Conservation Values Sample Clauses
Conservation Values. The Parties recognize the value of the Property as an aquatic ecosystem resource, as well as a scenic, natural, and aesthetic resource. The Property in its current state contributes to the physical, biological, and chemical integrity of water resources in the [name of watershed where Property is located] watershed. The restoration, preservation, and maintenance of the Property as an aquatic ecosystem resource is a part of the attainment and maintenance of the aquatic life uses of the waters of the State of Ohio pursuant to §303 of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. §1313 and §6111.041 of the Ohio Revised Code. The Parties hereby agree that effective perpetual protection and maintenance of the Property and of any environmental improvements to the Property made as part of the Project or thereafter, are essential to preserve the Conservation Values of the Property. The Owner and Xxxxxx further agree to use their best efforts to identify and prevent from occurring reasonably foreseeable actions that may be detrimental to the accomplishment of the purposes of this Covenant and the Plan.
Conservation Values. The Owner and the Minister recognise that the conservation area contains the following conservation values. Conservation values are to be managed in accordance with Annexure C: Management Scheme for the conservation area. A The conservation area contains sandstone ranges and scarps associated with the Kangaroo Sandstone Formation, which supports a high diversity, and a number of locally endemic species. The dominant forest type consists of blackbutt – bloodwood – angophora located on the midslopes with the exposed hilltops and ridges consisting of xxxxx bloodwood (Corymbia trachyphloia) – sandstone mahogany (Eucalyptus psammitica) woodlands. The Scientific Committee, established by the Threatened Species Conservation Xxx 0000, has made a Preliminary Determination to support a proposal to list the Corymbia trachyphloia–Eucalyptus psammitica Ecological Community in the NSW North Coast Bioregion as an Endangered Ecological Community in Part 3 of Schedule 1 of the Act. The main fauna habitats represented in the conservation area comprise of the following: • Dry sclerophyll forest/woodland; • Rocky escarpments; • Riparian habitat; and • Grassland with very scattered timber. More details can be found in the “Final Compensatory Habitat Management Plan” (Cumberland Ecology, 2006). B The conservation area contains several threatened flora species and endangered ecological communities as listed in the Schedules of the Threatened Species Conservation Xxx 0000. Table 3 below lists the threatened flora species that are known to occur within the conservation area.
Conservation Values. 1. Collectively and individually the following natural, scenic and ecological qualities and the open space character of the Protected Property comprise its “Conservation Values.” There is public value in conserving the following aspects of the property with this Conservation Easement:
a. The protection of this property assists in returning the property to a less developed state and enhancing its natural character, contributing to a larger complex of open space along the St. Croix River, within the City of Stillwater and in the St. Croix Valley. It provides scenic and open space views that are a pleasing contrast to surrounding development and are to be enjoyed by the general public from public rights-of-way, including bike trails, and through its use as a park.
b. The protection of this property contributes to a larger scale effort to provide ecological connectivity and support biological diversity in the St. Croix River Watershed.
c. The protection of this property helps protect air quality through its preservation of tree canopy.
d. The protection of this property improves surface and ground water resources by limiting the physical degradation caused by soil movement and increased asphalting typically endured as part of the development process, and by reducing the volume of runoff and potential flooding. It further enhances the ecosystem’s ability to clean water and reduce concentrations of substances produced by society by maintaining an area for infiltration and natural treatment of storm water in the watershed.
e. The protection of this property prevents privatization of access to this segment of the St. Croix River.
2. These Conservation Values of the Protected Property are further set forth in the Baseline Property Report dated March 21, 2017 that the parties acknowledge accurately represents the present condition of the Protected Property. Each of the parties has a copy of the Baseline Property Report. The Seller will use the Baseline Property Report as the basis for monitoring subsequent uses of the Protected Property and enforcing the terms of this Conservation Easement.
3. These Conservation Values have not been and are not likely to be significantly impaired by the continuous use of the Protected Property as described above or as authorized in this Conservation Easement.
4. The preservation and protection of these Conservation Values will provide significant benefit to the public.
Conservation Values. The Protected Property possesses various natural, agricultural and farmland, scientific, biological, and ecological values, together referred to as Conservation Values, as outlined in the Baseline Documentation Report described in Paragraph 4, which are of prominent importance to the Grantor, the Township, and the public generally. The Conservation Values specifically include, but are not limited to, the following: Agricultural Values. The Protected Property contains the following agricultural values:
a. The Protected Property has a long history of productive farming, and contains soils suitable for continued agricultural activity including significant areas with soil classifications designated as ________________________.
b. The Protected Property consists primarily of “prime farmland” and “farmland of local importance.”
c. The Protected Property is located within the Township--a community with a sound agriculture economy in an area presently experiencing rapid development including the subdivision of prime farmland and has been designated by the Township as Eligible Land under the P.D.R. Ordinance with the characteristics for farmland permitted to be designated as such under the P.D.R.
Conservation Values. The Protected Property possesses agricultural, scenic, open space, and ecological values of prominent importance to the Owner, the Conservancy, and the public. These values are referred to as the “Conservation Values” in this Easement. Certain Conservation Values may have relevance to more than one Purpose, even though they are listed only once. The Conservation Values and relevant supportive public conservation policy include the following:
A. The Protected Property consists primarily of productive agricultural land. Approximately 27% of the soils are classified as Prime, Unique, or Locally Important Farmland, and/or Soils of Local Importance by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S.
Conservation Values. The Protected Property has significant conservancy, agricultural, and open space values (collectively, "Conservation Values") of importance to the Grantor, Grantee and the people of Wisconsin: The protected property is situated in the Grantee’s agricultural production (AP) zoning district, whose purpose, as is set forth at § 7.1 of the Town Code is:
A. To give primary consideration to agricultural pursuits and related agri-industry, and limited consideration to non-agricultural uses.
B. To permit non-agricultural uses that require large land areas that will not detract or adversely affect the normal agricultural pursuits of the rural area.
C. To discourage premature and disassociated non-agricultural development on certain lands that will be utilized for agricultural pursuits and open space uses.
D. To discourage residential development other than those that desire to associate and identify with a rural agricultural community accepting its relevant and known environmental conditions The parties to this Easement recognize the natural values of the property and share the common purpose of conserving these values by the conveyance of a conservation restriction to prevent the use or development of the Property for any purpose or any manner which would conflict with the maintenance of its natural values in a manner consistent with the Grantee’s zoning requirements under its AP District.
Conservation Values. The Property is a diversified farm supporting row crops, bees, orchards, and livestock located in an area dominated by small farms near the town of Sebastopol] Critical resources on the Property (collectively, the “Conservation Values”) are as follows: agricultural, natural resource, and scenic values.
Conservation Values. Title encumbrances for Acquisition Properties within the Oakley River Project area may provide for the protection of other “Conservation Values” including but not limited to water quality, agricultural uses, aquatic and terrestrial wildlife habitat and scenic values, provided the protection of such Conservation Values does not preclude the public recreational use of the Acquisition Property.
Conservation Values. To preserve and protect the Conservation Values of the Property.
Conservation Values. Draft for Public Exhibition