COMPLIANCE OPTIONS. I have read and understand the provisions of the Equal Benefits Ordinance and have determined that this company will comply as indicated below: □ I have no employees. □ I provide no benefits. □ I provide benefits to employees only. Employees are prohibited from enrolling their spouse or domestic partner. provide equal benefits as required by the City of Los Angeles EBO.
COMPLIANCE OPTIONS. Burrtec and its Affiliates have elected to utilize the low-use vehicle exemption (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 13, § 2025(p)(4)); credit provision (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 13, § 2025(j)); and the phase-in option (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 13, § 2025(i)) in the TB Regulation.
COMPLIANCE OPTIONSXxx Xxxx and Subsidiaries has elected to utilize the low-use vehicle exemption (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 13, § 2025(p)(4) in the Truck and Bus Regulation.
COMPLIANCE OPTIONS. EDCO Disposal Corporation and its Affiliates have elected to utilize the low-use vehicle exemption (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 13, § 2025(p)(4)); credit provision (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 13, § 2025(j)); and the phase-in option (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 13, § 2025(i)) in the Truck and Bus (TB) Regulation.
COMPLIANCE OPTIONS. Tri-State Well Drilling & Pumps, Inc. has elected to utilize the low-use vehicle exemption (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 13, § 2025(p)(4)); in the Truck and Bus Regulation.
COMPLIANCE OPTIONS. I have read and understand the provisions of the Equal Benefits Ordinance and Rules and Regulations and have determined that compliance shall be effectuated as indicated below: □ I have previously contracted with the City of Los Angeles, been determined to be in compliance with the EBO, and have NOT altered my benefits programs as they relate to providing equal coverage to an employee’s spouse/domestic partner. I have no employees. □ .................., I provide benefits to employees only. Employees are prohibited from enrolling their spouse or domestic partner. SJ, I provide equal benefits in accordance with the City of Los Angeles EBO. o provide employees a “Cash Equivalent” in accordance with EBO Regulation #4. □ All or some employees are covered by a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) or union trust fund. Consequently, I will provide Equal Benefits to all non-union represented employees, subject to the EBO, and will propose to the affected unions that they incoiporate the requirements of the EBO into their CBA upon amendment, extension, or other modification of the CBA (Refer to Regulation M). a. ..... Health benefits currently provided do not comply with the EBO. However, I will make the necessary changes to provide Equal Benefits upon my next Open Enrollment period which begins (Date) ~ ~ .
COMPLIANCE OPTIONS. I have read and understand the provisions of the Equal Benefits Ordinance and Rules and Regulations and have determined that compliance shall be effectuated as indicated below: □……. I have previously contracted with the City of Los Angeles, been determined to be in compliance with the EBO, and have NOT altered my benefits programs as they relate to providing equal coverage to an employee’s spouse/domestic partner. □……. I have no employees. □……. I provide no benefits. □……. I provide benefits to employees only. Employees are prohibited from enrolling their spouse or domestic partner. □……. I provide equal benefits in accordance with the City of Los Angeles EBO. □……. I provide employees a “Cash Equivalent” in accordance with EBO Regulation #4. □……. All or some employees are covered by a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) or union trust fund. Consequently, I will provide Equal Benefits to all non-union represented employees, subject to the EBO, and will propose to the affected unions that they incorporate the requirements of the EBO into their CBA upon amendment, extension, or other modification of the CBA (Refer to Regulation #4). □……. Health benefits currently provided do not comply with the EBO. However, I will make the necessary changes to provide Equal Benefits upon my next Open Enrollment period which begins (Date) .
COMPLIANCE OPTIONS. I have read and understand the provisions of the.Bqual Benefits Ordinance ant! have determined that this company will comply as indicated below; □ 1 have no employees. I provide no benefits. O. 1 provide benefits to employees only, Employees are prohibited from enrolling their spouse or domestic partner, ' 0.. 5 pswSds s<p»i ss resuliaShy the Cfy ofUfe AsgeSss K80. CL I ptovitfe mpkytm wife a 'S^-S&ptostfeBk* Hofei The “Cait is to aamsat of mmy equMteat to what your wmpasy pays fix apowsl te^fe fe #» ocavwitabfe for faneafe pttrtnee. or vies versa.- .. , ’• ' a,., or /di w-MM/m&siyito sis wroxl by & eollwiive bsfgeiBfeg: spwwst (CfiA) or *»k«s tntst toad. pmoymatir, 1 will jspvitte B$ni' tetofife to ti tegsmnM «wpfey««» subject to toe BBOa and w® pepoto to tot affetel waisms to* :itsy ito r^ubwesfet of A® BBOfe.fefl»btBA cpm amsssiteasa*, attotisimi. & efeersMiftafe offeeCSA. • P itoslfe 'benefits fiaweutly provided do act e&mpiy wife toe £80. Ifoarsver, 1 »1S make fee ■'rf . -. . . •• yfe'i .teslj ef^Qtycantpst.% $*f Ggiii? i ,i. • teptsgoab »i- •;■•
COMPLIANCE OPTIONS. Sun Valley Trucking, LLC has elected to utilize the requirements of the Engine Model Year Compliance Schedule provided for in Cal. Code Regs., tit. 13, § 2025 (g) in the Truck and Bus Regulation.
COMPLIANCE OPTIONS. I have read and understand the provisions of the Equal Benefits Ordinance and have determined that this company will comply as indicated below: * □ I have no employees. □ I provide no benefits. □ I provide benefits to employees only. Employees are prohibited from enrolling their spouse or domestic partner.