISPUTES - We may place an administrative hold on the funds in your account (refuse payment or withdrawal of the funds) if it becomes subject to a claim adverse to (1) your own interest; (2) others claiming an interest as survivors or beneficiaries of your account; or (3) a claim arising by operation of law. The hold maybe placed for such period of time as we believe reasonably necessary to allow a legal proceeding to determine the merits of the claim or until we receive evidence satisfactory to us that the dispute has been resolved. We will not be liable for any items that are dishonored as a consequence of placing a hold on funds in your account for these reasons. WAIVER OF NOTICES - To the maximum extent permissible by law, you waive any notice of non-payment, dishonor or protest regarding any items credited to or charged against your account. For example, if you deposit a check and it is returned unpaid or we receive a notice of nonpayment, we do not have to notify you unless required by federal Regulation CC or other law. ACH AND WIRE TRANSFERS - This agreement is subject to Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code - Fund Transfers as adopted in the state in which you have your account with us. If you originate a fund transfer and you identify by name and number a beneficiary financial institution, an intermediary financial institution or a beneficiary, we and every receiving or beneficiary financial institution may rely on the identifying number to make payment. We may rely on the number even if it identifies a financial institution, person or account other than the one named. You agree to be bound by automated clearing house association rules. These rules provide, among other things, that payments made to you, or originated by you, are provisional until final settlement is made through a Federal Reserve Bank or payment is otherwise made as provided in Article 4A-403(a) of the Uniform Commercial Code, and any rules established by an image exchange network through which items are processed pursuant to this Agreement. If we do not receive such payment, we are entitled Customer further agrees that it shall have the responsibility to a refund from you in the amount credited to your account and the party originating such payment will not be considered to have paid the amount so credited. If we receive a payment order to credit an account you fulfill any compliance requirement or obligation that Bank and/or Customer may have with us respect to the Services under all applicable U.S. federal and state laws, regulations, and rulings, including sanction laws administered by wire or ACHthe Office of Foreign Assets Control, we are and other requirements relating to anti-money laundering, including but not required to give you limited to, the Federal Bank Secrecy Act, FinCEN, the USA Patriot Act and any notice regulations of the payment order or credit. DIGITAL WALLETS - These include Apple PayU.S. Treasury Department to implement such Acts, Samsung Payas amended from time to time, Google Pay (G Pay) and MasterPass. The aforementioned “Wallets” “or Digital Wallets” allow you to use your First Command Bank Card to enter into transactions with merchants at any location Operating Circulars promulgated by the Wallet is accepted. The Wallet may not be accepted at all places where your First Command Bank Card is accepted. CHECK PROCESSING POLICY - In Board of Governors of the event that your check is returned unpaid for insufficient or uncollected funds, we may present your check electronically. FIRST COMMAND DEBIT CARD AGREEMENT AND DISCLOSUREFederal Reserve System.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Services Agreement

Check Cashing. We may charge a fee for anyone that does not have an account with us who is cashing a check, draft or other instrument written on your account. We may also require reasonable identification to cash such a check, draft or other instrument. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances and such identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a thumbprint or fingerprint. INDORSEMENTS - We POWER OF ATTORNEY You may accept wish to appoint an agent to conduct transactions on your behalf. (We, however, have no duty or agreement whatsoever to monitor or insure that the acts of the agent are for deposit any item payable your benefit.) This may be done by allowing your agent to sign in that capacity on the signature card or by separate form, such as a power of attorney. If you or your order, even if they are not indorsed by you. We may give cash back wish to any one of you. We may supply any missing indorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all indorsements are genuine. To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delaydesignate an attorney-in-fact, you must indorse it (do so in writing. If we accept a Power of Attorney from you and that Power of Attorney is subsequently revoked by you, you must also notify us in writing. Subject to applicable law, we reserve the right to refuse to honor any power of attorney presented to us, or to require the agent to sign it an xxxxxxxxx.Xxx agree not to hold us responsible for any loss or damage you may incur as a result of our following instructions given by an agent acting under a power of attorney or otherwise. FACSIMILE SIGNATURES Unless you make advance arrangements with us, we have no obligation to honor facsimile signatures on your checks or other orders. If we do agree to honor items containing facsimile signatures, you authorize us, at any time, to charge you for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the backpayment of money, that are drawn on xx.Xxx give us this authority regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s) in a specific area. Your entire indorsement (whether a may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature or a stamp) along specimen filed with any other indorsement information (e.g. additional indorsements, ID information, driver’s license number, etc.) must fall within 1 1/2” of the “trailing edge” of a check. Indorsements must be made in blue or black ink, so that they are readable. As you look at the front of a check, the “trailing edge” is the left edge. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep all indorsement information within 1 1/2” of that edge. It is important that you confine the indorsement information to this area since the remaining blank space will be used by others in the processing of the check to place additional needed indorsements and information. You agree that you will indemnify, defendus, and hold us harmless contain the required number of signatures for any loss, liability, damage or expense that occurs because your indorsement, another indorsement or information you have printed on the back of the check obscures our indorsement. These indorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks. DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE - You agree to this xxxxxxx.Xxx must notify us promptly if any person with a right to withdraw funds from your account(s) dies or becomes legally incompetent. We may continue to honor your checks, items, and instructions until: (a) we are notified of your death or incompetence, and (b) we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that knowledge. You agree that we may pay or certify checks drawn on or before the date of death or legal incompetence for up to ten (10) days after your death or legal incompetence unless ordered to stop payment by someone claiming an interest in the account. FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS - Accounts may be opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is appointed to act on behalf of and for the benefit of another. This account may be opened and maintained by a person or persons named as a trustee under a written trust agreement, or as executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders. You understand that by merely opening such an account, we are not acting in the capacity of a trustee in connection with the trust nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor or enforce the terms of the trust or letters. CREDIT VERIFICATION - You agree that we may verify credit and employment history by any necessary means, including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agency. We will comply with all applicable laws in this regard. LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT - If we are served with a subpoena, restraining order, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment, search warrant, or similar order relating to your account (termed “legal action” in this section), we will comply with that legal action. Or, in our discretion, we may freeze the assets in the account and not allow any payments out of the account until a final court determination regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than all of you. In these cases, we will not have any liability to you if there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way restricted access to your funds in accordance with the legal action. Any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and our internal expenses) may be charged against your account. The list of fees applicable to your account(s) provided elsewhere may specify additional fees that we may charge for certain legal actions. SECURITY - It is your responsibility to protect the account numbers and electronic access devices (e.g., an ATM card) we provide you for your account(s). Do not discuss, compare, or share information about your account number(s) with anyone unless you are willing to give them full use of your money. An account number can be used by thieves to encode your number on a false demand draft which looks like and functions like an authorized check. If you furnish your access device and grant actual authority to make transfers to another person (a family member or coworker, for example) who then exceeds that authority, you are liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Your account number can also be used to electronically remove money from your account. If you provide your account number in response to a telephone solicitation for the purpose of making a transfer (to purchase a service or merchandise, for example),payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment. You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you believe suspect that your checks have facsimile signature is being or has been lost or stolenmisused. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself or share the loss with us (we may have to share some of the loss if we failed to use ordinary care and if we substantially contributed to the loss). You agree that if we offer you services appropriate for your account to help identify and limit fraud or other unauthorized transactions against your account, such as positive pay or commercially reasonable security procedures, and you reject those services, you will be responsible for any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions which could have been prevented by the services we offered, unless we acted in bad faith or to the extent our negligence contributed to the loss. OTHER THAN IN WRITING INSTRUCTIONS - Unless required by law or we have agreed otherwise in writing, we STALE-DATED CHECKS We are not required to act upon instructions you give us via facsimile transmissionobligated to, leave by voice mail or on a telephone answering machine, or via e-mail. CLAIM OF LOSS - If you claim a credit or refund because of a forgery, alteration, or any other unauthorized withdrawal, you agree to cooperate with us in the investigation of the loss, including giving us an affidavit containing whatever reasonable information we require concerning your account, the transaction, and the circumstances surrounding the loss. You will notify law enforcement authorities of any criminal act related to the claim of lost, missing, or stolen checks or unauthorized withdrawals. We will have a reasonable period of time to investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding any claim of loss. Unless we have acted in bad faith, we will not be liable for special or consequential damages, including loss of profits or opportunity, or for attorneys’ fees incurred by you. You agree that you will not waive any rights you have to recover your loss against anyone who is obligated to repay, insure, or otherwise reimburse you for your loss. You will pursue your rights or, but may at our option, assign them to us so that we may pursue them. Our liability will be reduced by the amount you recover pay a check, other than a certified or are entitled to recover from these other sources. EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTIES (and involuntary withdrawals) - We may impose early withdrawal penalties on a withdrawal from a time account even if you don’t initiate the withdrawal. For instancecashier’s check, the early withdrawal penalty may be imposed if the withdrawal is caused by our setoff against funds in the account or as a result of an attachment or other legal process. We may close your account and impose the early withdrawal penalty on the entire account balance in the event of a partial early withdrawal. See your notice of penalty presented for early withdrawals for additional information. ADDRESS OR NAME CHANGES - You are responsible for notifying us of any change in your address or your name. Unless we agree otherwise, change of address or name must be made in writing by at least one of the account holders. Informing us of your address or name change on a check reorder form is not sufficient. We will attempt to communicate with you only by use of the most recent address you have provided to us. If provided elsewhere, we may impose a service fee if we attempt to locate you. RESOLVING ACCOUNT DISPUTES - We may place an administrative hold on the funds in your account (refuse payment or withdrawal of the funds) if it becomes subject to a claim adverse to (1) your own interest; (2) others claiming an interest as survivors or beneficiaries of your account; or (3) a claim arising by operation of law. The hold maybe placed for such period of time as we believe reasonably necessary to allow a legal proceeding to determine the merits of the claim or until we receive evidence satisfactory to us that the dispute has been resolved. We will not be liable for any items that are dishonored as a consequence of placing a hold on funds in your account for these reasons. WAIVER OF NOTICES - To the maximum extent permissible by law, you waive any notice of non-payment, dishonor or protest regarding any items credited to or charged against your account. For example, if you deposit a check and it is returned unpaid or we receive a notice of nonpayment, we do not have to notify you unless required by federal Regulation CC or other law. ACH AND WIRE TRANSFERS - This agreement is subject to Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code - Fund Transfers as adopted in the state in which you have your account with usmore than six months after its date. If you originate do not want us to pay a fund transfer and stale-dated check, you identify by name and number must place a beneficiary financial institution, an intermediary financial institution or a beneficiary, we and every receiving or beneficiary financial institution may rely stop-payment order on the identifying number to make paymentcheck in the manner we have described elsewhere. We may rely on the number even if it identifies a financial institution, person or account other than the one named. You agree to be bound by automated clearing house association rules. These rules provide, among other things, that payments made to you, or originated by you, are provisional until final settlement FDIC INSURANCE The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is made through a Federal Reserve Bank or payment is otherwise made as provided in Article 4A-403(a) an independent agency of the Uniform Commercial CodeU.S. government which was established by Congress in 1933 to insure bank deposits.Your deposits at HomeStreet Bank are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States, subject to applicable limits stated below. If we do not receive such payment, we Deposits in a single account are entitled insured by the FDIC up to a refund from maximum of S250,000.Your separate individual accounts at HomeStreet Bank are added together and treated as a single account for purposes of determining insurance coverage. However, deposits maintained in different categories of legal ownership may, under certain circumstances, be separately insured, and it may therefore be possible for you in the amount credited to your account and the party originating such payment will not be considered to have paid more than S250,000 insurance coverage in a single institution if the amount so creditedfunds are owned and deposited in different ownership categories. If we receive a payment order Certain retirement accounts (such as Traditional IRAs and Xxxx-IRAs) are aggregated together and insured up to credit an account you have with us by wire S250,000. Please refer to the FDIC Booklet (available upon request) or ACH, we are not required for additional information pertaining to give you any notice of the payment order or credit. DIGITAL WALLETS - These include Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay (G Pay) and MasterPass. The aforementioned “Wallets” “or Digital Wallets” allow you to use your First Command Bank Card to enter into transactions with merchants at any location the Wallet is accepted. The Wallet may not be accepted at all places where your First Command Bank Card is accepted. CHECK PROCESSING POLICY - In the event that your check is returned unpaid for insufficient or uncollected funds, we may present your check electronically. FIRST COMMAND DEBIT CARD AGREEMENT AND DISCLOSUREFDIC insurance.

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Check Cashing. We may charge a fee for anyone that does not have an account with us who is cashing a check, draft or other instrument written on your account. We may also require reasonable identification to cash such a check, draft draft, or other instrument. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances and such identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a thumbprint or fingerprint. INDORSEMENTS - We may accept for deposit any item payable to you or your order, even if they are not indorsed by you. We may give cash back to any one of you. We may supply any missing indorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all indorsements are genuine. To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delay, you must indorse it (sign it on the back) in a specific area. Your entire indorsement (whether a signature or a stamp) along with any other indorsement information (e.g. additional indorsements, ID information, driver’s license number, etc.) must fall within 1 1/2” of the “trailing edge” of a check. Indorsements must be made in blue or black ink, so that they are readable. As you look at the front of a check, the “trailing edge” is the left edge. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep all indorsement information within 1 1/2” of that edge. It is important that you confine the indorsement information to this area since the remaining blank space will be used by others in the processing of the check to place additional needed indorsements and information. You agree that you will indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless for any loss, liability, damage or expense that occurs because your indorsement, another indorsement or information you have printed on the back of the check obscures our indorsement. These indorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks. DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE - You agree to notify us promptly if any person with a right to withdraw funds from your account(s) dies or becomes legally is adjudicated (determined by the appropriate official) incompetent. We may continue to honor your checks, items, and instructions until: (a) we are notified know of your the death or adjudication of incompetence, and (b) we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that knowledge. You agree that we may pay or certify checks drawn on or before the date of death or legal adjudication of incompetence for up to ten (10) days after your the death or legal adjudication of incompetence unless ordered to stop payment by someone claiming an interest in the account. FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS - Accounts may be opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is appointed to act on behalf of and for the benefit of another. This account may be opened and maintained by a person or persons named as a trustee under a written trust agreement, or as executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders. You understand that by merely opening such an account, we are not acting in the capacity of a trustee in connection with the trust nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor or enforce the terms of the trust or letters. CREDIT VERIFICATION - You agree that we may verify credit and employment history by any necessary means, including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agency. We will comply with all applicable laws in this regard. LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT - If we are served with a subpoena, restraining order, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment, search warrant, or similar order relating to your account (termed “legal action” in this section), we will comply with that legal action. Or, in our discretion, we may freeze the assets in the account and not allow any payments out of the account until a final court determination regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than all of you. In these cases, we will not have any liability to you if there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way restricted access to your funds in accordance with the legal action. Any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and our internal expenses) may be charged against your account. The list of fees applicable to your account(s) provided elsewhere may specify additional fees that we may charge for certain legal actions. SECURITY - It is your responsibility to protect the account numbers and electronic access devices (e.g., an ATM card) we provide you for your account(s). Do not discuss, compare, or share information about your account number(s) with anyone unless you are willing to give them full use of your money. An account number can be used by thieves to encode your number on a false demand draft which looks like and functions like an authorized check. If you furnish your access device and grant actual authority to make transfers to another person (a family member or coworker, for example) who then exceeds that authority, you are liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Your account number can also be used to electronically remove money from your account. If you provide your account number in response to a telephone solicitation for the purpose of making a transfer (to purchase a service or merchandise, for example),payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment. You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you believe your checks have been lost or stolen. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself or share the loss with us (we may have to share some of the loss if we failed to use ordinary care and if we substantially contributed to the loss). You agree that if we offer you services appropriate for your account to help identify and limit fraud or other unauthorized transactions against your account, such as positive pay or commercially reasonable security procedures, and you reject those services, you will be responsible for any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions which could have been prevented by the services we offered, unless we acted in bad faith or to the extent our negligence contributed to the loss. OTHER THAN IN WRITING INSTRUCTIONS - Unless required by law or we have agreed otherwise in writing, we are not required to act upon instructions you give us via facsimile transmission, leave by voice mail or on a telephone answering machine, or via e-mail. CLAIM OF LOSS - If you claim a credit or refund because of a forgery, alteration, or any other unauthorized withdrawal, you agree to cooperate with us in the investigation of the loss, including giving us an affidavit containing whatever reasonable information we require concerning your account, the transaction, and the circumstances surrounding the loss. You will notify law enforcement authorities of any criminal act related to the claim of lost, missing, or stolen checks or unauthorized withdrawals. We will have a reasonable period of time to investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding any claim of loss. Unless we have acted in bad faith, we will not be liable for special or consequential damages, including loss of profits or opportunity, or for attorneys’ fees incurred by you. You agree that you will not waive any rights you have to recover your loss against anyone who is obligated to repay, insure, or otherwise reimburse you for your loss. You will pursue your rights or, at our option, assign them to us so that we may pursue them. Our liability will be reduced by the amount you recover or are entitled to recover from these other sources. EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTIES (and involuntary withdrawals) - We may impose early withdrawal penalties on a withdrawal from a time account even if you don’t initiate the withdrawal. For instance, the early withdrawal penalty may be imposed if the withdrawal is caused by our setoff against funds in the account or as a result of an attachment or other legal process. We may close your account and impose the early withdrawal penalty on the entire account balance in the event of a partial early withdrawal. See your notice of penalty for early withdrawals for additional information. ADDRESS OR NAME CHANGES - You are responsible for notifying us of any change in your address or your name. Unless we agree otherwise, change of address or name must be made in writing by at least one of the account holders. Informing us of your address or name change on a check reorder form is not sufficient. We will attempt to communicate with you only by use of the most recent address you have provided to us. If provided elsewhere, we may impose a service fee if we attempt to locate you. RESOLVING ACCOUNT DISPUTES - We may place an administrative hold on the funds in your account (refuse payment or withdrawal of the funds) if it becomes subject to a claim adverse to (1) your own interest; (2) others claiming an interest as survivors or beneficiaries of your account; or (3) a claim arising by operation of law. The hold maybe placed for such period of time as we believe reasonably necessary to allow a legal proceeding to determine the merits of the claim or until we receive evidence satisfactory to us that the dispute has been resolved. We will not be liable for any items that are dishonored as a consequence of placing a hold on funds in your account for these reasons. WAIVER OF NOTICES - To the maximum extent permissible by law, you waive any notice of non-payment, dishonor or protest regarding any items credited to or charged against your account. For example, if you deposit a check and it is returned unpaid or we receive a notice of nonpayment, we do not have to notify you unless required by federal Regulation CC or other law. ACH AND WIRE TRANSFERS - TRANSFERS- This agreement is subject to Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code - Fund Code- Funds Transfers as adopted in the state in which you have your account with us. If you originate a fund transfer for which Fedwire is used, and you identify by name and number a beneficiary financial institution, an and intermediary financial institution instruction or a beneficiary, we and every receiving or beneficiary financial institution may rely on the identifying number to make payment. We may rely on the number even if it identifies a financial institution, person or account other than the one named. You agree to be bound by automated clearing house association rules. These rules provide, among other things, that payments made to you, or originated by you, are provisional until final settlement is made through a Federal Reserve Bank or payment is otherwise made as provided in Article 4A-403(a) of the Uniform Commercial Code. If we do not receive such paymentsuch, we are entitled to a refund from you in the amount credited to your account and the party originating such payment will not be considered to have paid the amount so credited. If we receive a payment order credit to credit an account you have with us by wire or ACH, we are not required to give you any notice of the payment order or credit. DIGITAL WALLETS - These include Apple PayFACSIMILE SIGNATURES- You authorize us, Samsung Pay, Google Pay (G Pay) and MasterPass. The aforementioned “Wallets” “or Digital Wallets” allow you to use your First Command Bank Card to enter into transactions with merchants at any location time, to charge you for all checks, drafts, or other orders, for the Wallet is accepted. The Wallet payment of money, that are drawn on us regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signatures(s) may not be accepted at all places where your First Command Bank Card is accepted. CHECK PROCESSING POLICY - In have been affixed so long as they resemble the event that your check is returned unpaid facsimile signature specimen filed with us, and contains the required number of signatures for insufficient or uncollected funds, we may present your check electronically. FIRST COMMAND DEBIT CARD AGREEMENT AND DISCLOSUREthis purpose.

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Check Cashing. We may charge a fee for anyone that does not have an account with us who is cashing a check, draft or other instrument written on your account. We may also require reasonable identification to cash such a check, draft or other instrument. We can decide what identification is reasonable under the circumstances and such identification may be documentary or physical and may include collecting a thumbprint or fingerprint. INDORSEMENTS - ENDORSEMENTS We may accept for deposit any item payable to you or your order, even if they are not indorsed by you. We may give cash back to any one of you. We may supply any missing indorsement(s) for any item we accept for deposit or collection, and you warrant that all indorsements are genuine. To ensure that your check or share draft is processed without delay, you must indorse it (sign it on the back) in a specific area. Your entire indorsement (whether a signature or a stamp) along with any other indorsement information (e.g. additional indorsements, ID information, driver’s license number, etc.) must fall within 1 1/211/2” of the “trailing edge” of a check. Indorsements must be made in blue or black ink, so that they are readable. As you look at the front of a check, the “trailing edge” is the left edge. When you flip the check over, be sure to keep all indorsement information within 1 1/211/2” of that edge. It is important that you confine the indorsement endorsement information to this area since the remaining blank space will be used by others in the processing of the check to place additional needed indorsements endorsements and information. You agree that you will indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless for any loss, liability, damage or expense that occurs because your indorsement, another indorsement or information you have printed on the back of the check obscures our indorsement. These indorsement guidelines apply to both personal and business checks. DEATH OR INCOMPETENCE - You agree to notify us promptly if any person with a right to withdraw funds from your account(s) dies or becomes legally incompetent. We may continue to honor your checks, items, and instructions until: (a) we are notified of your death or incompetence, and (b) we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on that knowledge. You agree that we may pay or certify checks drawn on or before the date of death or legal incompetence for up to ten (10) days after your death or legal incompetence unless ordered to stop payment by someone claiming an interest in the account. FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTS - Accounts may be opened by a person acting in a fiduciary capacity. A fiduciary is someone who is appointed to act on behalf of and for the benefit of another. This account may be opened and maintained by a person or persons named as a trustee under a written trust agreement, or as executors, administrators, or conservators under court orders. You understand that by merely opening such an account, we are not acting in the capacity of a trustee in connection with the trust nor do we undertake any obligation to monitor or enforce the terms of the trust or letters. CREDIT VERIFICATION - You agree that we may verify credit and employment history by any necessary means, including preparation of a credit report by a credit reporting agency. We will comply with all applicable laws in this regard. LEGAL ACTIONS AFFECTING YOUR ACCOUNT - If we are served with a subpoena, restraining order, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment, search warrant, or similar order relating to your account (termed “legal action” in this section), we will comply with that legal action. Or, in our discretion, we may freeze the assets in the account and not allow any payments out of the account until a final court determination regarding the legal action. We may do these things even if the legal action involves less than all of you. In these cases, we will not have any liability to you if there are insufficient funds to pay your items because we have withdrawn funds from your account or in any way restricted access to your funds in accordance with the legal action. Any fees or expenses we incur in responding to any legal action (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and our internal expenses) may be charged against your account. The list of fees applicable to your account(s) provided elsewhere may specify additional fees that we may charge for certain legal actions. SECURITY - It is your responsibility to protect the account numbers and electronic access devices (e.g., an ATM card) we provide you for your account(s). Do not discuss, compare, or share information about your account number(s) with anyone unless you are willing to give them full use of your money. An account number can be used by thieves to encode your number on a false demand draft which looks like and functions like an authorized check. If you furnish your access device and grant actual authority to make transfers to another person (a family member or coworker, for example) who then exceeds that authority, you are liable for the transfers unless we have been notified that transfers by that person are no longer authorized. Your account number can also be used to electronically remove money from your account. If you provide your account number in response to a telephone solicitation for the purpose of making a transfer (to purchase a service or merchandise, for example),payment can be made from your account even though you did not contact us directly and order the payment. You must also take precaution in safeguarding your blank checks. Notify us at once if you believe your checks have been lost or stolen. As between you and us, if you are negligent in safeguarding your checks, you must bear the loss entirely yourself or share the loss with us (we may have to share some of the loss if we failed to use ordinary care and if we substantially contributed to the loss). You agree that if we offer you services appropriate for your account to help identify and limit fraud or other unauthorized transactions against your account, such as positive pay or commercially reasonable security procedures, and you reject those services, you will be responsible for any fraudulent or unauthorized transactions which could have been prevented by the services we offered, unless we acted in bad faith or to the extent our negligence contributed to the loss. OTHER THAN IN WRITING INSTRUCTIONS - Unless required by law or we have agreed otherwise in writing, we are not required to act upon instructions you give us via facsimile transmission, leave by voice mail or on a telephone answering machine, or via e-mail. CLAIM OF LOSS - If you claim a credit or refund because of a forgery, alteration, or any other unauthorized withdrawal, you agree to cooperate with us in the investigation of the loss, including giving us an affidavit containing whatever reasonable information we require concerning your account, the transaction, and the circumstances surrounding the loss. You will notify law enforcement authorities of any criminal act related to the claim of lost, missing, or stolen checks or unauthorized withdrawals. We will have a reasonable period of time to investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding any claim of loss. Unless we have acted in bad faith, we will not be liable for special or consequential damages, including loss of profits or opportunity, or for attorneys’ fees incurred by you. You agree that you will not waive any rights you have to recover your loss against anyone who is obligated to repay, insure, or otherwise reimburse you for your loss. You will pursue your rights or, at our option, assign them to us so that we may pursue them. Our liability will be reduced by the amount you recover or are entitled to recover from these other sources. EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTIES (and involuntary withdrawals) - We may impose early withdrawal penalties on a withdrawal from a time account even if you don’t initiate the withdrawal. For instance, the early withdrawal penalty may be imposed if the withdrawal is caused by our setoff against funds in the account or as a result of an attachment or other legal process. We may close your account and impose the early withdrawal penalty on the entire account balance in the event of a partial early withdrawal. See your notice of penalty for early withdrawals for additional information. ADDRESS OR NAME CHANGES - You are responsible for notifying us of any change in your address or your name. Unless we agree otherwise, change of address or name must be made in writing by at least one of the account holders. Informing us of your address or name change on a check reorder form is not sufficient. We will attempt to communicate with you only by use of the most recent address you have provided to us. If provided elsewhere, we may impose a service fee if we attempt to locate you. RESOLVING ACCOUNT DISPUTES - We may place an administrative hold on the funds in your account (refuse payment or withdrawal of the funds) if it becomes subject to a claim adverse to (1) your own interest; (2) others claiming an interest as survivors or beneficiaries of your account; or (3) a claim arising by operation of law. The hold maybe placed for such period of time as we believe reasonably necessary to allow a legal proceeding to determine the merits of the claim or until we receive evidence satisfactory to us that the dispute has been resolved. We will not be liable for any items that are dishonored as a consequence of placing a hold on funds in your account for these reasons. WAIVER OF NOTICES - To the maximum extent permissible by law, you waive any notice of non-payment, dishonor or protest regarding any items credited to or charged against your account. For example, if you deposit a check and it is returned unpaid or we receive a notice of nonpayment, we do not have to notify you unless required by federal Regulation CC or other law. ACH AND WIRE TRANSFERS - This agreement is subject to Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code - Fund Transfers as adopted in the state in which you have your account with us. If you originate a fund transfer and you identify by name and number a beneficiary financial institution, an intermediary financial institution or a beneficiary, we and every receiving or beneficiary financial institution may rely on the identifying number to make payment. We may rely on the number even if it identifies a financial institution, person or account other than the one named. You agree to be bound by automated clearing house association rules. These rules provide, among other things, that payments made to you, or originated by you, are provisional until final settlement is made through a Federal Reserve Bank or payment is otherwise made as provided in Article 4A-403(a) of the Uniform Commercial Code. If we do not receive such payment, we are entitled to a refund from you in the amount credited to your account and the party originating such payment will not be considered to have paid the amount so credited. If we receive a payment order to credit an account you have with us by wire or ACH, we are not required to give you any notice of the payment order or credit. DIGITAL WALLETS - These include Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay (G Pay) and MasterPass. The aforementioned “Wallets” “or Digital Wallets” allow you to use your First Command Bank Card to enter into transactions with merchants at any location the Wallet is accepted. The Wallet may not be accepted at all places where your First Command Bank Card is accepted. CHECK PROCESSING POLICY - In the event that your check is returned unpaid for insufficient or uncollected funds, we may present your check electronically. FIRST COMMAND DEBIT CARD AGREEMENT AND DISCLOSURE.

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