Other Supplies definition

Other Supplies means special tools, ground equipment and consumable stores (e.g., oils, greases, dyes and penetrates).
Other Supplies means special tools and ground equipment.

Examples of Other Supplies in a sentence

  • Most of these purchases will be classed in the category of Other Supplies & Equipment.

  • Other Supplies and Materials Inventory represents items that cannot be classified under any specific inventory accounts held for consumption.

  • Accountable Forms and Other Supplies Inventory are valued at cost.

  • Even though a benefit for international staff, costs of car purchase are included in Capital equipment, and costs of car operation are included in Other Supplies and Services.

  • First, I wanted to determine whether or not Chicahuaxtla Triqui melodies are played in ac- cordance with a Western musical tradition (something we did not know beforehand), and second, to see if the sung performances have an underlying melody that is not adequately represented by the pitches in the instrumental renditions of the songs as has been reported on in other tone-tune studies by Morey (2010; 2014), Lissoir & Demolin (2015), Proto (2016), Morton (1976), and Tanese-Ito (1988).

  • This deficit is a result of budgeting errors on specific line items (i.e., Other Supplies, allocated expenses) although historically these line items have annual expenses or were made obsolete.

  • For example, avoiding the price spikes of 1999 would have saved consumers $1.3 billion.24 State Import Purchasing for Reserve and Other Supplies A state import purchasing program could effectively be coupled with a state-owned reserve for which the state would purchase supplies to maintain a given level of inventory.

  • Other Supplies, as listed in Schedule B-2, may be purchased at the outlined pricing in Schedule B-2, and pricing [**] freight to the Customer’s [**] warehouse.

  • Harm Reduction Grant, 8153-0000FROM:30028 Training/Travel $1,800TO:20011 Other Supplies $1,800 The Department is requesting a category transfer in Fund 8153, Harm Reduction of $1,800 from Training/Travel to Other Supplies.

  • The Other Supplies Inventory account represents the total of balances of the Authority’s office supplies, accountable forms, drugs and medicines and other supplies inventory.

Related to Other Supplies

  • Other Supplier means any supplier to the Customer (other than the Supplier) which is notified to the Supplier from time to time and/or of which the Supplier should have been aware;

  • water supplier means the company supplying water in the water supply zone, whether a water undertaker or licensed water supplier;

  • licensed water supplier means a company which is the holder for the time being of a water supply licence under Section 17A(1) of the 1991 Act(f);

  • Former Supplier a supplier supplying services to the Customer before the Relevant Transfer Date that are the same as or substantially similar to the Services (or any part of the Services) and shall include any sub-contractor of such supplier (or any sub-contractor of any such sub-contractor);

  • Water Supply Any problem with water supply? Yes No Unknown Comments: Home water treatment system: Yes No Unknown Comments: Fire sprinkler system: Yes No Unknown Does Not Apply Comments: Are the systems in operating condition? Yes No Unknown Comments:

  • Self Supply LSE means a Load Serving Entity in one or more Mitigated Capacity Zones that operates under a long-standing business model to meet more than fifty percent of its Load obligations through its own generation and that is (i) a municipally owned electric system that was created by an act of one or more local governments pursuant to the laws of the State of New York to own or control distribution facilities and/or provide electric service, (ii) a cooperatively owned electric system that was created by an act of one or more local governments pursuant to the laws of State of New York or otherwise created pursuant to the Rural Electric Cooperative Law of New York to own or control distribution facilities and/or provide electric service, (iii) a “Single Customer Entity,” or (iv) a “Vertically Integrated Utility.” A Self Supply LSE cannot be an entity that is a public authority or corporate municipal instrumentality created by the State of New York (including a subsidiary of such an authority or instrumentality) that owns or operates generation or transmission and that is authorized to produce, transmit or distribute electricity for the benefit of the public unless it meets the criteria provided in section (i), (ii), or (iii) of this definition. For purposes of this definition only: “Vertically Integrated Utility” means a utility that owns generation, includes such generation in a non-bypassable charge in its regulated rates, earns a regulated return on its investment in such generation, and that as of the date of its request for a Self Supply Exemption, has not divested more than seventy-five percent of its generation assets owned on May 20, 1996; and “Single Customer Entity” means an LSE that serves at retail only customers that are under common control with such LSE, where such control means holding 51% or more of the voting securities or voting interests of the LSE and all its retail customers.

  • Third Party Supplier means a third party manufacturer and/or licensor of Products.

  • Other Services means the provision to the Fund, by or at the expense of the Manager, of the following:

  • Spares means a part or a sub-assembly or assembly for substitution which is ready to replace an identical or similar part or sub-assembly or assembly including a component or an accessory;

  • Contractor/Supplier means the person or company whose tender is accepted by the Purchaser and shall be deemed to include the Contractor’s successors, heirs, executors, administrators, representatives and assigns approved by the Purchaser.

  • Chemical Storage Facility means a building, portion of a building, or exterior area adjacent to a building used for the storage of any chemical or chemically reactive products.

  • Electricity supplier means any person, including aggregators, market aggregators, brokers, and marketers, offering to sell electricity to retail customers in the state of Montana.

  • Related Supplier means any person who provides services to the Customer which are related to the Services from time to time;

  • Approved Vendor means a person who has been approved for inclusion on an

  • Water supply system means the structures, aqueducts, pipes, valves, pumps, meters or other apparatus relating thereto of which the ownership vests in the municipality and which are used or intended to be used by it in connection with the supply of water, and includes any part of the system; and

  • Spare Parts has the meaning assigned to such term in the Pledge and Security Agreement.

  • Self-Supply means Capacity Resources secured by a Load-Serving Entity, by ownership or contract, outside a Reliability Pricing Model Auction, and used to meet obligations under this Attachment or the Reliability Assurance Agreement through submission in a Base Residual Auction or an Incremental Auction of a Sell Offer indicating such Market Seller’s intent that such Capacity Resource be Self-Supply. Self-Supply may be either committed regardless of clearing price or submitted as a Sell Offer with a price bid. A Load Serving Entity's Sell Offer with a price bid for an owned or contracted Capacity Resource shall not be deemed “Self- Supply,” unless it is designated as Self-Supply and used by the LSE to meet obligations under this Attachment or the Reliability Assurance Agreement.

  • Ancillary equipment means any device including, but not limited to, such devices as piping, fittings, flanges, valves, and pumps, that is used to distribute, meter, or control the flow of hazardous waste from its point of generation to a storage or treatment tank(s), between hazardous waste storage and treatment tanks to a point of disposal onsite, or to a point of shipment for disposal off-site.

  • Auxiliary Water Supply means any water source or system, other than the public water supply, that may be available in the building or premises.

  • mixed supply means two or more individual supplies of goods or services, or any combination thereof, made in conjunction with each other by a taxable person for a single price where such supply does not constitute a composite supply.

  • Public water supply means all mains, pipes and structures through which water is obtained and distributed to the public, including wells and well structures, intakes and cribs, pumping stations, treatment plants, reservoirs, storage tanks and appurtenances, collectively or severally, actually used or intended for use for the purpose of furnishing water for drinking or general domestic use and which serve at least 15 service connections or which regularly serve at least 25 persons at least 60 days per year. A public water supply is either a "community water supply" or a "non-community water supply".

  • Self-service storage facility or "facility" means any real property designed or used for the purpose of renting or leasing individual storage space to tenants who are to have access to that space for the purpose of storing and removing personal property.

  • Permissive supplier means an out-of-state supplier who elects, but is not required, to have a

  • Group care facility means an agency, other than a foster-family home, which is maintained and operated for the care of a group of children on a 24 hour basis. RCW 74.15.020

  • Other Sources means (i) distributions or payments of Capital Commitment Partner Carried Interest (which shall include amounts of Capital Commitment Partner Carried Interest which are not distributed or paid to a Partner but are instead contributed to a trust (or similar arrangement) to satisfy any “holdback” obligation with respect thereto), and (ii) distributions from Blackstone Entities (other than the Partnership) to such Partner.

  • Storage Facility means a facility used for the stocking of natural gas and owned and/or operated by a natural gas undertaking, including the part of LNG facilities used for storage but excluding the portion used for production operations, and excluding facilities reserved exclusively for transmission system operators in carrying out their functions;