Mobile Phones Sample Clauses
Mobile Phones. The Company’s expectations in relation to the use of Company provided mobile phones are outlined in Company policy HR-P13. If an Employee is provided with a mobile phone by the Company, the Employee shall be liable for the cost of excessive private telephone calls. Employees agree to make themselves contactable via their personal mobile phone to receive instructions from their supervisors, with the Company reimbursing Employees the cost of any such telephone calls. It is not a condition of employment to own a mobile phone. No Employee shall be engaged in private telephone conversations whilst at work with the exception of designated breaks and in emergency situations. The Company will not be liable for the repair or replacement of personal mobile phones.
Mobile Phones. 6.1.1 Under no circumstances are mobile phones to be used in motor vehicles whether moving or stationary without the use of a hands free kit (personal or otherwise.)
6.1.2 Mobile phones are not to be used for personal use either to make or receive calls during working hours except in urgent circumstances.
Mobile Phones. We do understand that some young people travel a long distance, with this in mind we are prepared to allow phones to be brought in. However all mobiles must be totally switched off (not just put on silent) and handed in before the start of the first lesson. You may use your mobile phone during lunch breaks, with the permission of staff and in line with the E-Safety agreement. Please note we do not accept any liability for mobiles brought onto our premises. Parents are requested to contact TLG directly if they need to speak to you for any emergency situation.
Mobile Phones. Jumeirah College wishes to harness learning technologies and acknowledges that the use of mobile devices has, and will continue to change. The use of mobile devices is therefore allowed; students may have mobile phones in school predominantly for educational and emergency purposes. Students may wish to use a mobile to take photos, make notes or research content on the internet during lessons, but at the discretion of the teacher. Today’s mobile phones have plethora of additional functions of which class teachers may, on occasions, allow students to avail of their phones during lessons (this may include calculator, camera, spell check, translate functions etc.) In all such cases students must follow the instructions of their teacher at all times and phones must be turned off again at the end of the lesson. Students may also need to contact home via a mobile device should their means of transport home be delayed, or an ECA time changes. The use of a mobile in such circumstances as these is reasonable and appropriate at break, lunch or after school (i.e. not during lesson time). In allowing students to bring mobile phones to school, Jumeirah College emphasizes that it accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to phones whilst they are on school premises. During lessons mobile phones must be switched off to prevent them from becoming a distraction. Parents and other contacts must not attempt to contact students via their personal mobile unless in absolute emergencies. Parents needing to pass on an urgent message during school hours, they should contact the College reception. Similarly, students who have a genuine need to contact their parents whilst they are on school premises may use the service telephone in the College reception. Students are allowed to use their own devices before school, at break-time and at lunchtime and after school whilst on the College site in line with the DDAUA and under instructions of all staff members. Should any member of Jumeirah College staff deem the use of mobile devices to be distracting or inappropriate in any way, they are at liberty to confiscate the device for the College day or overnight in the reception safe. Should a student repeatedly ignores the college’s policy with regard to mobile phone use, he/she will lose the privilege of having a mobile in college indefinitely.
Mobile Phones. Cybersafety rules also apply to mobile phones or other smart devices. You are not permitted to have a phone on in class time unless this is approved by a staff member. Mobile phones must not be used for involvement with inappropriate material or activities, such as: upsetting or harassing students, staff and other members of the College community even as a ‘joke’. inappropriately using text, MMS, email, photographs or film, phone messages, web browsing, images or any other functions. during any assessment where such possession or use is specifically prohibited.
Mobile Phones. 13.1 The classroom is a workplace and in school, as in society, mobile phones cannot be accessed in the workplace except when using a work-related application. At no time can a personal device be used for filming during class, school devices must be used for this purpose. Mobile phones are governed by the ‘Use of Mobile Policy’.
13.1.1 Students should use their mobile phones only before or after school or during recess and lunch breaks. In the Senior School students are governed by the ‘BYOD Policy’.
13.1.2 Teachers may allow students to use a mobile phone in a classroom setting when using an educationally appropriate application under their direct supervision and instruction.
13.1.3 If the phone belongs to another student, the appropriate consequences will apply to both the owner of the phone and the offender.
13.1.4 Students should display courtesy, consideration and respect for the rights of others whenever they are using a mobile phone.
13.1.5 Mobile phones should not be used in any manner or place that could be disruptive to the normal school routine.
13.1.6 Mobile phones are not to be used to record, distribute, display or upload images or videos of students, staff or parents on school premises. Any breach of this rule will result in a suspension and loss of phone privilege for 5 weeks.
13.1.7 Mobile phones are not to be used to record, distribute, display or upload INAPPROPRIATE images or videos of students, staff or parents at any time. Any breach of this rule will result in a suspension and loss of phone privilege for 5 weeks.
Mobile Phones. Players must abide by any restrictions imposed by the club at which play is taking place. For GC, the use of mobile phones during a match and within five yards of any court in which a game is in progress is prohibited. Players who keep phones on them or in their court-side bags must ensure they are switched off or in silent mode. For AC, Players who keep phones on them or in their court-side bags must ensure they are switched off or in silent mode. When a Player is not actually in play, they may use their mobile phone provided such use does not distract those in play and does not delay play at all.
Mobile Phones.
15.1 If the employee is required, for the purpose of their employment, to be on call on a regular basis, or where the employee is required by their employer to be contactable by telephone, the employer shall provide the employee with a mobile phone for the duration of such requirements.
15.2 If no mobile phone is available and an employee is required for the purpose of their employment, to be on call, the employee shall be reimbursed for all telephone calls made by the employee in responding to a call to the hospital, upon production of satisfactory evidence to the employer.
Mobile Phones to mobile phones and any attaching contract for the provision of mobile phone services;
Mobile Phones. I, the patient, agree to switch off my mobile phone before entering the Practice and to keep it switched off at all times while I am in the surgery building. If I forget to switch if off, I agree to do so immediately, should it ring.