Disciplinary Suspension of Wage/Salary Reduction. The employee may be given a suspension for a third violation that occurs within a period of twelve months from the date of the most recent written reprimand or if the seriousness of the violation warrants more than a written reprimand. A suspension may be for no less than three working days and no more than ten working days, depending on the seriousness of the violation. The supervisor shall write a recommendation for suspension which includes a history of all past violations and a history of the supervisory efforts to correct the problem. A detailed documentation of the facts related to the violation shall be attached. Copies of the recommendation for suspension shall be confidentially transmitted to the employee, the area Vice President, the Assistant Vice President of Human Resources, and the President. The President shall decide if the recommendation for suspension shall be transmitted to the Board of Trustees for consideration. At the discretion of the President, a recommendation to reduce the wage/salary of the employee for a period not to exceed one year may be advanced to the Board of Trustees.