Denial of Benefits. Subject to prior notification and consultation, a Party may deny the benefits of this Chapter to: (a) investors of the other Party where the investment is being made by a enterprise that is owned or controlled by persons of a third State and the enterprise has no substantive business activities in the territory of the other Party; or (b) investors of the other Party where the investment is being made by a enterprise that is owned or controlled by persons of the denying Party.
Denial of Benefits. 1. A Party may deny the benefits of this Chapter to: (a) service suppliers of the other Party where the service is being supplied by a juridical person that is owned or controlled by persons of a non-Party and the juridical person has no substantive business activities in the territory of the other Party; or (b) service suppliers of the other Party where the service is being supplied by a juridical person that is owned or controlled by persons of the denying Party and the juridical person has no substantive business activities in the territory of the other Party.
2. Upon a written request of the other Party, the denying Party shall inform in writing and consult with the other Party on the specific case of denial as referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.
Denial of Benefits. A Contracting Party may deny the benefits of this Agreement to an investor of the other Contracting Party and to its investments, if investors of a Non-Contracting Party own or control the first mentioned investor and that investor has no substantial business activity in the territory of the Contracting Party under whose law it is constituted or organised.
Denial of Benefits. 1. A Member State may deny the benefits of this Agreement to:
(a) an investor of another Member State that is a juridical person of such other Member State and to investments of such investor if an investor of a non-Member State owns or controls the juridical person and the juridical person has no substantive business operations in the territory of such other Member State;
(b) an investor of another Member State that is a juridical person of such other Member State and to investments of such investor if an investor of the denying Member State owns or controls the juridical person and the juridical person has no substantive business operations in the territory of such other Member State; and
(c) an investor of another Member State that is a juridical person of such other Member State and to an investment of such investor if investors of a non-Member State own or control the juridical person, and the denying Member State does not maintain diplomatic relations with the nonMember State.
2. Following notification to the Member State of the investor, and without prejudice to paragraph 1, a Member State may deny the benefits of this Agreement to investors of another Member State and to investments of that investor, where it establishes that such investor has made an investment in breach of the domestic laws of the denying Member State by misrepresenting its ownership in those areas of investment which are reserved for natural or juridical persons of the denying Member State.
3. A juridical person is:
(a) owned by an investor in accordance with the laws, regulations and national policies of each Member States;
(b) controlled by an investor if the investor has the power to name a majority of its directors or otherwise to legally direct its actions.
Denial of Benefits. Subject to prior notification and consultations8, a Party may deny the benefits of this Chapter to a service supplier of the other Party if the service supplier is an enterprise owned or controlled by persons of a non-Party or of the denying Party and the enterprise has no substantial business activities in the territory of the other Party.
Denial of Benefits. 1 A Party may deny the benefits of this Agreement to an investor of the other Party that is an enterprise of such Party and to investments of such investor if investors of a non-Party own or control the enterprise and the denying Party adopts or maintains measures with respect to the non-Party that prohibit transactions with the enterprise or that would be violated or circumvented if the benefits of this Agreement were accorded to the enterprises or to its investments.
Denial of Benefits. A Party may deny the benefits of this Chapter:
(a) to the supply of any service, if it establishes that the service is supplied from or in the territory of a non-Party;
(b) in the case of the supply of a maritime transport service, if it establishes that the service is supplied:
(i) by a vessel registered under the laws of a non-Party, and
(ii) by a person of a non-Party which operates and/or uses the vessel in whole or in part;
(c) to a service supplier, that is a juridical person, if it establishes that it is not a service supplier of another Party.
Denial of Benefits. 1. A Contracting Party may deny the benefits of this Agreement to an investor of the other Contracting Party that is an enterprise of the other Contracting Party and to its investments if the enterprise is owned or controlled by an investor of a non-Contracting Party and the denying Contracting Party:
(a) does not maintain diplomatic relations with the non-Contracting Party; or
(b) adopts or maintains measures with respect to the non-Contracting Party that prohibit transactions with the enterprise or that would be violated or circumvented if the benefits of this Agreement were accorded to the enterprise or to its investments.
2. Subject to prior notification and consultation, a Contracting Party may deny the benefits of this Agreement to an investor of the other Contracting Party that is an enterprise of the other Contracting Party and to its investments if the enterprise is owned or controlled by an investor of a non-Contracting Party and the enterprise has no substantial business activities in the Area of the other Contracting Party.
Denial of Benefits. A Party may deny the benefits of this Chapter to a service supplier of the other Party if:
(a) the service is being supplied by an enterprise owned or controlled by nationals of a non-Party and the denying Party:
(i) does not maintain diplomatic relations with the non-Party; or
(ii) adopts or maintains measures with respect to the non-Party that prohibit transactions with the enterprise or that would be violated or circumvented if the benefits of this Chapter were accorded to the enterprise; or
(b) the service is being supplied by an enterprise that has no substantial business activities in the territory of the other Party and it is owned or controlled by persons of a non-Party or the denying Party.
Denial of Benefits. Subject to prior notification and consultation, a Party may deny the benefits of this Part to an investor of the other Party that is a juridical person of such Party and to investments of such an investor where the Party establishes that the juridical person is owned or controlled by persons of a non-Party.