Current Medicaid Recipients. Recipients who are eligible and currently enrolled will have an opportunity to select a Centennial Care 2.0 MCO beginning in October 2018 (unless excluded from mandatory enrollment in Centennial Care). If the recipient fails to select a different MCO and his/her current MCO is also a Centennial Care 2.0 MCO, then he/she will remain enrolled with the same MCO. If the recipient fails to select a different MCO and his/her current MCO is not selected as a Centennial Care 2.0, then he/she will be auto-assigned in accordance with Section 4.2.4 of this Agreement.
Current Medicaid Recipients. Recipients who are eligible and currently enrolled will have an opportunity to select a Turquoise Care MCO beginning in April 2024 (unless excluded from mandatory enrollment in Turquoise Care). If the recipient does not select a Turquoise Care MCO, the recipient will be auto-assigned in accordance with Section 4.2.5 of this Agreement.
Current Medicaid Recipients. The effective date of enrollment for Recipients who are enrolled in accordance with Section 4.2.2 of this Agreement shall be Go-Live.
Current Medicaid Recipients. Recipients who are eligible for Medicaid in the State of New Mexico and receiving services as of October 1, 2013, must select a Centennial Care MCO by December 1, 2013, unless excluded from mandatory enrollment in Centennial Care. Recipients required to enroll in Centennial Care who do not select an MCO by December 1, 2013 will be auto assigned to an MCO in accordance with Section 4.2.4 of this Agreement. Recipients required to enroll in Centennial Care who become eligible after October 1, 2013 but before January 1, 2014 must select an MCO at the time of applying for Medicaid eligibility.
Current Medicaid Recipients. (Revised in RFP A2:) Recipients who are eligible and currently enrolled will have an opportunity to select a Centennial Care 2.0 MCO beginning in October 2018 (unless excluded from mandatory enrollment in Centennial Care). If the recipient fails to select a different MCO and his/her current MCO is also a Centennial Care 2.0 MCO then he/she will remain enrolled with the same MCO. If the recipient fails to select a different MCO and his/her current MCO is not selected as a Centennial Care 2.0 MCO then he/she will be auto-assigned in accordance with Section 4.2.4 of this Agreement. Recipients who are eligible for Medicaid in the State of New Mexico and enrolled as of October 1, 2018, must select a Centennial Care MCO by November 30, 2018, unless excluded from mandatory enrollment in Centennial Care. Recipients required to enroll in Centennial Care who do not select a MCO by December 1, 2018 will be auto assigned to a MCO in accordance with Section 4.2.4 of this Agreement. Recipients required to enroll in Centennial Care 2.0 who become eligible after October 1, 2018 but before January 1, 2019 must select a Centennial Care 2.0 MCO at the time of applying for Medicaid eligibility.