Conceptual frame work for data stream Sample Clauses

Conceptual frame work for data stream processing We expect that the tools we mentioned in Chapter generate large quantity of data by the interaction of users during their cooperation/collaboration sessions. However, the use of such data is not viable in decision-making processes, due to its high amount. Generally, such processes require already transformed data that aggregates a certain value and therefore can support decision makers performing their tasks. In this section we intend to introduce a conceptual framework to transform raw data into processed information that can be presented to the user while taking decisions or to provide as input to software agents that are able to decide autonomously. This framework is detailed in picture 1. The framework is composed of 4 layers: raw data, derived data, validated data and action. Additionally, the framework also contains the description of the raw data, represented by the Meta Data entity. The characteristics of each entity will be detailed in the next paragraphs. The Raw Data represents the data that is generated by the collaboration tools and by the interaction of its user. Such kind of data can be generally interpreted as the logging data of the system. For example, two participants of a chatting session – Xxxxxx and Xxxxxxx – can exchange some messages to schedule a meeting. In this case, we intend to store the information that is being exchanged by the participants. The information transmitted through the data streams just represents the amount of data generated by the collaboration tools. As our major goal is to support different kinds of adaptation within our tools, we need to gather as much data as possible besides the outcomes of the raw data. At this point we are interest in collecting information about entities that are related to the outcomes of the raw data layer, in this case: the tools that are being used, the users that employ those tools and the processes that are carried out from the users. We classify those three variables that we just mentioned as being part of our Meta Data layer. One of the goals of this framework is to facilitate the use of data to be processed by an analyst to ease the decision-making process. As the collaboration data streams contain high amounts of information (coming from the raw data) it would be very complex for a human analyst to process all of the raw data without any filtering mechanism that can transform the high amounts of data into processed information, reducing its volume. That is wh...
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  • Contract Database Metadata Elements Title: Whitesville Central School District and Whitesville Central School Educational Support Staff Association (2003) Employer Name: Whitesville Central School District Union: Whitesville Central School Educational Support Staff Association Local: Effective Date: 07/01/2003 Expiration Date: 06/30/2006 PERB ID Number: 10699 Unit Size: Number of Pages: 23 For additional research information and assistance, please visit the Research page of the Catherwood website - xxxx:// For additional information on the ILR School - xxxx:// AGREEMENT BETWEEN WHITESVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT STAFF ASSOCIATION AND THE WHITESVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT JULY 1, 2003 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE TITLE PAGE Preamble 1 I Recognition 1 II Collective Bargaining U n i t 1 III Dues/Agency Fee Ckoffand Payroll Deduction 1 IV Rights of Employees 2 V Rights of Employer ------------- 2 VI Personnel F i l e 2 VII Employee Definitions 3 VIII Permanent Status/Seniority 4 IX Wages 5 X Overtime 7 XI Vacation 7 XII Holidays 8 XIII Sick Leave and Leavesof A b s e n c e 8 XIV Conference, Workshops,Required Courses 10 XV Meal Allowance and M i l e a g e 11 XVI Retirement 11 XVII Insurance 12 XVIII Cafeteria P l a n 14 .XIX Uniform Allowance------------------ 14 XX Hours of W o r k 14 XXI Transfers/Promotions 15 XXII Job Descriptions 15 XXIII Grievance Procedure 15 XIV Copies of the Contract 18 XV Zipper C x x x x x 18 XXVI Legislative Clause 18 XXVII Duration 19 SIGNATURES 19 APPENDIX A Grievance F o r m 20 APPENDIX B Dues Authorization F o r m 21

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  • Authorized User Overview and Mini-Bid Process Project Based IT Consulting Services Contracts enable Authorized Users to use a competitive Mini-bid Process to acquire Services on an as-needed basis, for qualified IT Projects. Project Based IT Consulting Services may include, but will not be limited to projects requiring: analysis, data classification, design, development, testing, quality assurance, security and associated training for Information Technology based applications. See section 1.3 Out of Scope Work for a listing of projects expressly excluded from the scope of this Contract. An Authorized User Agreement for Project Based IT Consulting Services will be governed first by the terms and conditions specified in the OGS Centralized Contract and second by terms and conditions added to the Authorized User Statement of Work. Additional terms and conditions shall not conflict with or modify the terms and conditions of the OGS Centralized Contract. NYS Executive Agencies must adhere to all internal processes and approvals including, as required, approval from NYS Office of Information Technology Services. Other Authorized Users must adhere to their own internal processes and approvals. In accordance with Appendix B, section 28, Modification of Contract Terms, an Authorized User may add additional required terms and conditions to this Mini-Bid and resultant Authorized User Agreement only if such terms and conditions (1) are more favorable to the Authorized User and (2) do not conflict with or supersede the OGS Centralized Contract terms and conditions. Examples of additional terms and conditions include: • Expedited delivery timeframe; • Additional incentives, such as discount for expedited payment/Procurement Card use; and • Any additional requirements imposed by the funding source or Federal law.

  • Customer Focus Is dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external customers; gets first hand customer information and uses it for improvements in products and services; acts with customers in mind; establishes and maintains effective relationships with customers and gains their trust and respect Integrity and Trust Is widely trusted; is seen as a direct, truthful individual; can present the unvarnished truth in an appropriate and helpful manner; keeps confidences; admits mistakes; doesn’t misrepresent him/herself for personal gain. Drive For Results Can be counted on to exceed goals successfully; Is constantly and consistently one of the top performers; very bottom line oriented; steadfastly pushes self and others for results. Role Specific Competencies Priority Setting Spends his/her time and the time of others on what’s important; quickly zeros in on the critical few and puts the trivial many aside; can quickly sense what will help or hinder accomplishing a goal; eliminates roadblocks, creates focus. Managing and Measuring Work Clearly assigns responsibility for tasks and decisions; sets clear objectives and measures; monitors process, progress, and results; designs feedback loops into work. Interpersonal Savvy Relates well to all kinds of people - up, down, and sideways, inside and outside the organization; builds appropriate rapport; builds constructive and effective relationships; uses diplomacy and tact; can defuse even high-tension situations comfortably. KEY RELATIONSHIPS Within Southern DHB External to Southern DHB • Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer • Patients, Families and Xxxxxx • Directors of Nursing • Nursing Council/Midwifery Council • Associate Directors of Nursing • Unions • Directorate Leadership Team • Other District Health Boards • Clinical Nurse Co-ordinators • HWNZ • Nursing Staff • NZNO and other relevant professional colleges of nursing and midwifery • Medical Staff • Community Members • Allied Health Staff • Educational Institutions • Administration Staff • PHO • Southern DHB wide staff • GP’s • Duty Manager(s) • NGO’s and Aged Care Sector PERSON SPECIFICATION The expertise required for a person to be fully competent in the role. Position specific competencies: ESSENTIAL DESIRABLE Education and Qualifications (or equivalent level of learning) • Registration as a Registered Nurse with the Nursing Council of New Zealand. • Hold a current Nursing Council of New Zealand Annual Practising Certificate. • Competent Professional Development and Recognition Programme (PDRP) profile/portfolio or equivalent. Experience • One years’ post graduate (Nurse Entry to Practice or equivalent) experience, or be undertaking this currently. • Please refer to area specific person specification if applicable. • Experience in an equivalent clinical setting to which you are being employed into. Knowledge and Skills • Advanced communication techniques such as conflict resolution, diffusion and mediation skills. • Demonstrate professional accountability within scope of practice.

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