Deportees Sample Clauses

Deportees. Special medical transport

Related to Deportees

  • ARTISTES AND SPORTSPERSONS 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 7 and 14, income derived by a resident of a Contracting State as an entertainer, such as a theatre, motion picture, radio or television artiste, or a musician, or as a sportsperson, from his personal activities as such exercised in the other Contracting State, may be taxed in that other State. 2. Where income in respect of personal activities exercised by an entertainer or a sportsperson in his capacity as such accrues not to the entertainer or sportsperson himself but to another person, that income may, notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 7 and 14, be taxed in the Contracting State in which the activities of the entertainer or sportsperson are exercised.

  • ENTERTAINERS AND SPORTSPERSONS 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 14, income derived by a resident of a Contracting State as an entertainer, such as a theatre, motion picture, radio or television artiste, or a musician, or as a sportsperson, from that resident’s personal activities as such exercised in the other Contracting State, may be taxed in that other Contracting State. 2. Where income in respect of personal activities exercised by an entertainer or a sportsperson acting as such accrues not to the entertainer or sportsperson but to another person, that income may, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 14, be taxed in the Contracting State in which the activities of the entertainer or sportsperson are exercised.

  • Tutors Increase the minimum hourly rate to $9.25. Where a campus currently pays a higher rate than this minimum rate, such higher rate shall apply. In addition, Tutors who already are paid a higher rate shall receive the 1.5% increase as set forth in this article.

  • ARTISTES AND SPORTSMEN 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 14 and 15, income derived by a resident of a Contracting State as an entertainer, such as a theatre, motion picture, radio or television artiste, or a musician, or as a sportsman, from his personal activities as such exercised in the other Contracting State, may be taxed in that other State. 2. Where income in respect of personal activities exercised by an entertainer or a sportsman in his capacity as such accrues not to the entertainer or sportsman himself but to another person, that income may, notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 7, 14 and 15, be taxed in the Contracting State in which the activities of the entertainer or sportsman are exercised.

  • Supervisors Supervisors may continue to perform bargaining unit work which is incidental to their jobs. They may also perform bargaining unit work in emergency situations and where such work is necessary to train a covered member. Such work by supervisors may result from but shall not cause any layoffs of covered members.

  • Distributors In addition to direct sales to Clients, Supplier grants Accenture: (i) the right to resell Products and Services to a third-party

  • MIDDLE SCHOOLS 1. Where there are no negotiated provisions concerning the implementation or operation of a middle school program, this article shall govern the implementation or operation of a middle school program in a school district. 2. Should the employer seek to establish a middle school program in one or more schools in a district, the employer and the local shall meet, no later than ten (10) working days from a decision of the employer to implement a middle school program, in order to negotiate any alternate or additional provisions to the Collective Agreement which are necessary to accommodate the intended middle school program. 3. In the absence of any other agreement with respect to the instructional day and preparation time, the provisions of the Collective Agreement with regard to secondary schools shall apply to middle schools. 4. If the employer and the local are unable to agree on what, if any, alternate or additional provisions of the collective agreement are necessary to accommodate the intended middle school program(s), either party may refer the matter(s) in dispute to expedited arbitration for final and binding resolution pursuant to Article D.5.5 below. a. The jurisdiction of the arbitrator shall be limited to the determination of alternate or additional provisions necessary to accommodate the intended middle school program(s). b. In the event the arbitration is not concluded prior to the implementation of the middle school program, the arbitrator will have remedial authority to make appropriate retroactive modifications and adjustments to the agreement. c. The arbitration shall convene within thirty (30) working days of referral to arbitration in accordance with the following: i. Within ten (10) working days of the matter being referred to arbitration, the parties shall identify all issues in dispute; ii. Within a further five (5) working days, there shall be a complete disclosure of particulars and documents; iii. Within a further five (5) working days, the parties shall exchange initial written submissions; iv. The hearing shall commence within a further ten (10) working days; and v. The arbitrator shall render a final and binding decision within fifteen (15) working days of the arbitration concluding. 6. Where a middle school program has been established on or prior to ratification of the 2006-2011 Provincial Collective Agreement, the existing provisions shall be retained unless the parties mutually agree that they should be amended.

  • Faculty a. All instructors teaching dual credit courses must meet the College’s academic requirements as outlined by SACSCOC Faculty Credentialing requirements, as determined by the College. All instructors teaching dual credit classes at the School site must be approved and hired as faculty by the College prior to teaching dual credit courses. The faculty credentialing process used by the College for faculty on the College site will apply for faculty on the School site. The College will designate staff in the respective discipline to supervise and evaluate the faculty on the School site using the same or comparable procedures used with faculty on the College site. b. Faculty on the School site will be evaluated at least annually by the College or on a comparable schedule as Faculty on the College site. c. All Faculty, regardless of where the delivery of instruction occurs, must adhere to applicable Alamo Colleges District and College policies and procedures, particularly sections E, F and H. Alamo Colleges District policies are accessible at: xxxxx:// . d. When unforeseen situations arise and the instructor scheduled to teach a course for the College cannot deliver instruction through the entirety of the scheduled course, the School Principal or designee will immediately notify the College’s Office of High School Programs. The College, as per SACSCOC guidelines, must identify a credentialed instructor that can teach the remainder of the college course. An instructor that has not been credentialed and approved by the College may not serve as a substitute to teach the remainder or any portion of a college course. If the instructor identified by the College to teach the remaining portion or any portion of the course is employed by the College, the School District will be responsible to pay the College for the compensation for the period of service of the identified instructor. e. Instructors teaching dual credit courses at the School will be either high school teachers credentialed by the respective College Faculty Chairs adhering to SACSCOC guidelines or faculty from the respective discipline at the College. The cost-sharing model approved by the Alamo Colleges District Board of Trustees is based on which party pays the instructor. Please refer to Section 29 - Fiscal Matters herein. The School District is highly encouraged to hire teachers approved by the College as adjunct instructors to teach dual credit courses. The School District is encouraged to provide incentives to have instructors earn the college hours required for qualification and should coordinate approval of eligibility with the College. f. Student evaluation of instruction takes place each semester and will be a part of the faculty annual evaluation process, regardless of where the dual credit courses are offered. Performance evaluation of all dual credit faculty will adhere to College and Academic Division protocols and schedules as it pertains to all other College adjunct faculty, per SACSCOC requirements, as well as those required by the Texas Education Agency. g. Faculty teaching dual credit courses will teach using the respective course syllabus that contains the Student Learning Objectives (Herein referred to as “SLOs”). Faculty based on the School site must upload course syllabi onto Concourse, the College’s official reporting system. h. Dual Credit classes may include both ECHS and traditional dual credit students. Dual Credit students constitute those in traditional Dual Credit or ECHS. i. At the end of each semester, all faculty, regardless of where the instruction is delivered, must submit the End of Semester Clearance report to the designated College department chair by the final grades deadline. j. To adhere to the requirements outlined in House Bill 2504 (“HB2504”), all faculty will publish a curriculum vitae that will include post-secondary education and teaching experience on the official system of record where the course syllabus taught by faculty are maintained.

  • Professional Memberships Each employee is eligible for reimbursement for membership fees or dues paid for the maintenance of a license required to perform employee’s job and for dues paid for membership in one additional job related professional association.

  • Beëindiging Deze licentie is xxx xxxxxx totdat deze wordt beëindigd. Uw rechten ingevolge deze licentie vervallen automatisch, zonder aankondiging van Apple, als u niet voldoet aan een of meer van de voorwaarden van deze licentie. Nadat de geldigheid van deze licentie is verlopen, dient u elk gebruik van de Apple software xx xxxxxx en alle volledige of gedeeltelijke kopieën van de Apple software die in uw bezit zijn, te vernietigen.