Consequences of Termination If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Article, the Funder may: (a) cancel all further Funding instalments; (b) demand the repayment of any Funding remaining in the possession or under the control of the HSP; (c) through consultation with the HSP, determine the HSP’s reasonable costs to wind down the Services; and
Consequences of Events of Default and Corrective Action If an Event of Default occurs, the Province may, at any time, take one or more of the following actions: (a) initiate any action the Province considers necessary in order to facilitate the successful continuation or completion of the Project; (b) provide the Recipient with an opportunity to remedy the Event of Default; (c) suspend the payment of Funds for such period as the Province determines appropriate; (d) reduce the amount of the Funds; (e) cancel further instalments of Funds; (f) demand from the Recipient the payment of any Funds remaining in the possession or under the control of the Recipient; (g) demand from the Recipient the payment of an amount equal to any Funds the Recipient used, but did not use in accordance with the Agreement; (h) demand from the Recipient the payment of an amount equal to any Funds the Province provided to the Recipient; and (i) terminate the Agreement at any time, including immediately, without liability, penalty or costs to the Province upon giving Notice to the Recipient.