Design and Drawings (i) Design and Drawings shall be developed in conformity with the Specifications and Standards set forth in Schedule-D. In the event, the Contractor requires any relaxation in design standards due to restricted Right of Way in any section, the alternative design criteria for such section shall be provided for review and approval of the Authority’s Engineer. (ii) The Contractor shall appoint a proof check consultant (the “Proof Consultant”) after proposing to the Authority a panel of three (3) names of qualified and experienced firms from whom the Authority may choose one (1) to be the Proof Consultant. Provided, however, that if the panel is not acceptable to the Authority and the reasons for the same are furnished to the Contractor, the Contractor shall propose to the Authority a revised panel of three (3) names from the firms empanelled as proof consultants by the [Ministry of Road Transport and Highways] for obtaining the consent of the Authority. The Contractor shall also obtain the consent of the Authority for two (2) key personnel of the Proof Consultant who shall have adequate experience and qualifications in highways and bridges respectively. The Authority shall, within 15 (fifteen) days of receiving a proposal from the Contractor hereunder, convey its decision, with reasons, to the Contractor, and if no such decision is conveyed within the said period, the Contractor may proceed with engaging of the Proof Consultant. (iii) The Proof Consultant shall: (a) evolve a systems approach with the Design Director so as to minimise the time required for final designs and construction drawings; and (b) proof check the detailed calculations, drawings and designs, which have been approved by the Design Director. (iv) In respect of the Contractor’s obligations with respect to the design and Drawings of the Project Highway as set forth in Schedule-I, the following shall apply: (a) The Contractor shall prepare and submit, with reasonable promptness and in such sequence as is consistent with the Project Completion Schedule, three (3) copies each of the design and Drawings, duly certified by the Proof Consultant, to the Authority’s Engineer for its approval. Provided, however, that in respect of Major Xxxxxxx and Structures, the Authority’s Engineer may require additional drawings for approval in accordance with Good Industry Practice. (b) by submitting the Drawings for review and approval to the Authority’s Engineer, the Contractor shall be deemed to have represented that it has determined and verified that the design and engineering, including field construction criteria related thereto, are in conformity with the Scope of the Project, the Specifications and Standards and the Applicable Laws; (c) within 15 (fifteen) days of the receipt of the Drawings, the Authority’s Engineer shall review the same and convey its approval/observations to the Contractor with particular reference to their conformity or otherwise with the Scope of the Project and the Specifications and Standards. Provided, however that in case of a major bridge or structure, the aforesaid period of 15 (fifteen) days may be extended up to 30 (thirty) days; (d) if the aforesaid observations of the Authority’s Engineer indicate that the Drawings are not in conformity with the Scope of the Project or the Specifications and Standards, such Drawings shall be revised by the Contractor in conformity with the provisions of this Agreement and resubmitted to the Authority’s Engineer for review and approval. The Authority’s Engineer shall give its observations, if any, within 10 (ten) days of receipt of the revised Drawings. In the event the Contractor fails to revise and resubmit such Drawings to the Authority’s Engineer for review/approval as aforesaid, the Authority’s Engineer may withhold the payment for the affected works in accordance with the provisions of Clause 19.5 (iv). If the Contractor disputes any decision, direction or determination of the Authority’s Engineer hereunder, the Dispute shall be resolved in accordance with the Dispute Resolution Procedure; (e) no review/approval and/or observation of the Authority’s Engineer and/or its failure to review/approval and/or convey its observations on any Drawings shall relieve the Contractor of its obligations and liabilities under this Agreement in any manner nor shall the Authority’s Engineer or the Authority be liable for the same in any manner; and if errors, omissions, ambiguities, inconsistencies, inadequacies or other Defects are found in the Drawings, they and the construction works shall be corrected at the Contractor's cost, notwithstanding any approval under this Article 10; (f) the Contractor shall be responsible for delays in submitting the Drawing as set forth in Schedule-I caused by reason of delays in surveys and field investigations, and shall not be entitled to seek any relief in that regard from the Authority; and (g) the Contractor warrants that its designers, including any third parties engaged by it, shall have the required experience and capability in accordance with Good Industry Practice and it shall indemnify the Authority against any damage, expense, liability, loss or claim, which the Authority might incur, sustain or be subject to arising from any breach of the Contractor’s design responsibility and/or warranty set out in this Clause. (h) the Contractor shall ensure that all the designs and drawings shall be approved from the Authority’s Engineer within 90 days (ninety) from the Appointed Date. (v) Any cost or delay in construction arising from review/approval by the Authority’s Engineer shall be borne by the Contractor. (vi) Works shall be executed in accordance with the Drawings provided by the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of this Clause 10.2 and the approval of the Authority’s Engineer thereon as communicated pursuant to the provisions of sub- Clause (c) & (d) of Clause 10.2 (iv). Such Drawings shall not be amended or altered without prior written notice to the Authority’s Engineer. If a Party becomes aware of an error or defect of a technical nature in the design or Drawings, that Party shall promptly give notice to the other Party of such error or defect. (vii) Within 90 (ninety) days of the Project Completion Date, the Contractor shall furnish to the Authority and the Authority’s Engineer a complete set of as- built Drawings, in 2 (two) hard copies and in micro film form or in such other medium as may be acceptable to the Authority, reflecting the Project Highway as actually designed, engineered and constructed, including an as-built survey illustrating the layout of the Project Highway and setback lines, if any, of the buildings and structures forming part of Project Facilities.
Manufacturing and Supply (a) Depomed shall supply Product for use in conducting Depomed’s development activities for Product in the Field and in the Territory as set forth in Exhibit D. (b) During the four-year period beginning on the Effective Date (the “Supply Period”), Depomed shall supply and package (or have supplied and packaged) Product pursuant to this Section 4.8. Depomed will use commercially reasonable efforts to enter into a long-term Product supply agreement with [***] days after the Effective Date (the “Depomed Supply Agreement”) that will be freely assignable to Solvay or its Affiliates, successors or assigns at any time. In addition, Depomed and Solvay will negotiate and enter into a Product supply agreement with business terms substantially similar to the Depomed Supply Agreement concurrently with the execution and delivery by Depomed and [***] of the Depomed Supply Agreement (the “Solvay Supply Agreement”, and, together with the Depomed Supply Agreement, the “Supply Agreements”). The Supply Agreements will, together, contain the following provisions (among others mutually agreeable to the Parties): (i) Under the Solvay Supply Agreement, Depomed will agree to supply Solvay with its requirements of finished, packaged Product during the Supply Period; (ii) All manufacturing and records will be performed and maintained in accordance with specifications, cGMP and Applicable Law; (iii) Depomed will provide reasonable assistance to Solvay in the event Solvay wishes to qualify a backup Product manufacturer; (iv) Depomed shall [***]; (v) Solvay will pay Depomed the following amounts in connection with all activities performed by or on behalf of Depomed associated with Product manufacture and supply (other than activities specified on Exhibit D) (A) [***]% of Depomed’s out-of-pocket costs incurred in connection with such manufacture and supply of Product to Solvay, and (B) a labor charge equal to the FTE Charges for all Depomed employees allocated to the manufacture and supply of Product to Solvay, not to exceed FTE Charges for an aggregate of [***] during any given calendar quarter (and Depomed shall provide to Solvay periodic reports detailing the FTE Charges for which Solvay must pay Depomed hereunder);
Design and Construction In complying with the requirements of the specification both with respect to arrangement and detail, design is to conform to the best current engineering practice. Each of the several parts of the material is to be of the maker’s standard design provided that this design is in general accordance with the specification. The essence of design should be simplicity and reliability in order to give long continuous service with high economy and low maintenance cost. Particular attention should be paid to internal and external access in order to facilitate inspection, cleaning and maintenance. The design dimensions and materials of all parts are to be such that they will not suffer damage as a result of stresses under the most severe conditions. Fully detailed specifications of the several parts of the material are to be submitted describing particularly the materials to be used. The materials used in the construction of the material are to be of the highest quality and selected particularly to meet the duties required of them. Mechanisms are to be constructed to avoid sticking due to rust or corrosion. Workmanship and general finish are to be of the highest class throughout. All similar parts of the material are to be interchangeable. All equipment is to operate without undue vibration and with the least possible amount of noise and is not to cause a nuisance. All equipment is to be designed to minimize the risk of fire and any damage, which may be caused in the event of fire. The equipment is also to be designed to prevent ingress of all vermin, accidental contact with live parts and to minimize the ingress of dust and dirt. The use of materials, which may be liable to attack by termites or other insects, is to be avoided.
Design and Construction of the Project Highway 10.1 Obligations prior to commencement of Works (i) Within 20 (twenty) days of the Appointed Date, the Contractor shall: (a) appoint its representative, duly authorised to deal with the Authority in respect of all matters under or arising out of or relating to this Agreement; (b) appoint a design director (the “Design Director”) who will head the Contractor’s design unit and shall be responsible for surveys, investigations, collection of data, and preparation of preliminary and detailed designs; (c) undertake and perform all such acts, deeds and things as may be necessary or required before commencement of Works under and in accordance with this Agreement, the Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits; and (d) make its own arrangements for quarrying of materials needed for the Project Highway under and in accordance with the Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits. (ii) The Authority shall, appoint an engineer (the “Authority’s Engineer”) before the Appointed Date to discharge the functions and duties specified in this Agreement, and shall notify to the Contractor the name, address and the date of appointment of the Authority’s Engineer forthwith. (iii) Within 30 (thirty) days of the Appointed Date, the Contractor shall submit to the Authority and the Authority’s Engineer a programme (the “Programme”) for the Works, developed using networking techniques, for review and consent of the Engineer, giving the following details: (a) Part I : Contractor’s organisation for the Project, the general methods and arrangements for design and construction, environmental management plan, Quality Assurance Plan including design quality plan, traffic management and safety plan covering safety of users and workers during construction (including use of ‘ROBOTS’ for diversion and control of traffic), Contractor’s key personnel and equipment. (b) Part II : Programme for completion of all stages of construction given in Schedule-H and Project Milestones of the Works as specified in Project Completion Schedule set forth in Schedule-J. The Programme shall include: i. the order in which the Contractor intends to carry out the Works, including the anticipated timing of design and stages of Works; ii. the periods for reviews under Clause 10.2; iii. the sequence and timing of inspections and tests specified in this Agreement; and iv. the particulars for the pre-construction reviews and for any other submissions, approvals and consents specified in the Agreement. The Contractor shall submit a revised Programme whenever the previous Programme is inconsistent with the actual progress or with the Contractor’s obligations. (c) Part III : Monthly cash flow forecast. (iv) The Contractor shall compute, on the basis of the Drawings prepared in accordance with Clause 10.2 (iv), and provide to the Authority’s Engineer, the length, area and numbers, as the case may be, in respect of the various items of work specified in Schedule-H and comprising the Scope of the Project. The Parties expressly agree that these details shall form the basis for estimating the interim payments for the Works in accordance with the provisions of Clause 19.3. For the avoidance of doubt, the sum of payments to be computed in respect of all the items of work shall not exceed the Contract Price, as may be adjusted in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. (v) The Contractor shall appoint a safety consultant (the “Safety Consultant”) to carry out a safety audit at the design stage of the Project Highway in accordance with the Applicable Laws and Good Industry Practice. The Safety Consultant shall be appointed after proposing to the Authority a panel of three (3) names of qualified and experienced firms from which the Authority may choose one (1) to be the Safety Consultant. Provided, however, that if the panel is not acceptable to the Authority and the reasons for the same are furnished to the Contractor, the Contractor shall propose to the Authority a revised panel of three (3) names from the firms empanelled as safety consultants by the [Ministry of Road Transport and Highways] for obtaining the consent of the Authority. The Contractor shall also obtain the consent of the Authority for the key personnel of the Safety Consultant who shall have adequate experience and qualifications in safety audit of the highway projects. The Authority shall, within 15 (fifteen) days of receiving a proposal from the Contractor hereunder, convey its decision, with reasons, to the Contractor, and if no such decision is conveyed within the said period, the Contractor may proceed with engaging of the Safety Consultant. (vi) The safety audit pursuant to Clause 10.1 (v) shall be carried out by the Safety Consultant in respect of all such design details that have a bearing on safety of Users as well as pedestrians and animals involved in or associated with accidents. The recommendations of the Safety Consultant shall be incorporated in the design of the Project Highway and the Contractor shall forward to the Authority’s Engineer a certificate to this effect together with the recommendations of the Safety Consultant. In the event that any works required by the Safety Consultant shall fall beyond the scope of Schedule-B, Schedule-C or Schedule-D, the Contractor shall make a report thereon and seek the instructions of the Authority for Change in Scope. For the avoidance of doubt, the Safety Consultant to be engaged by the Contractor shall be independent of the design and implementation team of the Contractor.
Services and Support 1.1 In exchange for your continued compliance with this Agreement, and any modification to this Agreement made by Intuit in accordance with Sections A.1.1, you shall have access to the Software/Subscription in accordance with the following provisions: (a) If you purchased a Subscription based license for the Software, which generally means that you will be paying for your use of the Software and Services on a monthly or annual basis, you shall receive as part of your active Subscription, so long as Intuit is receiving the applicable payment from you: (i) access to the features of the Software subscribed to by you; (ii) Updates and Enhancements; (iii) Version Protection, each defined in Section B.1.2 below; and (iv) additional products, services and/or discounts when and if they should be made available to you. If you have purchased a subscription that includes Support you will also be entitled to receive Support Services as defined below. Software licenses obtained through a subscription are eligible for Enhancements during the active subscription period only. The Subscription is cancellable by you in accordance with this Agreement, but you will not be entitled to any refunds if you cancel after the 60-Day Money Back Guarantee period, as defined in Section B.6. If you cancel your Subscription or if we do not receive the payment for your Subscription, or if the Subscription is in any way terminated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, you will no longer have access to the Software and all related Services defined above upon the expiration of the current Subscription term, but you will retain access to your company data file stored on your device, which can be reinstated to a readable QuickBooks format upon reactivation of your Subscription or with the purchase of a license on the Software. (b) If you purchased your license to the Software under a one-time, upfront payment at retail or directly from Intuit and not under a Subscription, you shall receive: (i) a license to the specific version of the Software product you have selected that, subject to the license grant and restrictions in Section A.1.1, allows you access to the features of the Software; and (ii) Updates and Enhancements to the Software in accordance with the terms of the Termination provisions. Intuit's obligations under this Section B.1.1 are contingent upon you installing all updates and error corrections within thirty (30) days of being notified of their availability by Intuit (or its Representatives). QuickBooks 2015 Software purchased on a separate standalone basis are eligible for enhancements on a when-and-if available basis through May 31, 2018, which is the current support period for QuickBooks 2015.
Maintenance and Support Services If this Agreement is for IT goods or services, this section applies: Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement: The Contractor shall promptly provide the Court with all Upgrades, including without limitation: (i) all Upgrades generally made available by Contractor to its other customers; (ii) Upgrades as necessary so that the Work complies with the Specifications and Applicable Law (including changes in Applicable Law); (iii) Upgrades as necessary so that the Work operates under new versions or releases of the Court’s operating system or database platform; and (iv) all on-site services necessary for installation of Upgrades. Without limiting any other obligation of Contractor under this Agreement, Contractor represents and warrants that it will maintain services, equipment, software or any other part of the Work so that they operate in accordance with their Specifications and Documentation; and The Contractor shall respond to the Court within four (4) hours after the Court reports a Technical Support Incident (such hours all occurring during Standard M&S Hours) to Contractor. DELIVERY, ACCEPTANCE, AND PAYMENT Delivery. Contractor shall deliver to the Court the Deliverables in accordance with this Agreement, including the Statement of Work. Unless otherwise specified by this Agreement, Contractor will deliver all goods purchased by the Court “Free on Board Destination Freight Prepaid” to the Court at the address and location specified by the Court. Title to all goods purchased by the Court vests in the Court upon payment of the applicable purchase price. Contractor will bear the risk of loss for any Work being delivered until received by the Court at the proper location. All shipments by Contractor or its Subcontractors must include packing sheets identifying: this Agreement number, the Court’s purchase order number, item number, quantity and unit of measure, part number and description of the goods shipped, and appropriate evidence of inspection, if required. Goods for different Agreements shall be listed on separate packing sheets.
Equipment and Supplies Independent Contractor, at Independent Contractor's sole expense, shall provide all equipment, tools and supplies necessary to perform the Service.
Maintenance and Support NCR Voyix is solely responsible for providing any maintenance and support services with respect to the Software as specified in the Agreement, or as required under applicable law. The parties acknowledge that Apple has no obligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the Software.
Manufacture and Supply Zai will be responsible for, and use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to Manufacture, or have Manufactured (pursuant to Section 2.4), Licensed Products, sufficient and solely to meet the Development and Commercialization requirements of a Licensed Product in the Territory, at its sole cost and expense. Zai will undertake such Manufacturing activities of the Licensed Products in accordance with the Product Specifications. [*] = Certain confidential information contained in this document, marked by brackets, has been omitted and filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Rule 406 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. If [*], Paratek will permit Paratek’s suppliers to provide such supply to Zai and shall reasonably assist Zai to obtain a supply of Licensed Products for the Development and Commercialization activities contemplated hereunder by introducing Zai to suppliers that Paratek utilizes at that time. Zai will ensure that any arrangement between Zai and such suppliers (a) will not alter or affect Paratek’s supply related to the Licensed Product, and (b) Paratek will not have any liability or obligation related to such arrangements. If Zai is required by the CFDA to Commercialize the Licensed Product as an imported product, the Parties will negotiate in good faith the terms of an agreement to address this event (an “Imported Product Agreement”), and such agreement will include, but not be limited to, provisions whereby Zai will indemnify Paratek for any liability (including product liability) related to Paratek’s involvement in the Development, Manufacture or Commercialization of the Licensed Product as an imported product, and Zai will maintain appropriate minimum liability insurance (to be determined in the Imported Product Agreement) levels. For the avoidance of doubt, (y) Paratek will be adequately protected from any liability based on Zai’s activities in the Territory including Zai’s sourcing of the Compound or Licensed Product, and (z) absent the Parties agreement to terms pursuant to an Imported Product Agreement, Paratek will not have any obligation to (i) accommodate the supply (directly or indirectly) of the Compound or Licensed Product to Zai, or (ii) be an applicant on a regulatory application or holder of a regulatory approval related to Zai’s Exploitation of the Licensed Product as an imported product.
Uncovering and Correction of Work 12.1 The Contractor shall promptly correct Work rejected by the Owner or failing to conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents, whether observed before or after Substantial Completion and whether or not fabricated, installed or completed, and shall correct any Work found to be not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents within a period of two years from the date of Substantial Completion, or by terms of an applicable special warranty required by the Contract Documents. The provisions of this Article apply to work done by Subcontractors as well as to Work done by direct employees of the Contractor. 12.2 At any time during the progress of the work, or in any case where the nature of the defects shall be such that it is not expedient to have them corrected, the Owner, at their option, shall have the right to deduct such sum, or sums, of money from the amount of the contract as they consider justified to adjust the difference in value between the defective work and that required under contract including any damage to the structure.