Option Period Pursuant to the Contract, the following are the Adjustment Factors for the next option period: Date Index 1 August 2019 11311.06 3 October 2019 11326.12 6 January 2020 11392.41 7 February 2020 11396.01 8 March 2020 11396.97 9 April 2020 11412.67 10 May 2020 11418.16 11 June 2020 11436.23 12 July 2020 11439.11 Date Index 1 August 2021 12463.13 2 September 2021 12464.55 3 October 2021 12464.94 4 November 2021 12467.32 5 December 2021 12481.82 6 January 2022 12555.55 7 February 2022 12683.97 8 March 2022 12791.43 9 April 2022 12898.96 10 May 2022 13004.47 11 June 2022 13110.50 12 July 2022 13167.84 Price Adjustment: Third Year Index Average = 12712.8733 = 1.1168 Base Year Index Average 11383.5283 WA-DC-E01-100120-VGL Original Adjustment Factor x Price Adjustment = Option Multiplier Normal Working Hours – Prevailing Wage 1.0919 1.1168 1.2194 Other Than Normal Working Hours – Prevailing Wage 1.0924 1.1168 1.2200 Normal Working Hours – Non-Prevailing Wage 1.0919 1.1168 1.2194 Other Than Normal Working Hours – Non- Prevailing Wage 1.0924 1.1168 1.2200 Non Pre-Priced 1.2108 1.0000 1.2108
Term of the Option The term of the Option (the “Option Period”) shall be for a period of ten (10) years from the Effective Date, terminating at the close of business on the tenth anniversary of the Effective Date (the “Expiration Date”) or such shorter period as provided in Section 6 hereof.
License Period a. The License is hereby granted in favour of the Licensee for a total period of 15 (fifteen) years from the Commencement Date subject to unless otherwise terminated by Maha-Metro or surrendered by the Successful Bidder/Licensee, in term of provisions of License Agreement. b. The tenure of License Agreement shall commence from the date of handing over of the property business space. c. Tenure of the License Period of any additional space handed over subsequently shall be co- terminus with above period irrespective of date of actual handing over for such additional space. d. There shall be a lock in period of five (05) years from the date of commencement of agreement/ handing over of licensed space. e. Licensee shall have option to exit from the License Agreement immediately after completion of lock in period of 5 (Five) years. For it, Licensee shall have to issue 180 days prior notice to Maha-Metro. Such prior notice intimation can be given after four and half (4 ½) years however option to exit will be available only after five (05) years. f. At no time during the license tenure, the Licensee shall be allowed to surrender partial Licensed Space which has been handed over to the Licensee by Maha-Metro. g. At the end of License period or in the event of termination of this agreement prior to completion of license tenure, for any reason whatsoever, all rights given under this License Agreement shall cease to have effect and the premises shall revert to Maha-Metro, without any obligation to Maha-Metro to pay or adjust any consideration or other payment to the Licensee. h. The tenure shall be inclusive of fitment period as applicable for the tendered space. i. On completion/ termination of License Agreement, the Licensee shall hand over the space with normal wear & tear. The Licensee shall be allowed to remove its assets like temporary structure, furniture, almirahs, air-conditioners, DG sets, equipments, etc. without causing damage to the existing structure. However, the Licensee shall not be allowed to remove any facility, equipment, fixture, etc. which has become an integral part of the development plan of the space. j. At the end of the License Period or sooner determination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever all rights given under this License Agreement shall cease to have effect and the Licensed Area with all the furniture and fixtures and other assets permanently attached to the Licensed Area shall revert to Maha-Metro without any obligation on part of Maha-Metro to pay or adjust any consideration or other payment to the Licensee. The Licensee voluntarily gives Maha-Metro the right to seal the said Licensed Space(s) and remarket the same as part on its discretion upon Termination of this Agreement. No claim, compensation or damages will be entertained by Maha-Metro on this account.
Termination Period This Option shall be exercisable for three (3) months after Participant ceases to be a Service Provider, unless such termination is due to Participant’s death or Disability, in which case this Option shall be exercisable for twelve (12) months after Participant ceases to be a Service Provider. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, in no event may this Option be exercised after the Term/Expiration Date as provided above and this Option may be subject to earlier termination as provided in Section 13 of the Plan.
Allocations During the Early Amortization Period During the Early Amortization Period, an amount equal to the product of the Allocation Percentage and the aggregate amount of Principal Collections processed on such Date of Processing shall be allocated to the 2009-VFN Noteholders and transferred to the Principal Account until applied as provided herein; provided, however, that after the date on which an amount of such Principal Collections equal to the Note Principal Balance has been deposited into the Principal Account such amount shall be first, if any other Principal Sharing Series is outstanding and in its accumulation period or amortization period, retained in the Principal Account for application, to the extent necessary, as Shared Principal Collections to other Principal Sharing Series on the related Distribution Date, second deposited in the Excess Funding Account to the extent necessary so that the Transferor Amount is not less than the Specified Transferor Amount and third paid to the holders of the Transferor Interest.
Option Term This option shall have a term of ten (10) years measured from the Grant Date and shall accordingly expire at the close of business on the Expiration Date, unless sooner terminated in accordance with Paragraph 5 or 6.
Time off during notice period During the period of notice of termination given by the employer, an employee shall be allowed up to one day's time off without loss of pay for the purpose of seeking other employment. This time off shall be taken at times that are convenient to the employee after consultation with the employer.
During the Term As compensation for services hereunder rendered during the Term hereof, Executive shall receive a base salary (“Base Salary”) of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) per year payable in equal installments in accordance with the Company’s payroll procedure for its salaried executives. Salary payments and other payments under this Agreement shall be subject to withholding of taxes and other appropriate and customary amounts. Executive may receive increases in his Base Salary from time to time, based upon his performance, subject to approval of the Company.
Transition Period Due to the nature of our purchasing process, the District often requires an existing service provider to continue to provide goods and/or services while the District is in the process of advertising, evaluating, and awarding a contract for the provision of the same goods and/or services in the future. To accommodate this process, the Contractor shall agree to maintain the same terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement for a period up to ninety (90) days after the automatic termination of this Agreement at the end of its term, if requested by the District, as a transition period. In addition, if the Contractor is not the successful bidder for a future solicitation for the same or similar services, he or she shall agree to provide the same goods and/or services provided in this Agreement for a period up to ninety (90) days to allow for an orderly transition to the new provider. The District and the Contractor may mutually agree to a longer transition period.
Employee leaving during notice period An employee given notice of termination in circumstances of redundancy may terminate their employment during the period of notice. The employee is entitled to receive the benefits and payments they would have received under this clause had they remained in employment until the expiry of the notice, but is not entitled to any payment in lieu of any remaining notice.