Sale Name Sample Clauses

Sale Name. Hunter Multi Product SBA Sale Contract No: A4 - Timber Payment Rates, applicable to B3.1 and B4.0 A4a - For Species and Products to be Paid for at Rates Escalated under B3.2 Not Applicable A4b - For Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates Rates per Unit of Measure Required Species Product Unit of Measure Base $ Advertised $ Bid Premium $ Bid (Flat) $ Deposits Slash Disposal $ Sale Name: Hunter Multi Product SBA Sale Contract No: Base Rates are the lowest rates of payment for timber that are authorized by this contract. Base Rates remain constant throughout the life of this contract and are not subject to change by rate redetermination, except for reduction under B3.31, B3.32, or B3.33. Advertised Rates are the minimum acceptable Bid Rates for timber, exclusive of Required Deposits. These rates are those indicated by appraisal, with a cost allowance made for construction of Specified Roads listed in A7, but are never less than Base Rates. Bid Premium Rates are the amounts by which Purchaser's bid is in excess of Advertised Rates. The Bid Premium Rates are constant during this contract, except as provided in B3.31, B3.32, and B3.33. Bid Rates are the rates bid by Purchaser (exclusive of Required Deposits for slash disposal, road maintenance, and contract scaling) and are the sum of Advertised Rates and Bid Premium Rates. Until a rate redetermination becomes effective, the Bid Rate for species and products in A4a is the Tentative Rate that is subject to quarterly adjustment under B3.2; for species and products in A4b, the Bid Rate is the Flat Rate. Required Deposits are deposits that Purchaser may be required to pay for slash disposal (16 USC 490), road maintenance (16 USC 537), and contract scaling (1994 Appropriations Act). Required Deposits may be adjusted as part of a rate redetermination or a Contract Term Extension. The table shows only Required Deposits for slash disposal; road maintenance deposits, if any, are given in C5.32#; and contract scaling deposits, if any, are given in C6.816#. Base Index is the specified average of the lumber or other product selling value index used as the basis for computing adjustment in rates for variance in product selling value, as provided in B3.2. A5 - Indices Used in Quarterly Adjustment, applicable to B3.2 Not Applicable A6 - High Stumps, applicable to B6.412 Species Product Maximum Xxxxx Height * (inches)
Sale Name. Hungry Fire Salvage Page 144b Contract 2400-6, (6/06)
Sale Name. Hog Fire Salvage Reoffer Page 161B Contract 2400-6, (6/06)
Sale Name. Rough Run Contract No: Name and Date of Governing Road Specifications: Federal Highway Administration Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects(2003)-english 1/ Indicate timing, i.e. before clearing (BC) or after clearing (AC). Applicable to BT5.212. SAMPLE Sale Name: Rough Run Contract No: January 01 to December 31 , inclusive Within 25 road miles Fire Suppression Reinforcement, applicable to BT7.312 and BT7.313 Within 55 road miles SAMPLE First Period: March 15 to December 15 , inclusive Second Period: to , inclusive Periodic Payment Determination Date Amount Index Name: Wood Chips Index Number: PCU3211133211135 Sale Name: Rough Run Contract No: The following listed Sections, Subsections, or Items of Division BT - Standard Provisions - are hereby made inapplicable. (Instructions: List by reference number and title.) BT3.34 BT4.211 BT4.213 BT4.3 BT4.31 BT4.4 BT6.341 BT6.81 BT8.212 BT8.64 BT9.1 BT9.11 EMERGENCY RATE REDETERMINATION DOWNPAYMENT PERIODIC PAYMENT SCHEDULE PAYMENT GUARANTEED BY BOND OR DEPOSITED SECURITIES BLANKET BOND PAYMENTS NOT RECEIVED PREVENTION OF OIL SPILLS PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION MARKET-RELATED CONTRACT TERM ADDITION DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION CERTIFICATION PERFORMANCE BOND BOND REDUCTION SAMPLE The following listed special provisions are attached to and made a part of this contract as Division CT. Provisions with reference numbers followed by # contain blanks into which data have been entered for this sale. (Instructions: List by reference number, title, and date.) CT2.2 CT2.3# CT2.302# CT2.355# CT3.34 CT4.211 CT4.212 CT4.213 CT4.3 CT4.31 CT4.4 CT5.31# CT6.23 CT6.24# CT6.3# CT6.32# CT6.341 CT6.401# CT6.403 CT6.414# CT6.5# CT6.601# CT6.63# CT6.65 CT6.66 CT6.7# CT6.8 CT7.201 CT7.202# UTILIZATION AND REMOVAL OF INCLUDED TIMBER (09/2002) RESERVE TREES (04/2004) PAYMENT UNIT BOUNDARIES (09/2004) INDIVIDUAL TREES (08/2004) EMERGENCY RATE REDETERMINATION (06/2022) DOWNPAYMENT (07/2022) TEMPORARY REDUCTION OF DOWNPAYMENT (08/2009) PERIODIC PAYMENT SCHEDULE. (07/2022) PAYMENT GUARANTEED BY BOND (08/2021) BLANKET BOND (08/2021) PAYMENTS NOT RECEIVED (08/2012) ROAD MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS (07/2001) PROTECTION OF LAND SURVEY MONUMENTS (09/2004) SITE SPECIFIC SPECIAL PROTECTION MEASURES. (07/2022) SCHEDULE FOR RELEASE OF PAYMENT UNITS (08/2001) PROTECTION OF RESERVE TREES (04/2004) PREVENTION OF OIL DISCHARGES. (07/2022) CONDUCT OF LOGGING (09/2004) REMOVAL OF PULPWOOD. (08/2001) DIRECTIONAL FELLING O...
Sale Name. Hungry Creek Blowdown Contract No: Name and Date of Governing Road Specifications: 1/ Indicate timing, i.e. before clearing (BC) or after clearing (AC). Applicable to BT5.212. October 01 to May 31 , inclusive Within 1 road miles Fire Suppression Reinforcement, applicable to BT7.312 and BT7.313 Within 5 road miles Maximum Amount: $ $1,500 First Period: April 01 to November 30 , inclusive Second Period: to , inclusive Sale Name: Hungry Creek Blowdown Contract No: Sale Name: Hungry Creek Blowdown Contract No: Periodic Payment Determination Date Amount Index Name: Not Applicable Index Number: N/A The following listed Sections, Subsections, or Items of Division BT - Standard Provisions - are hereby made inapplicable. (Instructions: List by reference number and title.) BT4.211 BT4.4 BT8.64 DOWNPAYMENT PAYMENTS NOT RECEIVED DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION CERTIFICATION The following listed special provisions are attached to and made a part of this contract as Division CT. Provisions with reference numbers followed by # contain blanks into which data have been entered for this sale. (Instructions: List by reference number, title, and date.) CT2.11# CT2.302# CT2.356# CT4.211 CT4.212 CT4.4 CT5.103# CT5.12# CT6.24# CT6.313# CT6.314# CT6.6# CT6.63# CT6.7# CT7.2 CT8.64 CT8.71 TIMBER SUBJECT TO AGREEMENT (06/1972) BOUNDARY TREES (06/2009) INDIVIDUAL TREES, LEAVE TREE MARKING (06/2009) DOWNPAYMENT (06/2007) TEMPORARY REDUCTION OF DOWNPAYMENT (08/2009) PAYMENTS NOT RECEIVED (08/2012) APPROACHES TO SURFACED ROADS (06/2009) USE OF ROADS BY PURCHASER (06/1999) SITE SPECIFIC SPECIAL PROTECTION MEASURES (04/2004) CUTTING SCHEDULE (06/2009) OPERATING REQUIREMENTS (06/2009) EROSION PREVENTION VEGETATION (06/2009) TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE (06/2009) SLASH DISPOSAL MEASURES (06/2009) FIRE PRECAUTIONS (06/2009) DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION CERTIFICATION (03/2018) TRIPARTITE LAND EXCHANGE (04/1999) CT2.11# - TIMBER SUBJECT TO AGREEMENT (06/1972) In addition, there is within Sale Area an unestimated quantity of: that shall be Included Timber upon written agreement. CT2.302# - BOUNDARY TREES (06/2009) Boundary trees for all harvest units have been designated with PINK paint marks above and below xxxxx height. Boundary trees shall not be cut. CT2.356# - INDIVIDUAL TREES, LEAVE TREE MARKING (06/2009) Individual trees which are NOT TO BE CUT are Marked with indicated color above and below xxxxx height in all or parts of the following Payment Unit(s). Areas of leave tree marking are shown on the Sale A...
Sale Name. Dingo Two Aspen Restoration Page 167 Dingo Two Aspen Restoration Page 168A
Sale Name. Red Creek II 160 Contract 2400-6T,(6/06)
Sale NameXxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Page 167
Sale Name. Cpt Hook Page 147 Contract 2400-6, (6/06) (a) stumpage value representing 25 percent of the total bid value of the timber sale has been charged and paid for, or (b) the estimated value of the unscaled timber is equal to or less than the amount of the downpayment, or (c) if 36 CFR 223.49(e) is applicable, the estimated value of the unscaled timber is equal to or less than the amount of the downpayment. If Forest Service makes a determination that this contract should not have been included under increased downpayment requirements (36 CFR 223.49(e)), the downpayment shall be revised and applied in accordance with 36 CFR 223.49(f). Notwithstanding C4.212, the downpayment amount shown in A18 shall be redetermined for rates redetermined under B3.31, B3.32, B3.33 or C3.34. The revised downpayment amount shall be equivalent to 10 percent of the total redetermined value, plus 20 percent of the bid premium. If at time of award, a higher or different downpayment requirement was required, the redetermined downpayment amount will be at the downpayment rate required at time of award and based on total redetermined value. This provision shall be applicable where B4.211 is referenced elsewhere in the contract. DRAFT C4.212 - TEMPORARY REDUCTION OF DOWNPAYMENT (08/2009) Notwithstanding B4.211 or C4.211, upon the Purchaser's written request Forest Service may temporarily reduce the downpayment when Purchaser's scheduled operations are delayed or interrupted for 30 or more consecutive days, or the contract term is extended for 30 or more consecutive days for any of the following reasons: (1) Forest Service requests or orders Purchaser to delay or interrupt operations for reasons other than breach; (2) Purchaser interrupts or delays scheduled operations to work on a sale designated by the Forest Service as in urgent need of harvesting; or (3) An adjustment of the contract term authorized upon a determination of substantial overriding public interest, including a market-related contract term addition, or an urgent removal contract term extension under 36 CFR 223.53. When Purchaser is not cutting or removing timber under contract during a qualifying period of delay, interruption, or extension listed above the downpayment may be reduced to $1000 or 2 percent of the downpayment amount stated in the contract, whichever is greater. The Purchaser must restore the downpayment to the full amount stated in the contract within 15 days from receipt of the bill for collection and written...
Sale Name. Slaughterhouse SBA Contract No: A11 - Minimum Scaling Volumes, applicable to B6.81 A12 - Fire Precautionary Period, applicable to B7.2 A13 - Purchaser Responsibility to Furnish Crews and Equipment for: A14 - Purchaser's Obligation per Operations Fire, applicable to B7.41 A15 - Termination Date, applicable to B8.2 A16 - Normal Operating Season, applicable to B6.31, B6.66, B8.21 and B9.3 A17 - Performance Bond Amount, applicable to B9.1 A19 - Periodic Payment Amount, applicable to B4.213 A20 - Market-Related Contract Term Addition Producer Price Index, applicable to B8.212 Sale Name: Slaughterhouse SBA Contract No: A21 - Inapplicable Standard Provisions A22 - List of Special Provisions Sale Name: Slaughterhouse SBA Contract No: Sale Name: Slaughterhouse SBA Contract No: STANDARD PROVISIONS FOR SCALED TIMBER SALES (Applicable to Timber Sales to be Scaled after Felling)