City Reports. Except as set forth in this Agreement or as 11 requested by the City Representative, CITY shall generate operational reports and 12 information required to provide payment to CONTRACTOR, including the monthly 13 invoice. CONTRACTOR will have access to reports and information through the 14 Consolidated Utility Billing System related to the Service District(s) that are necessary, 15 in the opinion of the City Representative, for CONTRACTOR’s operations and for 16 providing information requested by CITY. CONTRACTOR will have access to the 17 Consolidated Utility Billing System’s report writer function.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Recycling Services Agreement
City Reports. Except as set forth in this Agreement or as 11 34 requested by the City Representative, CITY shall generate operational reports and 12 35 information required to provide payment to CONTRACTOR, including the monthly 13 1 invoice. CONTRACTOR will have access to reports and information through the 14 2 Consolidated Utility Billing System related to the Service District(s) Districts that are necessary, 15 in 3 the opinion of the City Representative, for CONTRACTOR’s operations and for 16 4 providing information requested by CITY. CONTRACTOR will have access to the 17 Consolidated 5 Utility Billing System’s report writer function.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Yt & RSS Services Agreement
City Reports. Except as set forth in this Agreement or as 11 32 requested by the City Representative, CITY shall generate operational reports and 12 33 information required to provide payment to CONTRACTOR, including the monthly 13 invoice. 34 CONTRACTOR will have access to reports and information through the 14 Consolidated 35 Utility Billing System related to the Service District(s) that are necessary, 15 in the opinion of 36 the City Representative, for CONTRACTOR’s operations and for 16 providing information 1 requested by CITY. CONTRACTOR will have access to the 17 Consolidated Utility Billing 2 System’s report writer function.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Recycling Services Agreement
City Reports. 4 Except as set forth in this Agreement or as 11 requested by the City 5 Representative, CITY shall generate operational reports and 12 information required 6 to provide payment to CONTRACTOR, including the monthly 13 invoice. 7 CONTRACTOR will have access to reports and information through the 14 Consolidated Utility Billing 8 Customer Service System related to the Service District(s) that are necessary, 15 in the opinion of as 9 determined by the City Representative, for CONTRACTOR’s operations and for 16 10 providing information requested by CITY. CONTRACTOR will have access to the 17 Consolidated Utility Billing 11 Customer Service System’s report writer function.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Solid Waste Services Agreement