Project Goals The schedule, budget, physical, technical and other objectives for the Project shall be defined.
Project Budget A Project Budget shall be prepared and maintained by Grantee. The Project Budget shall detail all costs for which the Grant will be used during the Term. The Project Budget must be approved in writing by the Project Monitor. Grantee shall carry out the Project and shall incur costs and make disbursements of funds provided hereunder by the Sponsor only in conformity with the Project Budget. The current approved Project Budget is contained in Attachment “C”. Said Project Budget may be revised from time to time, but no Project Budget or revision thereof shall be effective unless and until the same is approved in writing by Project Monitor. The funds granted under this Grant Contract cannot be used to supplant (replace) other existing funds.
Project Cost An updated cost spreadsheet reflecting the current forecasted cost vs. the latest approved budget vs. the baseline budget should be included in this section. One way to track project cost is to show: (1) Baseline Budget, (2) Latest Approved Budget, (3) Current Forecasted Cost Estimate, (4) Expenditures or Commitments to Date, and (5) Variance between Current Forecasted Cost and Latest Approved Budget. Line items should include all significant cost centers, such as prior costs, right-of-way, preliminary engineering, environmental mitigation, general engineering consultant, section design contracts, construction administration, utilities, construction packages, force accounts/task orders, wrap-up insurance, construction contingencies, management contingencies, and other contingencies. The line items can be broken-up in enough detail such that specific areas of cost change can be sufficiently tracked and future improvements made to the overall cost estimating methodology. A Program Total line should be included at the bottom of the spreadsheet. Narratives, tables, and/or graphs should accompany the updated cost spreadsheet, basically detailing the current cost status, reasons for cost deviations, impacts of cost overruns, and efforts to mitigate cost overruns. The following information should be provided:
Construction Budget The total amount of funds indicated by the District for the entire Project plus all other costs, including design, construction, administration, and financing.
Project Cost Overruns In the event that the Recipient determines that the moneys granted pursuant to Section II hereof, together with the Local Subdivision Contribution, are insufficient to pay in full the costs of the Project, the Recipient may make a request for supplemental assistance to its District Committee. The Recipient must demonstrate that such funding is necessary for the completion of the Project and the cost overrun was the result of circumstances beyond the Recipient's control, that it could not have been avoided with the exercise of due care, and that such circumstances could not have been anticipated at the time of the Recipient's initial application. Should the District Committee approve such request the action shall be recorded in the District Committee's official meeting minutes and provided to the OPWC Director for the execution of an amendment to this Agreement.
Project 3.01. The Recipient declares its commitment to the objectives of the Project. To this end, the Recipient shall carry out the Project in accordance with the provisions of Article IV of the General Conditions.
Project Schedule Construction must begin within 30 days of the date set forth in Appendix A, Page 2, for the start of construction, or this Agreement may become null and void, at the sole discretion of the Director. However, the Recipient may apply to the Director in writing for an extension of the date to initiate construction. The Recipient shall specify the reasons for the delay in the start of construction and provide the Director with a new start of construction date. The Director will review such requests for extensions and may extend the start date, providing that the Project can be completed within a reasonable time frame.
Project/Milestones Taxpayer provides refrigerated warehousing and logistic distribution services to clients throughout the United States. In consideration for the Credit, Taxpayer agrees to invest in a new refrigeration and distribution facility in the XxXxxxxxx Park area of Sacramento, California, and hire full-time employees (collectively, the “Project”). Further, Taxpayer agrees to satisfy the milestones as described in Exhibit A (“Milestones”) and must maintain Milestones for a minimum of three (3) taxable years thereafter. In the event Taxpayer employs more than the number of full-time employees, determined on an annual full-time equivalent basis, than required in Exhibit A, for purposes of satisfying the “Minimum Annual Salary of California Full-time Employees Hired” and the “Cumulative Average Annual Salary of California Full-time Employees Hired,” Taxpayer may use the salaries of any of the full-time employees hired within the required time period. For purposes of calculating the “Minimum Annual Salary of California Full-time Employees Hired” and the “Cumulative Average Annual Salary of California Full-time Employees Hired,” the salary of any full-time employee that is not employed by Taxpayer for the entire taxable year shall be annualized. In addition, the salary of any full-time employee hired to fill a vacated position in which a full-time employee was employed during Taxpayer’s Base Year shall be disregarded.
Project Timeline The Project Timeline establishes a start and end date for each Phase of the Project. Developed during the Initiate & Plan Stage and revised as mutually agreed to, if needed, the timeline accounts for resource availability, business goals, size and complexity of the Project, and task duration requirements.
Project Completion The Contractor agrees to schedule a final job walk with the County. If required, the County will prepare a list of incomplete items, the “Punch List”. The Contractor agrees to complete the “Punch List” corrections and schedule a final project completion job walk. The County will sign the “Punch List” as completed when determined, the project is finished. The Contractor agrees to submit the following along with its final payment request: