Compliance Schedule. A. Each of the Respondents shall comply with the requirements and reporting deadlines set forth in this Order on Consent and, according to the designation of responsible parties in the Compliance Schedule in Appendix B, once approved, the construction project milestones contained in such Appendix. The Compliance Schedule shall set forth the deadlines and milestones with which designated Respondents must comply in implementing the LTCP. The Compliance Schedule shall consist of, and the designated Respondents shall comply with, the final compliance schedule contained in an approved LTCP which compliance schedule shall include design, construction, post-construction monitoring, and operation deadlines and milestones and shall be appended hereto and incorporated herein as the Compliance Schedule in Appendix B to this Order on Consent. The Compliance Schedule may be developed with the expectation that the Department’s review of Completed Plans and Specifications would occur within sixty (60) days.
1. Respondents may revise the designations of responsible parties in the Compliance Schedule in Appendix B at their discretion and without modification of this Order on Consent on the condition that (1) the revised designation identifies one of Respondents; (2) every project listed in Appendix B shall have one or more designated responsible parties at all times during the term of this Order on Consent; (3) no revised designation shall become effective until notice of the same is provided to the Department under Article XIII (Communications) of this Order on Consent along with a certification by the Respondents to this Order on Consent that the revised designation has the consent of all Respondents to this Order on Consent and is in compliance with the applicable inter-municipal agreement(s) in effect between the parties concerning this LTCP; (4) such revised designation is accepted by the Department, which written acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld, and a written denial, if any, will indicate the rationale therefore; (5) no such revised designation purports to change or has the effect of changing any deadline or milestone in the LTCP Compliance Schedule, once approved, or Appendix B hereto; and (6) within ten days of the Department’s written acceptance of the revised designation of responsible parties, a revised LTCP Compliance Schedule and Appendix B to this Order on Consent shall be prepared to conform to the revised designation of responsible parties and...
Compliance Schedule. If additional pretreatment and/or O&M will be required to meet the pretreatment standards, the shortest schedule by which the user will provide such additional treatment. The completion date in this schedule shall not be later than the compliance date established for the applicable pretreatment standard.
Compliance Schedule. The state agrees to maintain procedures to receive, evaluate, retain and investigate all notices and reports that are required by permit compliance schedules and program regulations. These procedures shall also include the necessary elements to investigate the failure of persons required to submit such notices and reports. The state shall initiate appropriate compliance actions when required information is not received or when the reports are not submitted.
Compliance Schedule. Upon determination that a food service establishment is noncompliant with the terms and conditions specified in its permit or any provision of these regulations or needs to construct and/or acquire and install a FOG interceptor, the FOG control program manager may also issue and require the food service establishment to abide by a compliance schedule. The issuance of a compliance schedule may contain terms and conditions including, but not limited to, requirements for installation of a FOG interceptor and facilities, submittal of drawings or reports, audit of waste hauling records, best management and waste minimization practices, payment of fees, or other provisions to ensure compliance with these regulations.
Compliance Schedule. The require- ments of paragraph (a) of this section are subject to the following compliance schedule:
(1) For purposes of paragraph (a)(1) of this section, each swap dealer and major swap participant entering into a swap transaction that is or involves a credit swap or interest rate swap with a counterparty that is a swap dealer or major swap participant shall execute a confirmation for the swap transaction as soon as technologically practicable, but in any event by:
(i) The end of the second business day following the day of execution for the period from the effective date of this section to February 28, 2014; and
(ii) The end of the first business day following the day of execution from and after March 1, 2014.
(2) For purposes of paragraph (a)(1) of this section, each swap dealer and major swap participant entering into a swap transaction that is or involves an equity swap, foreign exchange swap, or other commodity swap with a counterparty that is a swap dealer or major swap participant shall execute a confirmation for the swap transaction as soon as technologically practicable, but in any event by:
(i) The end of the third business day following the day of execution for the period from the effective date of this section to August 31, 2013;
(ii) The end of the second business day following the day of execution for the period from September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2014; and
(iii) The end of the first business day following the day of execution from and after September 1, 2014.
(3) For purposes of paragraph (a)(2) of this section, each swap dealer and major swap participant entering into a swap transaction that is or involves a credit swap or interest rate swap with a counterparty that is not a swap deal- er or a major swap participant shall send an acknowledgment of such swap transaction as soon as technologically practicable, but in any event by:
(i) The end of the second business day following the day of execution for the period from the effective date of this section to February 28, 2014; and
(ii) The end of the first business day following the day of execution from and after March 1, 2014.
(4) For purposes of paragraph (a)(2) of this section, each swap dealer and major swap participant entering into a swap transaction that is or involves an equity swap, foreign exchange swap, or other commodity swap with a counterparty that is not a swap dealer or a major swap participant shall send an acknowledgment of such swap transaction as soon as technologically ...
Compliance Schedule. The compliance schedule and interim goals for achieving the dissolved metals wasteload reductions within the Chollas Creek Watershed are outlined below (Table 1-1). Resolution No. R9-2007-0043 states “Full implementation of the TMDLs for dissolved copper, lead, and zinc shall be completed within 20 years from the effective date of the Basin Plan amendment.” The compliance schedule for implementing the wasteload reductions required under these TMDLs is structured in a phased manner, with an 80 percent reduction in allowable exceedances required within 10 years, and a 100 percent reduction of allowable exceedances required within 20 years. It should be noted that the 20-year compliance schedule is contingent upon Dischargers1 implementing integrated controls to achieve required copper, lead, zinc, indicator bacteria, Diazinon, and trash reductions. 1 100% 100% 100% 10 20% 20% 20% 20 0% 0% 0% This schedule requires regulated Dischargers to implement BMPs to reduce loads of copper, lead, zinc such that all necessary metals load reductions are met within 20 years and other priority water quality problems such as Diazinon, indicator bacteria, and trash are addressed through integrated projects. During the initial 10 years, Dischargers are expected to develop an implementation plan to identify sources and develop BMPs to eliminate sources. 1 The Chollas Creek dischargers are Caltrans, the cities of San Diego, Lemon Grove, and La Mesa, San Diego County, the San Diego Unified Port District, and the U.S. Navy.
Compliance Schedule. Primary acknowledgments and undertakings
Compliance Schedule. Although the Alliance Laundry Holdings LLC Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan is compliant with existing laws and regulations, it will not be in compliance with certain recent legislation regarding deferred compensation plans that takes effect on January 1, 2005. The Company intends to freeze this plan given the recent legislation.
Compliance Schedule. Monitoring and Recordkeeping for an AO Spark- Ignited Engine Subject to Section 5.1 and Section 5.7 On and after June 1, 2006, the owner of an engine that is subject to Section 5.1 and Section 5.7 of Rule 4702 shall be in compliance with the requirements of Section 5.7.3 through Section 5.7.5, Section, and Section
Compliance Schedule. If the Building requires a compliance schedule under the Building Act the Lessee shall as its own cost fully comply with all obligations imposed under the Building Act including but not limited to: Complying: complying with any requirements specified in any compliance schedule.