Consultant Award Tracking Form. Consultant shall submit information to City as requested in Consultant Award Tracking Form. The information shall include the dollar amount awarded during the period covered by the Consultant Award Tracking Form.
Consultant Award Tracking Form. Consultant shall submit statistical information to City as requested in City’s Consultant Award Tracking Form. The statistical information shall include the amount of subcontracting provided by firms during the period covered by the Consultant Award Tracking Form. With the Contract Award Tracking Form, Consultant shall provide an invoice from each Subcontractor listed in the report. Consultant agrees to issue payment to each firm listed in the Report within fourteen working days of receiving payment from the City for Subcontractor Services.
Consultant Award Tracking Form. The City may find the proposer to be non-responsive and award the Contract to the next highest scoring responsible and responsive proposer if the apparent successful proposer fails to timely provide the required information or documents. RFP – Goods, Services, & Consultants Revised: November 8, 2016 OCA Document No. 841661_3