Conversion to Single Currency. 31.1 For evaluation and comparison purposes, the currency(ies) of the Tender shall be converted in a single currency as specified in the TDS.
Conversion to Single Currency. 2.23.1 Where other currencies are used, the procuring entity will convert these currencies to Kenya Shillings using the selling exchange rate on the date of tender closing provided by the Central Bank of Kenya.
Conversion to Single Currency. 33.1 For evaluation and comparison purposes, conversion of the currency (ies) of to a single currency preference shall not apply.
Conversion to Single Currency i)As per rule 32(2) of PPR-14, to facilitate evaluation and comparison, the Procuring Agency will convert all Bid prices expressed in the amounts in various currencies in which the Bid prices as follows: For the purposes of comparison of bids quoted in different currencies, the price shall be converted into a single currency specified in thebidding documents. Therateof exchangeshallbe thesellingrate,prevailingonthedateofopeningofbidsspecified in the bidding documents, as notified by the State Bank of Pakistan on that day, in case of holiday in State Bank of Pakistan on the day of opening financial bids, then previous working day’s ex-change rates will prevail.
Conversion to Single Currency. 26.1 For the evaluation purposes, prices shall be converted to a single currency using the selling rates of exchange, source and date indicated in the Data Sheet.
Conversion to Single Currency i) As per rule 32(2) of PPR-14, to facilitate evaluation and comparison, the Procuring Agency will convert all Bid prices expressed in the amounts in various currencies in which the Bid prices as follows: For the purposes of comparison of bids quoted in different currencies, the price shall be converted into a single currency specified in the bidding documents. The rate of exchange shall be the selling rate, prevailing on the date of opening of bids specified in the bidding documents, as notified by the State Bank of Pakistan on that day.
Conversion to Single Currency. To facilitate evaluation and comparison, UNDP will convert all Bid Prices expressed in the amounts in various currencies in which the Bid Prices are payable to US dollars at the official UN exchange rate on the last day for Submission of Bids.
Conversion to Single Currency. 31.1 For evaluation and comparison purposes, the currency(ies) of the Tender shall be converted in a single currency as specified in the TDS. 32. Margin of Preference and Reservations 32.1 A margin of preference may be allowed on locally manufactured goods only when the contract is open to international tendering, where the tender is likely to attract foreign goods and where the contract exceeds the threshold specified in the Regulations.
Conversion to Single Currency. Not applicable
Conversion to Single Currency. To facilitate evaluation and comparison, the Purchaser will convert all Bid Prices expressed in the amounts in various currencies in which the Bid Prices are payable to US dollars at the official UN exchange rate on the last day for Submission of Bids.