CHECK-OFF Sample Clauses
CHECK-OFF. 9.01 Subject to this Article, the Employer will, as a condition of employment, deduct an amount equal to the monthly membership dues from the monthly pay of all employees in the bargaining unit. Where an employee does not have sufficient earnings in respect of any month to permit deductions made under this Article, the Employer shall not be obliged to make such deduction from subsequent salary.
9.02 The Association shall inform the Employer in writing of the authorized monthly deduction to be checked off for each employee.
9.03 For the purpose of applying clause 9.01, deductions from pay for each employee in respect of each calendar month will start with the first full calendar month of employment to the extent that earnings are available.
9.04 No employee organization, as defined in Section 3 of the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act, other than the Association, shall be permitted to have membership dues and/or other monies deducted by the Employer from the pay of employees in the bargaining unit.
9.05 The amounts deducted in accordance with clause 9.01 shall be remitted to the Association by cheque in the month following that in which their deductions were made and shall be accompanied by particulars identifying each employee and the deductions made on his/her behalf.
9.06 The Employer agrees to make deductions for other purposes on the basis of the production of appropriate documentation.
9.07 The Association agrees to indemnify and save the Employer harmless against any claim or liability arising out of the application of this Article, except for any claim of liability arising out of an error committed by the Employer limited to the amount actually involved in the error.
9.08 An employee who satisfies the Employer to the extent that he/she declares in an affidavit that he/she is a member of a religious organization, registered pursuant to the Income Tax Act, whose doctrine prevents him/her, as a matter of conscience, from making financial contributions to an employee organization and that he/she will make contributions to a charitable organization equal to dues, shall not be subject to this Article, provided that the affidavit submitted by the employee shows the registered number of the religious organization and is countersigned by an official representative of the religious organization involved. A copy of the affidavit will be provided to the Association.
Section 1. The City shall deduct regular monthly Union dues from the pay of each employee covered by this Agreement; provided, that at the time of such deduction there is in the possession of the City a current unrevoked written authorization, executed by the employee, in the form and according to the terms of the authorization form. Such authorization may be revoked by the employee at any time by giving written notice thereof to the City.
Section 2. Previously signed and unrevoked written authorizations shall continue to be effective as to employees reinstated following layoff, leave of absence, or suspension not exceeding sixty (60) days; previous authorizations of other employees rehired or reinstated shall not be considered to be effective.
Section 3. Such authorized deductions shall be made from the first payroll period of each calendar month and will within twenty (20) days following the issuance of pay warrants for that pay period be remitted to the duly designated Union official. The Union shall advise the City in writing of the name of such official.
Section 4. If the City receives an employee revocation of authorization no later than two (2) weeks prior to the first payday of each month, no deduction will be made from that payroll period or subsequent payroll periods.
Section 5. At the time of execution of this Agreement, the Union shall advise the City in writing of the exact amount of regular monthly Union dues. If, subsequently, the Union requests the City to deduct additional monthly Union dues, such request shall be effective only upon written assurance by the Union to the City that amounts are regular monthly Union dues duly approved in accordance with the Union's constitution and bylaws.
Section 6. The City agrees to provide this service without charge to the Union.
Section 7. The City shall not be liable for the remittance payment of any sums other than those constituting actual deductions made; and if for any reason it fails to make a deduction for any employee as above provided, it shall make that deduction from the employee's pay the next pay period in which Union dues are normally deducted after written notification to the City of the error. If the City makes an overpayment to the Union, the City will deduct that amount from the next remittance to the Union. If the City inadvertently makes a deduction from an employee who has not authorized said deduction or who has revoked said authorization in accordance with Section 4 of this Art...
CHECK-OFF. 6.1 Except as provided in clause 6.4, the Council will, as a condition of employment make every reasonable effort to have deducted through Public Works and Government Services Canada, an amount equal to the amount of the membership dues from the monthly pay of all employees in the bargaining units covered by this Agreement. The amounts deducted shall be remitted by cheque to the Association within a reasonable period of time after deductions are made and shall be accompanied by particulars identifying each employee and the deductions made on the employee’s behalf.
6.2 The Association shall inform the Council in writing of the authorized monthly deduction to be checked off for each employee defined in clause 6.1.
6.3 For the purpose of applying clause 6.1, deductions from pay for each employee in respect of each month will start with the first full month of employment or membership to the extent that earnings are available. Where an employee does not have sufficient earnings in respect of any month to permit deductions, the Council shall not be obligated to make these deductions from subsequent salary.
6.4 An employee who satisfies the Council by declaring in an affidavit filed with the Council that the employee is a member of a religious organization whose doctrine prevents the employee as a matter of conscience from making financial contributions to an employee organization and that the employee will make contributions to a charitable organization as defined in the Income Tax Act equal to membership dues, shall not be subject to this article, provided that the affidavit submitted by the employee is countersigned by an official representative of the religious organization involved.
6.5 The Council agrees to make every reasonable effort to continue past practice of having deductions made for other purposes on the basis of production of appropriate documentation through Public Works and Government Services Canada.
6.6 The Association agrees to indemnify and save the Council harmless against any claim or liability arising out of the application of this article except for any claim or liability arising out of an error committed by the Council.
CHECK-OFF. CSEA shall have the sole and exclusive right to have membership dues, initiation, and service fees deducted for Unit Members by the District. The District shall, upon appropriate written authorization from any Unit Member, deduct and make appropriate remittance for insurance premiums, credit union payments, charitable donations, and other plans or programs jointly approved by CSEA and the District. The District shall pay to the designated payee, within a reasonable amount of time, all sums so deducted.
CHECK-OFF. CSEA shall have the sole and exclusive right to have membership dues, initiation and service fees deducted for employees in the bargaining unit by the District.
CHECK-OFF. (a) Regular full-time employees shall have monthly membership dues or service fees deducted from their earnings by signing an Authorization Form (agreed to by the Association and the Employer), or they shall pay dues or fees directly to the Association.
(b) During the life of this Agreement and in accordance with the terms of the Authorization Form and to the extent the laws of the State of Michigan permit, the Employer agrees to deduct the above-referenced Association membership dues or service fees from the pay of each employee who, as of the fifteenth (15th) day of the month preceding the month in which a deduction is to be made, has a currently executed Authorization Form on file with the Employer. The Association's Financial Officer shall submit to the Employer's Payroll Office/Human Resources Department written certification of the amount of dues/service fees to be deducted pursuant to the provisions of this Article.
(c) A properly executed copy of such Authorization Form for each employee for whom the Association membership dues or service fees are to be deducted hereunder shall be delivered by the Association to the Employer before any payroll deductions shall be made. Deductions shall be made thereafter only under the Authorization Forms which have been properly executed and are in effect. Any Authorization Form which is incomplete or in error will be returned to the Association's Financial Officer by the Employer.
(d) Check-off deductions under all properly executed Authorization Forms shall become effective at the time the application is tendered to the Employer and if received on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the month preceding the month in which a deduction is to be made, shall be deducted from the first (1st) pay of such month, and monthly thereafter.
(e) All sums deducted by the Employer shall be remitted to the Association's Financial Officer once each month within fifteen (15) calendar days following the payday in which deductions were made, together with a list which identifies current employees for whom Association dues or service fees have been deducted, the amount deducted from the pay of each employee and any employees who have terminated their Check-off Authorization during the previous month. Employees may terminate such Check-off at any time by serving written notice thereof to the Employer.
(f) Once any funds are remitted to the Association by the Employer, their disposition shall be the sole and exclusive obligation and ...
CHECK-OFF. The Company shall deduct from each new employee an amount equal to the Union dues from the employee's first payroll cheque after completion of six (6) days of work in a calendar month and add that employee's name and the said amount to the closest applicable check-off; i.e., if the check-off for that month has not been remitted to the Union, it shall be added to that check-off; if that month's check-off has been remitted, it shall be added to the following month's check-off and shown as the previous month worked.
CHECK-OFF. The Employer agrees to deduct on behalf of the Union when requested in writing by the employee and accompanied by signed authorization cards, all initiation fees, monthly dues, assessments and levies, from and on behalf of all employees who are members of the Union from the employee’s pay cheque each month. The Employer shall remit such deductions to the Union prior to the 15th day of the month following the calendar month in which such deduction is made, accompanied by a list of names, classification and addresses of employees from whose wages the deductions were made.
13.01 Effective the first of the month following the signing of this Agreement, the Employer will, as a condition of employment, deduct an amount equal to the amount of membership dues from the pay of all employees in the Bargaining Unit.
13.02 The Union shall inform the Employer in writing, at least 6 weeks in advance of the effective date, of the authorized deduction to be checked off for each employee within the Bargaining Unit.
13.03 For the purpose of applying Clause 13.01, deductions from pay for each employee will occur on a bi-weekly basis and will apply to the extent that earnings are available. Where an employee does not have sufficient earnings in respect of any bi-weekly period to permit deduction, the Employer shall not be obligated to make such deductions from subsequent salary.
13.04 From the date of signing, and for the duration of this Agreement, no employee organization other than the Union shall be permitted to have membership fees deducted by the Employer from the pay of the employees in the Bargaining Unit.
13.05 The Union shall inform the Employer in writing of the authorized deduction for PSAC Group Life Insurance premiums for each employee who participates in the PSAC Group Life Insurance Plan, and the Employer shall make the authorized deduction from the participating employee's pay.
13.06 The amounts deducted in accordance with Clauses 13.01 and 13.05 shall be remitted to the Comptroller of the Alliance, by cheque, within a reasonable period of time after deductions are made and shall be accompanied by particulars identifying each employee and the deductions made on the employee's behalf.
13.07 The Employer agrees to continue past practice of making deductions for other purposes on the basis of the production of appropriate documentation.
13.08 The Union agrees to indemnify and save the Employer harmless against any claim or liability arising out of the application of this Article except for any claim or liability arising out of an error committed by the Employer.
13.09 The Employer agrees to identify annually on each employee's T-4 slip the total amount of Union dues deducted for the preceding year.
CHECK-OFF. The Employer shall deduct an amount equal to the regular monthly membership dues of the Union from the pay of all employees in the bargaining unit.