Collection Frequency. Contractor shall provide collection of recyclables every other week to all eligible households. Eligible households include all single-family through four-unit dwellings. Establishment of refuse collection days shall be given priority; therefore, recyclable collection days must correspond with established refuse collection days.
Collection Frequency. The Grantee must provide residents with a recycling program under which recyclables are collected on a weekly or every other week basis. Collection frequency impacts cart size as follows:
Collection Frequency. For health and safety purposes, minimum collection frequency for all Solid Waste Handling Customers shall be once per week, in accordance with Section 17331 of Title 14, California Code of Regulations. Grantee shall correct any missed collection of a Customer's Solid Waste within two (2) working (waste collection) days of notice thereof, unless the next regular collection of such waste is scheduled to occur within three (3) working (waste collection) days of such notice.
Collection Frequency. Unless otherwise specified in Exhibit C, Contractor shall collect Recyclable Materials containers one time per month.
Collection Frequency. ⬜ a. Wheeled bins Collection frequency for Recyclable Materials collected in wheeled bins is once (1) every two (2) weeks.
Collection Frequency. The collection frequency of the food waste bins and carts would be dependent upon the type of containers that would be distributed to each multi-family complex. These multi-family complexes have a wide range of units, number of bins and service levels. Therefore, the collection frequency would be dependent upon a number of variables. Of particular importance is ensuring the collection frequency is enough to ensure that odors are mitigated.
Collection Frequency. Recyclable materials, green waste and other solid wastes will be picked up from all single-family dwelling residents not less than once per week. Collection of solid wastes including recyclable materials and green waste materials shall be scheduled as needed for multi-family residential dwellings and commercial, industrial, institutional and governmental customers.
Collection Frequency. Communities must provide residents with a recycling program under which recyclables are collected on a weekly basis. The Collection frequency of the grantee’s recycling program impacts cart size requirements as follows: • Weekly collection: minimum of 64+ gallon cart is required.
Collection Frequency. Garbage and recycling collections shall be made at least once during the work week (Monday-Friday). If requested by the City, the Contractor shall make more or less frequent weekday collections based upon seasonal needs. If requested by the City, the Contractor shall make weekend collections to temporarily address garbage and/or recycling capacity issues, at no additional cost. Any temporary weekend collections shall cease once the Contractor makes adjustments to the regular weekday collection schedule to ensure adequate garbage and recycling capacity.
Collection Frequency. CONTRACTOR shall adhere to the Collection 25 frequency schedule of Chapter 32 of the Municipal Code, and shall have 26 specific routes and Collection days for adhering to that schedule. 27 CONTRACTOR shall furnish CITY with "Residential Garbage Collection 28 Day Scheduling Maps," and shall not make changes to same without first 29 informing CITY. Changes to Collection schedule involving changes in 30 service levels shall require at least 90 days' notice for timely and cost- 31 effective schedule transition by CONTRACTOR.