Deliver Up Property. At the commencement of the Tenancy deliver:
i. The Property and Contents in a tidy condition and clean to a professional standard;
ii. Any working chimney swept and clean;
iii. All appliances, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in proper working order.
Deliver Up Property. At the commencement of the Tenancy deliver:
Deliver Up Property. 8.1 The employee will deliver up to Enhanced Lifestyles all property owned by Enhanced Lifestyles of whatsoever nature and description upon demand at any time or on termination of his/her work.
8.2 ‘Property’ includes keys, mobile phones, tablets, laptops, access codes, customer information, passwords, and other security, access, and employment related materials.
Deliver Up Property. At the commencement of the Tenancy deliver the Property and Contents in a condition which is tidy and clean to a professional standard with all appliances in proper working order and provide a telephone line to the property in addition to any telephone line linked to any burglar alarm system.
Deliver Up Property. At the commencement of the Tenancy deliver the Property and Contents in a condition which is tidy and clean to a professional standard with all appliances in proper working order and provide a telephone line to the property in addition to any telephone line linked to any burglar alarm system.