Grant Award Sample Clauses

Grant Award. On and subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, Triumph hereby agrees to make a grant (the “Grant”) to Grantee in the aggregate maximum amount of up to Two Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($200,000.00) (the “Maximum Grant Amount”) to provide partial funding for the Project.
Grant Award a. This award is a Grant. A Grant is a legal instrument for transferring money, property or services to the recipient in order to accomplish a public purpose of support or stimulation where there will be no substantial involvement between the State agency and the recipient during performance as defined in the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977, 31 U.S.C. 6304. This act distinguishes federal assistance relationships or Grant and cooperative agreements from procurement relationships or procurement contracts. Unlike a procurement contract, which is a legal instrument for acquiring supplies or services for the direct benefit of or use by the State Government, a grant, like a cooperative agreement, has, as its main purpose, support or stimulation. There are two main types of grants, categorical grants and block grants. b. The law of the State of Kansas DCF, K.S.A. 39-708C, states the Secretary shall have the power and duty to determine the general policies relating to all forms of social welfare, which are administered or supervised by the Secretary. The Secretary has deemed it proper and necessary, according to the above statute, to enter into a Grant with the Grantee for agreed upon exchange of services listed herein as stated in the Scope of Work. This offer, which asks for a promise in return as the agreed exchange for a promise, is an offer to enter a bilateral agreement. c. In no event shall the Grantee be entitled to payments for costs incurred in excess of the amount set forth in this Grant without prior written approval of the Grantor. Unless modified by written Amendment to this Agreement, there shall be no allowance for costs incurred outside the Scope of Work set forth in Section 9.0. The Grantee shall only be paid for actual work performed and services delivered.
Grant Award. This Contract is the COUNTY’s chosen method of issuing a county-funded grant award to the AGENCY pursuant to the COUNTY’s Citizens’ Review Panel administered by the Orange County Citizens’ Commission for Children Division (the “CCC”). Nothing in this Contract provides the AGENCY with any entitlements, rights, or privileges found under any procurement law, rule, regulation, ordinance, or policy. Decisions by the COUNTY to issue grant awards such as the one issued through this Contract are purely within the COUNTY’s sole discretion and shall be based upon the availability of funding, what the COUNTY believes to best serve the COUNTY’s funding objectives, and the public welfare.
Grant Award. A. The total Grant award amount to the Agency shall not exceed the amount of the Contract. The disbursement of Funds shall be subject to availability and appropriate budget authority. B. Until otherwise provided with written notification from the Recipient, the Agency shall be authorized to incur costs not to exceed the amount issued by the Recipient on the Delivery Order (“DO”). The Recipient shall notify the Agency of any increase to this dollar amount in writing in the form of a DO. In no event shall a DO authorize the reimbursement of costs exceeding the total Grant award identified in subsection A above. C. Any increase in the total Grant award for this Contract shall require an amendment to the Contract which shall be approved by the County in writing and executed by both parties. D. Requests for payment or reimbursement that exceed the authorized award amount, without an approved Delivery Order or executed amendment to this Contract, may be denied at the sole discretion of the Recipient.
Grant Award. Each Restricted Stock Unit represents the right to receive one Share with respect to each Restricted Stock Unit that vests as set forth in the vesting schedule above and in Section 2 (each such date, a “Vesting Date”, and the portion of the Restricted Stock Units that vests on such date is hereafter referred to as the “Vested Units”).
Grant AwardThe City hereby agrees to provide grant funds to Subrecipient in the amount not to exceed
Grant AwardThe Authority shall rank applications to the extent of estimated available program funds based on criteria relating to administrative capacity, public benefit, economic benefits and public use.
Grant Award. NCEM agreed to award Owner CDBG-DR funds in the form of a Homeowner Rehabilitation Grant in the sum of $ , under the ReBuild North Carolina Housing Recovery Program, which will be used to pay Contractor the Contract Amount under this Agreement.
Grant AwardPursuant to the IGEM Council’s approval of the University’s Application, Commerce shall disburse to the University IGEM Funds in a total amount not to exceed $000,000.00. IGEM Funds shall be disbursed on a cost reimbursement basis upon Commerce review and approval of an invoice and supporting documentation submitted by the University. Funds that are awarded across state fiscal years are subject to approval by the Division of Financial Management.