Connection Arrangements. The Customer must obtain the prior approval of EnergyAustralia to:
(a) on-sell any electricity supplied to a Connection Point;
(b) make a further connection between a Premises and a Network; or
(c) generate electricity at a Connection Point so that the Customer's electricity consumption profile at that Connection Point is materially changed.
Connection Arrangements. Each party shall be responsible for ensuring that it has facilities in place to each third party LEC tandem used to transit traffic between the parties’ networks. The originating party shall be responsible for payment of any transit charges (including tandem switching) assessed by the third party LEC for use of the third party LEC’s tandem. If traffic volumes grow to a point where it is economically advantageous to provide a direct connection between TDS and COMPANY, either party may request negotiation of separate terms and conditions, including meet point billing arrangements. The parties agree to negotiate in good faith to reach agreement to accommodate such a request.