Death Benefit After Retirement. The Board will provide a $3,000 death benefit made payable to the employee’s beneficiary or estate with the following restrictions:
1) Ten (10) consecutive years in the Erie School District
2) To begin with retirees from the 1981-82 school year
3) Must retire into the Public School Employees’ Retirement System
4) Payment of death benefits shall be based on the contractual amount in effect at the time of retirement.
Death Benefit After Retirement. Consistent with the Water and Power Employees’ Retirement, Disability, and Death Benefit Insurance Plan, the maximum death benefit after retirement will be $20,000 for all Members who retire after October 1, 1992, or such higher amount as may be adopted by the Board of Water and Power Commissioners.
Death Benefit After Retirement. 1. Provisions for surviving beneficiary Joint and Survivor Options (actuarial equivalent).
2. Other options Ten-Year-Certain Annuity Option.
Death Benefit After Retirement. If a Participant dies after his Benefit Commencement Date, his beneficiary shall be entitled to receive any amount payable under the form of benefit that is in effect for such Participant.