Effective Date of Enrollment Sample Clauses
Effective Date of Enrollment. Enrollment for a newly eligible Subscriber and listed Dependents is effective on the date eligibility requirements are met, provided the Subscriber's application has been submitted to and approved by KFHPWA. Please contact the Group for more information. • Enrollment for a newly dependent person, other than a newborn or adoptive child, is effective on the date eligibility requirements are met. Please contact the Group for more information. • Enrollment for newborns is effective from the date of birth. • Enrollment for adoptive children is effective from the date that the adoptive child is placed with the Subscriber for the purpose of adoption or the Subscriber assumes total or partial financial support of the child.
Effective Date of Enrollment. Current Medicaid Recipients. The effective date of enrollment for Recipients who are enrolled in accordance with Section 4.2.2 of this Agreement shall be Go-Live. New Medicaid Recipients. The effective date of enrollment for Recipients who are enrolled in accordance with Section 4.2.3 of this Agreement is the first day of the month in which the Recipient’s eligibility becomes effective. At HSD’s discretion, the effective date of enrollment pursuant to Section of this Agreement may be modified during the term of this Agreement. HSD will notify the CONTRACTOR of any changes to the effective date of enrollment and related processes with at least ninety (90) Calendar Days prior notice.
Effective Date of Enrollment. Enrollment for a newly eligible Contract Holder and listed Dependents is effective on the date specified by KFHPWA or the Washington Health Benefit Exchange following acceptance by KFHPWA and the Member. • Enrollment for a newly dependent person, other than a newborn or adoptive child, is effective on the first of the month following the date eligibility requirements are met. • Enrollment for newborns is effective from the date of birth. • Enrollment for adoptive children is effective from the date that the adoptive child is placed with the Contract Holder for the purpose of adoption or the Contract Holder assumes total or partial financial support of the child.
Effective Date of Enrollment a) The Contractor and the LDSS must notify the Enrollee of the expected Effective Date of Enrollment. This may be accomplished through a "Welcome Letter". To the extent practicable, such notification must precede the Effective Date of Enrollment. In the event that the actual Effective Date of Enrollment changes, the Contractor and the LDSS must notify the Enrollee of the change.
b) As of the Effective Date of Enrollment, and until the Effective Date of Disenrollment from the Contractor's plan, the Contractor shall be responsible for the provision and cost of all care and services covered by the Benefit Package and provided to Enrollees whose names appear on the Prepaid Capitation Plan Roster, except as hereinafter provided.
i) Contractor shall not be liable for the cost of any services rendered to an Enrollee prior to his or her Effective Date of Enrollment.
ii) Contractor shall not be liable for any part of the cost of a hospital stay for an Enrollee who is admitted to the hospital prior to the Effective Date of Enrollment in the Contractor's plan and who remains hospitalized on the Effective Date of Enrollment; except when the Enrollee, on or after the Effective Date of Enrollment, 1) is transferred from one hospital to another; or 2) is discharged from one unit in the hospital to another unit in the same facility and under Medicaid fee for service payment rules, the method of payment changes from: a) DRG
Effective Date of Enrollment. If an enrollment is entered by the ICEB and accepted by the Department’s database prior to the applicable cut-off date, coverage shall begin as designated by the Department on the first day of the following calendar month. If the ICEB enters an enrollment after the applicable cut-off date, coverage shall begin no later than the first day of the second calendar month following the date the enrollment is accepted by the Department’s database.
Effective Date of Enrollment. If an enrollment, which includes a transfer to a different Demonstration Plan, is entered by the CES and accepted by the Department’s database prior to the applicable cut-off date, coverage shall begin as designated by the Department on the first day of the following calendar month. If the CES enters an enrollment after the applicable cut-off date, coverage shall begin no later than the first day of the second calendar month following the date the enrollment is accepted by the Department’s database. The cut- off-date is the twelfth (12th) of each month.
Effective Date of Enrollment. Initial Enrollment of Current TennCare Enrollees
Effective Date of Enrollment. 2.7.1 Except for newborns whose mother is enrolled in a Healthy Options/SCHIP plan, enrollment with the Contractor shall be effective on the later of the following dates: If the enrollment is processed on or before the DSHS cut-off date for enrollment, enrollment shall be effective the first day of the month following the month in which the enrollment is processed; or If the enrollment is processed after the DSHS cut-off date for enrollment, enrollment shall be effective the first day of the second month following the month in which the enrollment is processed.
2.7.2 Newborns whose mothers are enrollees shall be deemed enrollees and enrolled beginning from the newborn’s date of birth or the mother’s date of enrollment, whichever is later. If the mother is disenrolled before the newborn receives a separate client identifier from DSHS, the newborn’s coverage shall end when the mother’s coverage ends, except as provided in Section 11.12, Enrollee Hospitalized at Disenrollment. If the newborn does not receive a separate client identifier by the sixtieth (60th) day of life, supplemental premiums and coverage shall only be available through the end of the month in which the sixtieth (60th) day of life falls in accord with Healthy Options Licensed Health Carrier Billing Instructions, published by DSHS (See Exhibit A for website link).
2.7.3 Adopted children shall be covered consistent with the provisions of Title 48 RCW.
2.7.4 No retroactive coverage is provided under this Contract, except as described in this Section.
Effective Date of Enrollment of nonbilling provider. Enroll- ment of a nonbilling provider applicant is effective on the date the agency approves the nonbilling provider application.
(a) A nonbilling provider applicant may ask for an effective date earlier than the agency's approval of the nonbilling provider applica- tion by submitting a written request to the agency's chief medical of- ficer. The request must specify the requested effective date and in- clude an explanation justifying the earlier effective date. The chief medical officer will not authorize an effective date that is:
(i) Earlier than the effective date of any required license or certification; or
(ii) More than three hundred sixty-five days prior to the agen- cy's approval of the nonbilling provider application.
(b) The chief medical officer or designee may approve exceptions as follows:
(i) Emergency services;
(ii) Agency-approved out-of-state services;
(iii) Medicaid provider entities that are subject to survey and certification by CMS or the state survey agency;
(iv) Retroactive client eligibility; or
(v) Other critical agency need as determined by the agency's chief medical officer or designee.
Effective Date of Enrollment. HCA will enroll all newly eligible Medicaid clients subject to this Contract into Apple Health Dental Managed Care effective the first day of the month, if both the date of initial Medicaid eligibility and the managed care enrollment take place in the current month. Xxxxxxx(s) whose mother(s) are Dental Managed Care Enrollees on the date of birth will be deemed Enrollees and enrolled in the same plan as the mother. A newborn whose mother is receiving services FFS when the baby is born will be enrolled in Dental Managed Care and assigned to an MCE according to system rules.