CUSTOMER RELATIONS AND RETENTION. Satisfaction 5.1 Customer satisfaction is the key to the development and maintenance of a unique retail
CUSTOMER RELATIONS AND RETENTION. SATISFACTION 5.1 Customer satisfaction is the key to the development and maintenance of a unique retail environment. Dealer will provide prompt, professional, considerate service to all Owners of Land Rover Products, regardless of the selling dealer and recognizes that Dealer's obligations of training, [LAND ROVER LOGO] supply of spare parts and service capacity are the foundation to satisfactory Customer relations. Dealer agrees to participate in Company's programs to measure and improve Customer Satisfaction. DEALER COMPLAINT RESOLUTION 5.2 Dealer will investigate and resolve in a manner satisfactory to Company all complaints by Owners of Land Rover Vehicles in a prompt and businesslike fashion. Any complaint which Dealer cannot remedy promptly shall be reported to Company and Dealer will keep Company informed of progress on its resolution of such problems. Dealer will at all times of operation designate one employee at the Dealer Premises whose responsibility shall be Customer relations and will serve as the interface with Company on the resolution of any Customer complaints. Dealer and Company will develop remedial programs as necessary to improve Dealer rating in Customer satisfaction and Dealer will implement these programs.
CUSTOMER RELATIONS AND RETENTION. 4 Dealer Performance, Operations and Personnel .................................5
CUSTOMER RELATIONS AND RETENTION. SATISFACTION 5.1 Customer satisfaction is the key to the development and maintenance of a unique retail environment. Dealer will provide prompt, professional, considerate service to all Owners of Land Rover Products, regardless of the selling dealer and recognizes that Dealer's obligations of training, </TABLE> 4 [LAND ROVER LOGO] <PAGE> <TABLE> <S> <C> supply of spare parts and service capacity are the foundation to satisfactory Customer relations. Dealer agrees to participate in Company's programs to measure and improve Customer Satisfaction. DEALER COMPLAINT RESOLUTION 5.2 Dealer will investigate and resolve in a manner satisfactory to Company all complaints by Owners of Land Rover Vehicles in a prompt and businesslike fashion. Any complaint which Dealer cannot remedy promptly shall be reported to Company and Dealer will keep Company informed of progress on its resolution of such problems. Dealer will at all times of operation designate one employee at the Dealer Premises whose responsibility shall be Customer relations and will serve as the interface with Company on the resolution of any Customer complaints. Dealer and Company will develop remedial programs as necessary to improve Dealer rating in Customer satisfaction and Dealer will implement these programs.


  • Customer Relations A. Actively promote DCP Holding Company in all Marketing, Sales, Public Relations, and Community activity. B. Strategize that the DCP Holding Company product is placed effectively before the public with emphasis on “Agent/Broker” C. Continually monitor the success, quality and effectiveness of DCP Holding Company marketing

  • Customer Relationships The Executive understands and acknowledges that the Company has expended significant resources over many years to identify, develop, and maintain its clients. The Executive additionally acknowledges that the Company’s clients have had continuous and long-standing relationships with the Company and that, as a result of these close, long-term relationships, the Company possesses significant knowledge of and confidential information about its clients and their needs. Finally, the Executive acknowledges the Executive’s association and contact with these clients is derived solely from Executive’s employment with the Company. The Executive further acknowledges that the Company does business throughout the United States and that the Executive personally has significant contact with the Company’s clients and customers solely as a result of Executive’s relationship with the Company.

  • Recruitment and Retention Avenal, Ironwood, Calipatria and Chuckawalla Valley Prisons A. Effective July 1, 1998, employees who are employed at Avenal, Ironwood, Calipatria or Chuckawalla Valley State Prisons, Department of Corrections, for twelve (12) consecutive qualifying pay periods, shall be eligible for a recruitment and retention bonus of $2,400, payable thirty (30) days following the completion of the twelve (12) consecutive qualifying pay periods. B. If an employee voluntarily terminates, transfers, or is discharged prior to completing twelve (12) consecutive pay periods at Avenal, Ironwood, Calipatria, or Chuckawalla State Prisons, there will be no pro rata payment for those months at either facility. C. If an employee is mandatorily transferred by the department, he/she shall be eligible for a pro rata share for those months served. D. If an employee promotes to a different facility or department other than Avenal, Ironwood, Calipatria or Chuckawalla Valley State Prisons prior to completion of twelve (12) consecutive qualifying pay periods, there shall be no pro rata of this recruitment and retention bonus. After completing the twelve (12) consecutive qualifying pay periods, an employee who promotes within the Department will be entitled to a pro rata share of the existing retention bonus. E. Part-time and intermittent employees shall receive a pro rata share of the annual recruitment and retention differential based on the total number of hours worked excluding overtime during the twelve (12) consecutive qualifying pay periods. F. Annual recruitment and retention payments shall not be considered as compensation for purposes of retirement contributions. G. Employees on IDL shall continue to receive this stipend. H. If an employee is granted a leave of absence, the employee will not accrue time towards the twelve (12) qualifying pay periods, but the employee shall not be required to start the calculation of the twelve (12) qualifying pay periods all over. For example, if an employee has worked four (4) months at a qualifying institution, and then takes six (6) months’ maternity leave, the employee will have only eight (8) additional qualifying pay periods before receiving the initial payment of 2,400.

  • TRAINING AND RELATED MATTERS The parties recognise that in order to increase the efficiency and productivity of the company a significant commitment to structured training and skill development is required. Accordingly the parties commit themselves to: a) The parties to this Agreement recognise the importance of the apprenticeship system to the construction industry. It is agreed that every employer party to this Agreement who employs five (5) or more tradespersons in any one classification shall undertake to employ at least one (1) apprentice or make arrangements to host an apprentice from an agreed group apprenticeship scheme. Where an employer does not currently have an apprentice as per this provision, reasonable time shall be allowed to enable the employer to comply with this clause. Further, the parties are committed to a strong ratio of apprentices in the industry. Apprenticeship levels on a specific project may be discussed at the Project Pre-Commencement Conference (refer Clause 16). b) Providing employees with the opportunity to acquire additional skills within relevant career path structures through appropriate structured training based on nationally endorsed (i.e. Construction Training Australia endorsed) competency standards and curriculum; c) Actively encouraging employees to seek formal recognition of their skills (i.e. recognition of prior learning); and d) Using training providers accredited and acceptable to the parties. The CFMEU, MBAV and other employer associations are legitimately engaged in providing training to industry and it is hereby agreed that all parties will properly recognise and accept the validity of nationally accredited training as provided by the other parties. e) The parties will consult on the development of training programs which are consistent with the following: • Training provided will be consistent with the company’s business requirements, relevant to the work of the employees, consistent with the skills development of each employee and with applicable national competency standards. • Training may be taken either on or off the job with all reasonable steps being taken to conduct training in normal working hours. • If an approved training activity is undertaken during ordinary working hours, the employee/s concerned shall not suffer any loss of pay. • Approved training activities undertaken outside of ordinary hours will be paid at single time or will, at the employee’s option, be taken as time off in lieu of payment. Provided that the scheduling of time off must be consistent with the needs of the business and be by agreement with the company. • Training costs of courses approved by the company will be met by the company. • The company will not be asked to meet the costs of training undertaken by employees which was not approved by the company. • Leave of absence granted pursuant to this clause shall count as service for all purposes of the award and this agreement. • Accredited members of the union will be allowed up to 5 days per year, without loss of pay, to attend trade union educational courses conducted or approved by the union. (see appendix H) f) The parties to this Agreement recognise the importance of the role that Apprentices/Trainees fulfill within the industry and, more importantly, a role that they will fulfill as trades persons following the conclusion of the indentures. To this end the Victorian Building Industry Consultative Committee will investigate ways of enhancing employment prospects for Apprentice/Trainees. In addition it is agreed that, where appropriate, employers will use their best endeavours to employ Apprentices/Trainees in order to ensure appropriate trade persons levels for the future.

  • Files Management and Record Retention relating to Grantee and Administration of this Agreement a. The Grantee shall maintain books, records, and documents in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all expenditures of funds provided by Florida Housing under this Agreement. b. Contents of the Files: Grantee must maintain files containing documentation to verify all funds awarded to Grantee in connection with this Agreement, as well as reports, records, documents, papers, letters, computer files, or other material received, generated, maintained or filed by Grantee in connection with this Agreement. Grantee must also keep files, records, computer files, and reports that reflect any compensation it receives or will receive in connection with this Agreement.

  • LABOUR MANAGEMENT RELATIONS 9:01 No employee or group of employees shall undertake to represent the Union at meetings with the Employer without the proper authorization of the Union. The Employer shall not meet with any employee or group of employees undertaking to represent the Union without the proper authorization of the Union. In representing an employee or group of employees, a representative of the Union shall be the spokesperson. In order that this may be carried out, the Union shall supply the Employer with the names of its Officers and representatives. Likewise the Employer shall supply the Union with a list of its Designated Authorities and Chairs where the Chair is not the Designated Authority. Neither the Union nor the Employer shall be required to recognize such representatives until written notification has been received. 9:02 The Union and the Employer acknowledge the mutual benefit of joint consultation and agree, therefore, that there shall be a joint labour/management committee consisting of three (3) representatives from and selected by each party. There shall be one (1) regularly scheduled Labour/Management Committee meeting in each four (4) month term or semester (January to April, May to August, September to December). In addition, meetings shall be arranged at the request of either party through the Labour Relations Department, by submitting in writing the topics to be discussed. Such meetings shall take place, at a mutually-agreeable time, within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the request for the meeting. Meetings shall not be used to discuss matters which are the subject of a grievance nor to discuss any matters which are, at the time, the subject of collective bargaining. The committee shall function in an advisory capacity only, making recommendations to the Union and/or the Employer with respect to its discussions and conclusions, and shall not have the power to add to or modify the terms of this agreement. A representative of each party shall be designated Co-Chairperson, and the two persons so designated shall alternate in presiding over meetings.

  • Cooperation and Records Retention Seller and Buyer shall (i) each provide the other with such assistance as may reasonably be requested by any of them in connection with the preparation of any return, audit, or other examination by any taxing authority or judicial or administrative proceedings relating to liability for Taxes, (ii) each retain and provide the other with any records or other information that may be relevant to such return, audit or examination, proceeding or determination, and (iii) each provide the other with any final determination of any such audit or examination, proceeding, or determination that affects any amount required to be shown on any tax return of the other for any period. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Buyer and Seller shall each retain, until the applicable statutes of limitations (including any extensions) have expired, copies of all tax returns, supporting work schedules, and other records or information, in a timely manner, as and that may be relevant to such returns for all tax periods or portions thereof ending on or before the Closing Date and shall not destroy or otherwise dispose of any such records without first providing the other party with a reasonable opportunity to review and copy the same.

  • Union Management Relations Any changes deemed necessary in this Agreement may be made by mutual agreement of the parties at any time during the life of this Agreement.

  • Training and Orientation (a) No employee shall be required to work on any job or operate any piece of equipment until he/she has received proper training and instruction. (b) The Employer shall provide sufficient and adequate training and/or orientation to any employee working in a new or unfamiliar work area or position.

  • File Management and Record Retention relating to CRF Eligible Persons or Households Grantee must maintain a separate file for every applicant, Eligible Person, or Household, regardless of whether the request was approved or denied. a. Contents of File: Each file must contain sufficient and legible documentation. Documents must be secured within the file and must be organized systematically.