Progressive Discipline. Both parties endorse the principle of progressive discipline as applied to professionals.
Progressive Discipline. For most offenses, management is expected to use a system of progressive discipline under which the employee is given increasingly more severe discipline each time an offense is committed. Management is not bound by progressive discipline in cases of serious offenses where no specific warning or prior disciplinary action need precede separation for cause. A common pattern may include oral warning, written warning, suspension, and finally, separation for cause.
Progressive Discipline. Disciplinary action shall normally include only the following measures and, depending upon the seriousness of the offense and other relevant factors, shall normally be administered progressively in the following order:
Subd. 1. Reprimands, either oral or written;
Progressive Discipline. A. The State will use progressive discipline to ensure that there is a fair and appropriate process for correcting employee performance. Progressive discipline is intended to identify problems with a Unit 16 employee's performance and provide the employee with an opportunity to bring the performance up to standard. The parties recognize that an employee's first time offense may require immediate adverse action and this section is not intended to conflict with any of the procedures set forth for disciplinary actions in Government Code Section 19570 et seq.
B. Letters of Instruction (LOI)/Work Improvement Discussions (WIDs) (as well as counseling memos, informal letters of reprimand, letters of warning, etc.) shall contain a specified expiration date, not to exceed one year if there has been no recurring behavior, upon which the employee may request the removal of the same. Upon request to the appointing authority of his/her designee, they shall be removed and destroyed, unless the employee requests the documents be returned to them for their disposal. LOI/WIDs shall be issued generally within thirty (30) days but no more than forty-five (45) days from when the incident occurred or from date of discovery of the incident that forms the basis for the LOI/WID. The employee shall have the right to submit a rebuttal to any LOI/WID. The rebuttal shall be submitted no later than thirty (30) days after issuance of the LOI/WID to the employee. This section does not apply to performance reports, probationary reports, or adverse actions.
C. LOI/WIDs shall be issued generally within thirty (30) days but no more than forty- five (45) days from when the incident occurred or from date of discovery of the incident that forms the basis for the LOI/WID. The employee shall have the right to submit a rebuttal to any LOI/WID. The rebuttal shall be submitted no later than thirty (30) days after issuance of the LOI/WID to the employee. This section does not apply to performance reports, probationary reports, or adverse actions.
D. In cases where departmental staff are investigating an employee in a situation which adverse action potentially may follow, and the decision is made to give the employee an LOI/WID, the LOI/WID shall be issued within thirty (30) days but no more than forty-five (45) days from the decision to give the employee an LOI/WID. This will not prevent the parties from negotiating a formal adverse action down to an LOI/WID.
E. Any dispute pertaining to this sectio...
Progressive Discipline. The Employer will follow the principles of progressive discipline. Disciplinary action shall be commensurate with the offense. Disciplinary action shall include:
1. One or more Verbal Reprimand (with appropriate notation in employee's file);
2. One or more Written Reprimand;
3. One or more day(s) Suspension(s) or a fine not to exceed five (5) days pay, for any form of discipline, to be implemented only after approval from the Office of Collective Bargaining.
Progressive Discipline. The employer accepts and gives effect to the concept of progressive discipline by adopting the procedures set forth below.
Progressive Discipline. Except in cases of gross misconduct, or serious insubordination, the principles of progressive discipline will be applied when performance is unsatisfactory. This will normally include a verbal warning, a written warning, and suspension prior to discharge. At each stage prior to discharge, the supervisor or administrative head will explain the performance deficiency in detail, outline the standards of performance that are expected, and warn the employee that failure to improve performance will result in further disciplinary action.
Progressive Discipline. The following progressive discipline procedures will be applied except where the serious nature of the offense may require the District to directly impose a written warning, written reprimand, or suspension without pay.
Progressive Discipline. Progressive discipline will be used in dealing with Employees whose conduct is not satisfactory.
Progressive Discipline. The College shall employ, where appropriate, progressive discipline, including but not limited to the following steps: verbal warning, written warning, suspension with pay, suspension without pay, and discharge. The College shall tailor discipline to respond to the nature and severity of the offense, and will not be required to apply progressive discipline where the College reasonably believes that the severity of the alleged offense calls for the imposition of discipline at an advanced step.