CUSTOMER REVIEWS AND FEEDBACK. 3.1 The Service Provider hereby grants to the Sales Lead Provider full and unconditional rights to survey, collect and publish on its website, xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx or any other Company owned website, or via any other medium whatsoever (including but not limited to email correspondence), any reviews, postings, ratings, comments, suggestions, submissions or any other end-user feedback of any nature whatsoever (collectively, the “Reviews”) provided by Leads to the Sales Lead Provider in connection with their respective experiences with the Service Provider. The Service Provider agrees and undertakes that the Sales Lead Provider shall take no responsibility and shall assume no liability for any Reviews published on such website or any other medium whatsoever (including but not limited to email correspondence), and shall not be liable for any mistakes, defamation, slander, libel or falsehoods in relation to the Service Provider in connection with such Reviews. 3.2 The Sales Lead Provider shall take all reasonable steps to verify reviews as originating from an actual Sales Lead Provider’s Lead 3.3 All verified reviews are checked for relevance to other Customers and respectfulness (e.g., profanity) 3.4 Positive reviews are published straight away, both Lead and Service Provider receive notification that the review has been published 3.5 Negative reviews are not published without providing the Service Provider with a 3-day formal response period, during which the Service Provider may respond to the review. وأ ينورتكللإا ديربلا قيرط نع -روفلا ىلع ءلامعلاب دوزملا غلابإ ةمدخلا مدقم ىلع بجي 2.6 .تامدخلا ءادأ نع ةمدخلا مدقم فقوت اذإ -اًيباتك ةيمييقتلا ءلامعلا تاظحلام .3 نايبتسا يف ةطورشم ريغو ةلماك اقً وقح ةيقافتلاا هذه بجومب ءلامعلاب دوزملل ةمدخلا مدقم حنمي 3.1 رخآ ينورتكلإ عقوم يأ وأ xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx ينورتكللإا هعقوم ىلع -رشنو عمجو رصحلا لا لاثملا ليبس ىلع كلذ يف امب ( قلاطلإا ىلع رخآ طيسو يأ ربع وأ ةكرشلا هكلمت وأ تاحارتقا وأ تاقيلعت وأ مييقت وأ تاروشنم وأ تاعجارم يأ - )ينورتكللإا ديربلا تلاسارم تاظحلاملا"ـب اهعيمج اهل راشي( تناك عون يأ نم مدختسملل ىرخأ تاظحلام يأ وأ تلاسارم قفاويو ،ةمدخلا مدقم عم مهبراجتب قلعتي اميف ءلامعلاب دوزملا ىلإ ءلامعلا نم ةمدقملا )"ةيمييقتلا اهرشن متي ةيمييقت تاظحلام يأ نع ةيلوؤسم يأ لمحتي لا ءلامعلاب دوزملا نأب دهعتيو ةمدخلا مدقم تلاسارم رصحلا لا لاثملا ليبس ىلع كلذ يف امب( قلاطلإا ىلع رخآ طيسو يأ وأ عقوملا اذه ىلع قلعتي اميف لطاب ءاعدا وأ ءارتفا وأ ريهشت وأ ءاطخأ يأ نع ًلاوؤسم نوكي نلو ،)ينورتكللإا ديربلا .ةيمييقتلا تاظحلاملا هذه عوض...
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CUSTOMER REVIEWS AND FEEDBACK. 3.1 The Service Provider hereby grants to the Sales Lead Provider full and unconditional rights to survey, collect and publish on its website, xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx or any other Company owned website, or via any other medium whatsoever (including but not limited to email correspondence), any reviews, postings, ratings, comments, suggestions, submissions or any other end-user feedback of any nature whatsoever (collectively, the “Reviews”) provided by Leads to the Sales Lead Provider in connection with their respective experiences with the Service Provider. The Service Provider agrees and undertakes that the Sales Lead Provider shall take no responsibility and shall assume no liability for any Reviews published on such website or any other medium whatsoever (including but not limited to email correspondence), and shall not be liable for any mistakes, defamation, slander, libel or falsehoods in relation to the Service Provider in connection with such Reviews. 3.2 The Sales Lead Provider shall take all reasonable steps to verify reviews as originating from an actual Sales Lead Provider’s Lead 3.3 All verified reviews are checked for relevance to other Customers and respectfulness (e.g., profanity) 3.4 Positive reviews are published straight away, both Lead and Service Provider receive notification that the review has been published 3.5 Negative reviews are not published without providing the Service Provider with a 3-day formal response period, during which the Service Provider may respond to the review. 4.
CUSTOMER REVIEWS AND FEEDBACK. 3.1 The Restaurant hereby grants to S Home Services full and unconditional rights to survey, collect and publish on its website, xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx or any other Company-owned website, or via any other medium whatsoever (including but not limited to email correspondence), any reviews, postings, ratings, comments, suggestions, submissions or any other end-user feedback of any nature whatsoever (collectively, the “Reviews”) provided by Users to S Home Services in connection with their respective experiences with the Restaurant. The Restaurant agrees and undertakes that S Home Services shall take no responsibility and shall assume no liability for any Reviews published on such website or any other medium whatsoever (including but not limited to email correspondence), and shall not be liable for any mistakes, defamation, slander, libel or falsehoods concerning the Restaurant in connection with such Reviews. 3.2 S Home Services shall take all reasonable steps to verify reviews as originating from actual Customers. تامدخب قلعتت S Home Services ـل ليمعلا نم تابلاطم يأ دوجو ةلاح يف هنأ معطملا دكؤي 2.10 يأ نع ةيلوؤسم يأ S Home Services لمحتت لاو معطملا ىلإ اًيئاقلت اهلقن متي نأ بجي ،معطملا .تابلاطملا هذه نم فقوو لمعلا تاعاسو راعسلأاو ماعطلا ةمئاق فانصأ ثيدحتو ةرادإ نع لوؤسم معطملا 2.11 نع لوؤسم S Home Services نوكي نلو ،.خلإ ... ةزاجلإا مايأ ديدحتو تنرتنلإا ربع تابلطلا .ةعقوتم ريغ ةملتسم )تابلط( بلط يأ وأ ةميلسلا ريغ ةرادلإا ديربلاو هب دوزملا معطملا ريدم مقر ىلع ةديدجلا )تابلطلا( بلطلاب تاراعشإ معطملا ىقلتيس 2.12 هذه ليصافت نم ققحتلا نع ةلماكلا ةيلوؤسملا معطملا لمحتيو ،ةينورتكللإا ةصنملا ربعو ينورتكللإا .بلطلا يف ريخأت يأ بنجتل كلذو ،اهل اًقفو بلطلا ريضحتو اهنيح يف تاراطخلإا xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx ىلع انتلسارم ىجري ،ةزيمملا قيوستلا تامدخ نم ةدافتسلال 2.13 ةيمييقتلا ءلامعلا تاظحلام .3 يف ةطورشم ريغو ةلماك اًقوقح ةيقافتلاا هذه بجومب S Home Services معطملا حنمي 3.1 ينورتكلإ عقوم يأ وأ xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx ينورتكللإا هعقوم ىلع -رشنو عمجو نايبتسا رصحلا لا لاثملا ليبس ىلع كلذ يف امب ( قلاطلإا ىلع رخآ طيسو يأ ربع وأ ةكرشلا هكلمت رخآ وأ تاحارتقا وأ تاقيلعت وأ مييقت وأ تاروشنم وأ تاعجارم يأ - )ينورتكللإا ديربلا تلاسارم تاظحلاملا"ـب اهعيمج اهل راشي( تناك عون يأ نم مدختسملل ىرخأ تاظحلام يأ وأ تلاسارم قفاويو ،معطملا عم مهبراجتب قلعتي اميف S Home Services ىلإ ءلامعلا نم ةمدقملا )"ةيمييقتلا اهرشن متي ةيمييقت تاظحلام يأ نع ةيلوؤسم يأ لمحتي لا S Home Services نأب دهعتيو معطملا تلاسارم رصحلا لا لاثملا ليبس ىلع كلذ يف امب( قلاطلإا ىلع رخآ طيسو يأ وأ عقوملا اذه ىلع قلعتي اميف لطاب ءا...


  • Complaints and Feedback 15.3.1 The primary responsibility for receiving feedback and investigating complaints promptly and thoroughly in respect of the Services will rest with the Provider. The Provider will have procedures in place including but not limited to a complaints framework, which are acceptable to the Department, to gather and act upon feedback and complaints from Learners and/or their representatives and employers and the wider community. The Provider must also keep a log of the complaints received which will be accessible to the Department upon request.

  • Customer Feedback The contractor is expected to establish and maintain professional communication between its employees and customers. The primary objective of this communication is customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is the most significant external indicator of the success and effectiveness of all services provided and can be measured through customer complaints and surveys. Performance management drives the contractor to be customer focused through initially and internally addressing customer complaints and investigating the issues and/or problems but the customer always has the option to communicate complaints to the PM, as opposed to the contractor. Customer feedback may also be obtained either from the results of formal customer satisfaction surveys or from random customer complaints. Any customer complaints will be investigated by the PM using the Quality Assurance Monitoring Form – Customer Complaint Investigation, identified in Attachment A4.

  • Customer Audit Customer or its independent third party auditor reasonably acceptable to SAP (which shall not include any third party auditors who are either a competitor of SAP or not suitably qualified or independent) may audit SAP’s control environment and security practices relevant to Personal Data processed by SAP only if:

  • Feedback You have no obligation to provide us with ideas, suggestions, or proposals (“Feedback”). However, if you submit Feedback to us, then you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license that is sub-licensable and trans- ferable, to make, use, sell, have made, offer to sell, import, reproduce, publicly display, distribute, modify, or publicly perform the Feedback in any manner without any obligation, royalty, or restriction based on intellectual property rights or otherwise.

  • Log Reviews All systems processing and/or storing PHI COUNTY discloses to 11 CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY 12 must have a routine procedure in place to review system logs for unauthorized access.

  • Suggestions and Feedback If you provide us with any suggestions, feedback or input (“Customer Input”) related to our Services, we (and our corporate group entities) will own all right, title and interest in and to the Customer Input, even if you have designated the Customer Input as confidential. We and our corporate group entities will be entitled to use the Customer Input without restriction. You assign to us all right, title and interest in and to the Customer Input and agree to provide us with any assistance we may require to document, perfect and maintain our rights in the Customer Input. For this purpose the word: “assign” is legal term which means legally transferring the benefit, such as you legally transferring the benefit of the Customer Input to us.

  • Customer Records Customer grants to Cisco and its independent accountants the right to examine Xxxxxxxx's books, records and accounts during Customer's normal business hours to verify compliance with this Agreement. In the event such audit discloses non-compliance with this Agreement, Customer shall promptly pay to Cisco the appropriate license fees, plus the reasonable cost of conducting the audit.

  • Customer Cooperation 3.2.1. Customer shall provide and make available all Customer personnel as may be further addressed in an applicable Order Form or that SAP reasonably requires in connection with performance of the Services.

  • Authorized User Overview and Mini-Bid Process Project Based IT Consulting Services Contracts enable Authorized Users to use a competitive Mini-bid Process to acquire Services on an as-needed basis, for qualified IT Projects. Project Based IT Consulting Services may include, but will not be limited to projects requiring: analysis, data classification, design, development, testing, quality assurance, security and associated training for Information Technology based applications. See section 1.3 Out of Scope Work for a listing of projects expressly excluded from the scope of this Contract. An Authorized User Agreement for Project Based IT Consulting Services will be governed first by the terms and conditions specified in the OGS Centralized Contract and second by terms and conditions added to the Authorized User Statement of Work. Additional terms and conditions shall not conflict with or modify the terms and conditions of the OGS Centralized Contract. NYS Executive Agencies must adhere to all internal processes and approvals including, as required, approval from NYS Office of Information Technology Services. Other Authorized Users must adhere to their own internal processes and approvals. In accordance with Appendix B, section 28, Modification of Contract Terms, an Authorized User may add additional required terms and conditions to this Mini-Bid and resultant Authorized User Agreement only if such terms and conditions (1) are more favorable to the Authorized User and (2) do not conflict with or supersede the OGS Centralized Contract terms and conditions. Examples of additional terms and conditions include: • Expedited delivery timeframe; • Additional incentives, such as discount for expedited payment/Procurement Card use; and • Any additional requirements imposed by the funding source or Federal law.

  • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Capability The wind plant shall provide SCADA capability to transmit data and receive instructions from the ISO and/or the Connecting Transmission Owner for the Transmission District to which the wind generating plant will be interconnected, as applicable, to protect system reliability. The Connecting Transmission Owner for the Transmission District to which the wind generating plant will be interconnected and the wind plant Developer shall determine what SCADA information is essential for the proposed wind plant, taking into account the size of the plant and its characteristics, location, and importance in maintaining generation resource adequacy and transmission system reliability in its area.

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