Diagnostic Test. A benefit covering charges for required x-rays, laboratory and other diagnostic procedures.
Diagnostic Test. Version (0x10) Command Upon receipt of this command, the DSP will respond with a diagnostic status containing the checksum and software version of the DSP code. CMD_channel is 0, and there is no CMD_params section. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Field Length Value Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD_type 4 bits 0x1 DIAGNOSTIC TEST type -------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD_subtype 4 bits 0x0 Version subtype -------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD_channel 1 byte 0x00 Command is not channel specific -------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD_length 1 byte 0x03 Length of this message -------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD_params 0 bytes (none) 0-length CMD_params section -------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 7-5: DIAGNOSTIC TEST - Version (0x10) Command
Diagnostic Test. TDM Loopback (0x11) Command Upon receipt of this command, the DSP will copy the data input on a given TDM channel to the output on another TDM channel. If one of the commanded TDM channels is an HDLC channel, then an error status is sent. CMD_channel contains the input TDM channel to use, and CMD_params contains the output TDM channel to use. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Field Length Value Description --------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD type 4 bits 0x1 DIAGNOSTIC TEST type --------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD subtype 4 bits 0x1 TDM Loopback subtype --------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD channel 1 byte 0x01 to Input TDM channel to use 0x3F --------------------------------------------------------------------- -66- EVP-SRM (DSP) Software Design Specification 67 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD length 1 byte 0x04 Length of this message --------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD params 1 byte 0x01 to Output TDM channel to 0x3F use ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Diagnostic Test. Measure Performance (0x13) Command Upon receipt of this command, the DPS will provide a perforance indicator which will represent the amount of idle time on the DSP for the last loop of the CSM. CMD_channel is 0, and there is no CMD-params section. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field Length Value Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD type 4 bits 0x1 DIAGNOSTIC TEST type ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD subtype 4 bits 0x3 Measure Performance subtype ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD channel 1 byte 0x00 Command is not channel specific ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD length 1 byte 0x03 Length of this message ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD params 0 bytes (none) 0-length CMD_params section ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table 7-6: DIAGNOSTIC TEST - TDM Loopback (0x11) Command
Diagnostic Test