DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE. Contract FS-2400-2 (10/2002) Forest: Lassen District: Hat Creek Sale Name: Bear Wallow Decks Contract No: Procurement Contract No Award Date: Termination Date: 03/31/2023 Legal Location:Township 00 Xxxxx, Xxxxx 0 Xxxx, Xxxxxxx 00, XXX Sawtimber Combined Softwood 3,116.00 CCF .00 .00 Total Quantity: 3,116.00 Total Sale Value: .00
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE. Pacific Northwest Region Agreement No. 21-FI-11062752-006 DUNS No. 929332484 DUNS No. 809579808 I. AUTHORITIES: 3 II. PURPOSE 4 III. PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT 4 IV.TERMINOLOGY, EXHIBITS AND SUPPLEMENTS 5 V. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE 6 VI.RECITALS 7 VII.INTERAGENCY COOPERATION 8 VIII. PREPAREDNESS 10 IX.OPERATIONS 13 X.USE AND REIMBURSEMENT OF INTERAGENCY FIRE RESOURCES 17 XI.GENERAL PROVISIONS 19 Exhibit A. Glossary 22 Exhibit B. Principal Contacts 31 Exhibit C. Operating Plan Template 32 Exhibit D. Reimbursable Xxxxxxxx and Payments 39 Exhibit E. Cost Share Agreement Instructions 46 Exhibit F. Cost Share Agreement 49 Exhibit G. Supplemental Fire Department Resources Template. 52 Exhibit H. Use and Reimbursement for Shared Resources in Xxxxxxxx Act Response Actions 57 Exhibit I. Supplemental Fire Project Agreement 62
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE. Contract FS-2400-2 (10/2002) Forest: Mt. Hood Page 1 of 2 District: Clackamas River Sale Name: Lionshead Decks Reoffer Contract No: Procurement Contract No Award Date: Termination Date: 07/31/2022 Legal Location:Sections 11, 12, T.6S., R7E.; Sections 7, 18, 20, T.6S., R.8E., X.X.,Surveyed, Clackamas County, Oregon Grn Bio Cv All Species 227.00 CCF .05 11.35 Total Quantity: 227.00 Total Sale Value: 11.35
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE. Consensus: Occurs when all members of a group agree to select and support a specific alternative. It is recognized that partnership councils at the intermediate and local levels may agree to their own definition of consensus as applied to issues dealt with at their levels.
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE. Contract FS-2400-2 (10/2002) Forest: Six Rivers Page 1 of 2 District: Gasquet Sale Name: 18N11 Salvage Decks Contract No: Procurement Contract No Award Date: Termination Date: 12/01/2022 Legal Location:T18N, R4E, Sections: 14, 15, & 16; H.B.&M Cull Logs Combined Softwood 292.00 MBF .82 239.44 Total Quantity: 292.00 Total Sale Value: 239.44
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE. Contract FS-2400-2 (10/2002) Forest: Columbia River Gorge National Scenic A Page 1 of 2 District: Columbia River Grg Nat ScnArea Sale Name: Big Xxxx EC Deck Reoffer Contract No: Procurement Contract No Award Date: Termination Date: 09/30/2018 Legal Location:Section 22, T.2N., R.7E. X.X. Unsurveyed, Multnomah County, Oregon Sawtimber All Species 43.00 CCF .00 .00 Total Quantity: 43.00 Total Sale Value: .00
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE. Contract FS-2400-2 (10/2002) Forest: Fremont-Winema Page 1 of 2 District: Klamath Sale Name: Xxxxxx Point Salvage Reoffer Contract No: Procurement Contract No Award Date: Termination Date: 03/19/2014 Legal Location: T. 36 S.;R. 5 E.; sec 34, Surveyed, WM, Klamath County, Oregon Grn Bio Xx Xxxxx Fir and other coniferous species 454.00 CCF .00 .00 Total Quantity: 454.00 Total Sale Value: .00
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE. Pacific Northwest Region Agreement No. 20-FI-11062752-010 DUNS No. 929332484 Department of Forestry Agreement No. 00-0000-0000 DUNS No. 809579808 DUNS No. 084417666 DUNS No. 076423482 DUNS No. 624858064 Table of Contents