Criminal penalty. An athlete agent who violates section 9-15.2-13 is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
Criminal penalty. A person who commits any violation described in section 714E.4 commits a serious misdemeanor. Prosecution or conviction for a violation described in section 714E.4 shall not bar prosecution or conviction for any other offenses. These penalties are cumulative to any other remedies or penalties provided.
Criminal penalty. A person knowingly and willfully violating section 32506(a)(1) of this title after receiving a notice of noncompliance from the Secretary shall be fined under title 18, imprisoned for not more than one year, or both. If the person is a corporation, the penalties of this subsection also apply to a director, officer, or individual agent of the corporation who, with knowledge of the Secretary’s notice, knowingly and willfully authorizes, orders, or performs an act that is any part of the violation.
Criminal penalty. Any person or en- tity which engages in a pattern or practice of violations of subsection (a) (1) or (2) shall be fined not more than $5,000 for each unau- thorized alien with respect to which such a violation occurs, imprisoned for not more than 18 months, or both, notwithstanding the provisions of any other Federal law re- lating to fine levels.’’.
Criminal penalty. A private entity described in the 1 subsection
(a) that willfully publishes, discloses, or makes known in any manner, or to any extent not authorized by Federal law, any informa- tion obtained under this section shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both, for each such unauthor- ized publication or disclosure.
Criminal penalty. Any person or the several members, officers, direc tors, agents, and employees thereof, who violates or participates in the violation of any of the provisions of sections 56.01 and 56.18 is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. Subd. 2. [Repealed, 1983 c 252 s 16] Subd. 2a. Penalty for intentional violations. Any lender intentionally violating this chapter, when the violation does not also constitute a violation of any other provision of state or federal law for which there is a remedy, shall be liable to the consumer in an amount not to exceed $ 1 0 0 for each violation.
Criminal penalty. A person that know- ingly and willfully violates this chapter or a regulation prescribed or order issued under this chapter shall be fined under title 18, imprisoned for not more than 3 years, or both. If the person is a corporation, the penalties of this subsection also apply to a director, officer, or individual agent of a corporation who knowingly and will- fully authorizes, orders, or performs an act in violation of this chapter or a regulation pre- scribed or order issued under this chapter with- out regard to penalties imposed on the corpora- tion.
Criminal penalty. An officer or employee of the United States Government or of the District of Columbia gov- ernment knowingly and willfully violating sec- tion 1517(a) of this title shall be fined not more than $5,000, imprisoned for not more than 2 years, or both. (Pub. L. 97–258, Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 932.) HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES 1519 ......... 31:665(i)(1)(words after semicolon related to (h)). R.S. § 3679(i)(1)(words after semicolon related to (h)); Mar. 3, 1905, ch. 1484, § 4(1st par.), 33 Stat. 1257; Feb. 27, 1906, ch. 510, § 3, 34 Stat. 48; restated Sept. 6, 0000, xx. 896, § 1211, 00 Xxxx. 000. The words ‘‘District of Columbia government’’ are added because of section 9 of the Act of June 00, 0000 (xx. 182, 37 Stat. 184).
Criminal penalty. A person that vio- lates, or attempts or conspires to violate, this section shall be fined under title 18, impris- oned for not more than 5 years, or both.
Criminal penalty. A person who knowingly or intentionally violates or fails to comply with a provision of this Act commits a Class A misdemeanor.