Tutors definition

Tutors as used in this Contract shall refer only to certificated/licensed staff classified as learning disabled, developmentally disabled, speech and hearing tutors and/or other certificated/licensed staff classified as regular tutors (working with at least one [1], but no more than six [6] students) who perform their services in Liberty Local School District Buildings. Certificated/licensed staff members who perform tutorial services outside the buildings of the Liberty Local School District (e.g., at a residence or hospital) (home instruction tutors) shall not be deemed included within this definition.
Tutors. The regular work schedule for tutors shall be Monday through Friday on days when school is scheduled for students and such additional days as authorized by the Employer.
Tutors means individuals employed or contracted by Xxxxxxx to provide tutoring services with respect to one or more Courses. Tutors may or may not hold teaching credentials. 1.3 A reference to a statute or statutory provision is a reference to it as amended or re- enacted. A reference to a statute or statutory provision includes any subordinate legislation made under that statute or statutory provision, as amended or re-enacted. 1.4 A reference to writing or written includes email. 1.5 Any words following the terms “including”, “include”, “in particular”, “for example” or any similar expression shall be construed as illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words, description, definition, phrase or term preceding those terms.

Examples of Tutors in a sentence

  • Tutors are prepared to help writers of all levels and abilities at any stage of the writing process.

  • Tutors will also offer subject specific careers advice through module sessions or individual tutorials.

  • Tutors do not perform teaching duties assigned to the GSI series.

  • Tutors are available during a variety of day and evening hours to assist students with reading and writing assignments in any subject.

  • Tutors review the writing you submit by offering comments and suggestions for improvement; however, they will comment mainly on the areas students specify.

More Definitions of Tutors

Tutors means all tutors, including senior tutor, resident tutor(s) and honorary tutor(s) of New College.
Tutors means individuals employed or contracted by CL to provide tutoring services with respect to one or more Courses. Tutors may or may not hold teaching credentials.
Tutors. PARAGRAPH 242. Recall - Recall shall be in the inverse order of layoff within the job classification for a period of thirty-six (36) months following the date of layoff. 1. A laid off employee who refuses, or fails to respond in writing within five (5) business days to the delivery of, or an attempt to deliver, an offer of employment shall be removed from the recall list. All notices shall be sent return receipt requested. Laid off employees shall inform the Superintendent's office of any change in address or summer or temporary address to which such notices should be sent. PARAGRAPH 243. The Superintendent of Schools will post in each school building a Seniority List of all members of the bargaining unit by March 1st of each school year. Employees with the greatest seniority will be listed first and employees with the least amount of seniority will be placed last on the list within the appropriate classification. The Classifications are: Non-Instructional, Instructional and Tutor. Employees will have twenty (20) school days from the date of the posting of the Seniority List to notify the Superintendent of a challenge to the list. Said challenge shall be in writing and shall specify the nature of the challenge. The Superintendent will then have twenty (20) school days from the date of the letter to respond in writing to the challenger and any other affected party. If the challenge remains unresolved, the time limits for a grievance will begin with the date of the Superintendents response and will begin at Level Two of the Grievance Procedure. If no challenge is made within the twenty (20) calendar days, the list will stand for that year and the decision of the superintendent will be considered final, and not subject to the grievance procedure. The employee’s placement on the list may be challenged and/or grieved, if need be, in a subsequent year pursuant to the time limits set forth above.” ARTICLE TWENTY-FIVE - EDUCATION REFORM ACT PARAGRAPH 250. COURSE REIMBURSEMENT: The District will provide training as required by regulation and that meets the needs of the students. In the event that the Superintendent requires a specific course, the District will pay the full cost of tuition for said course or courses at accredited colleges and universities.
Tutors shall be those individuals or organizations, eligible in accordance with these terms, who guide students and teach them subject/subjects in which they specialize in;
Tutors means a person who teaches lessons and/or courses developed by Yaizy or partner’s courses and obtained accreditation by Yaizy.
Tutors means the staff of the Collaborator engaged partly or wholly in the provision of the Programme to Students;
Tutors means a registered tutor who has the appropriate qualification and experience to provide tuition services in the areas advertised by the Tutor on the Website;